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53 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Vertebrate
Animal with a backbone.
Definition of Invertebrate
Animal without a backbone.
Definition of Oviparous
Animals that lay eggs, the embryo doesn't develop within the mother's body.
Definition of Viviparous
Animals that give birth. The embryo develops within the mother's body.
Definition of Homeotherm
Animals that can control their internal temperature (warm blooded).
Definition of Poikilotherm
Animals that can't control their internal body temp(cold blooded).
Definition of multicellular
An organism made up of many cells.
Definition of unicellular
An organism consisting of a single cells.
What are the five kingdoms and what do they contain?
Animalia, plantae,fungi, protoctista and prokaryote. They all contain a phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
How do you know an organism is from the animal Kingdom (animalia)?
multicellular, no chlorophyll or cell wall, feeds heterotrophycally(finds food from the enviroment).
How do you know is an organism is from the plant kingdom (plantae)?
It is multicellular, has chlorophyll and cellulose cell wall; they obtain foods autotrophically (through photosynthesis).
How do you know if an organism is from the Fungi Kingdom?
They are multicellular; no chlorophyll, has a cell wall but not made of cellulose, they feed satrophytically(on dead organic matter).
How do you know if an organism is from the Protoctista Kingdom?
Unicellular (except seaweed) and has a distinct nucleus.
How do you know if an organism comes from the Prokaryote Kingdom?
It is unicellular, but without distinct nucleus.
What is meant by common ancestor?
An individual from which organisms are directly descended.
Definition of species
A group of individuals able to mate and reproduce fertile offspring.
Definition of Hybrids
The infertile offspring of parents which are not of the same species.
What is wrong with the definition of Species?
Not all organisms reproduce sexually, some produce asexually.
What is wrong with the definition of Hybrid?
Now all hybrids are infertile(many plant hybrids are fertile)
What is the Binomial System?
The method of giving an organism a two-part name consisting of Genus and species E.g Homo-sapien
What are two advantages of having the Binomial system?
●It helps communicate information about the thousands of different species.
●Recognise areas of biodiversity that should be targets for conservation efforts.
What is Biodiversity?
The range of different living organisms in a habitat e.g. A woodland or a pond.
What is continuous variation ?
A characteristic 5 hats varies continously and shows a spread of values e.g. height.
What is the definition of discontinuous variation?
A characteristic that only has a limited number of value e.g. Shoe size/ blood type.
How is continuous variation displayed as?
A line graph.
How is discontinuos variation displayed as?
Bar Chart.
Definition of ring species
Chain of relayed species that are closely connected geographically.Species within the chain can interbreed and produce hybrids except for the species between the species and each end of the chain. They're changes are so great, they become distinct species.
Definition of Adaptation
The characteristics of an organism that enables it to survive in its environment.
Definition of Evolution
The process whereby organism change through time. Present day living things are descended from organisms that where different types from them e.g. bacterial resistance to antibodies.
Definition of natural selection
It is a mechanism of evolution.A process that results in the individuals of population with characteristics suited to a particular environment, surviving, reproducing and therefor passing on the genes controlling the characteristics to their offspring.
Definition if Speciation
An evolutionary process that results in nee species e.g. geographical isolation.
Definition of Environmental variation.
Aquí red characteristics caused by environmental factors e.g. lifestyle, language and even skin colour (getting a tan).
Definition of Genetic variation.
Inherited characteristics caused by mutation or reproduction e.g. eye colour.
Definition of mutation.
A permanent change to the structure of a gene- the DNA with cells is alternative.
Definition of Gene.
Section of DNA that codes for a particular characteristic by controlling the production of a particular protein/ part of a protein.
Definition of Chromosome.
Thread like structure in the cell nucleus that carry genetic information.
Definition of DNA.
Deoxyribosenucleic acid, a molecule found in all body cells in the nucleus; it's sequence determines how our bodies are made and gives a unique genetic code.
Definition of Fertilisation.
The moment when the nucleus of a sperm fuses with nucleus of the egg.
Definition of 'crossing over'.
The exchange of bits of chromosomes and their genes between chromosomes pairs.
Definition of Allele.
Different version of a gene which controls a particular characteristic.
Definition of Heterozygous.
The pair of all es of a gene were the alleles are different.
Definition of Homozygous.
Pairs of alleles of a gene were alleles are the same.
Definition of Dominant.
Allele which controls the development of a characteristics even if it's present on only one of the chromosomes of a pair of chromosomes.
Definition of Recessive.
An allele which controls the development of a characteristic only if it's dominant partner allele isn't present.
Definition of Genotype.
All of the genes of an organism.
Definition of Phenotype
All of the characteristics of an organism.
Definition of Monohybrid
The inheritance of a single characteristic.
Definition of Cross breeding.
Mating(or plant equivalent)between two individuals, resulting in offspring.
Definition of Pure-bred
A characteristic of an organism that passes unchanged from generation to generation.
Definition of dominant characteristic.
Any characteristic that appeared in the heterozygous.
Definition of recessive characteristic.
An allele that doesn't develop a particular characteristic when present with a dominant allele.
Definition of Gametes
Male and female sex cells (sperm&egg)
Definition of punnet square.
Type of genetic diagram means that sets out the result of genetic crosses in the form of alleles