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114 Cards in this Set

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_______ explains the features of all organisms from microbes to humans


_____ is descent with modification


evolution is

descent with modification

descent with modification means

changes in heritable traits from generation to generation

-not individuals

evolution occurs in

generations not individuals

population is a group of

interbreeding organisms of the same species

evolution occurs in a population when

allele frequencies change from one generation to the next

when allele frequencies change from one genreation to the next

evolution occurs in a population


alternative version for the same gene

allele frequency equation

# of copies of an allele / total # of alleles for the same gene in a population

evolution is detectable by examining the

populations gene pool

the entire collection of genes and alleles

gene pool

gene pool

the entire collection of genes and alleles

even for the same species _____ differ from population to population

gene pools

ex. asians vs indians

in 1801 ______ suggested that organisms change via aquired traits


lamarck suggested that

organisms evolve due to acquired traits

acquired traits

cannot be inherited

cannot be inherited

acquired traits

a naturalist on the HMS beagle which sailed around the world in the 1830s


darwins time on the ____ allowed for the discovery of natural selection with finches

galapagos islands

darwin thought that the finches

had descent from one ancesteral type of finch

1859 the origins of species

darwins book that descibed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution

darwins theory of natural selections 2 parts

1. organisms alive today descended from ancestral species

2. natural selection is the mechanism for descent with modification

1. organisms alive today descended from ancestral species

2. natural selection is the mechanism for descent with modification

the 2 parts of natural selection

the 2 parts of natural selection

1. organisms alive today descended from ancestral species

2. natural selection is the mechanism for descent with modification

_____ provide evidence for slow change over time


fossils of extinct species suggest

that living organisms descended from common ancestors

the idea that living organisms descended from common ancestors is suggested by

the presence of fossils

newer rock is at the


older rock at


darwins observations

overproduction of offspring and individual variation

some individuals will have more offspring than others due to

environmental factors

nature selects for

reproductive success

in ________ environmental factors cause the differential reproductive success of individuals with particular genotypes

natural selection

natural selections enviornmental factors cause

the differntial reproductive success of individuals with particular genotypes

_____ acts as a strainer
natural selection
in this lots of pheontypes go in, successfull ones come out
natural selection
explain natural selection
insertions, point mutations, and deletions of genes affect phenotypes which then are filtered through natural selection which selects for different traits in different enviornments
acquired traits are
not passed on through generations
artificial selection
aka selective breeding

-helped darwin form the theory of evolution through natural selection

_______ aka selective breeding
artificial selection
in this a human chooses desired features then allows only the individuals that best express those qualitites to reproduce
artificial selection
artifical selection
human chooses desired features then allows only the individuals that best express those qualitites to reproduce
evolutionary theory
continues to expand
evolutionary history is
how is artificial selection differnt from natural selection
natural selection is nature favoring certain traits thus allowing individuals with those traits more reproductive success and changing the gene frequency, while artificial selection is when a human favors certain traits so they only allow individuals that best express those traits to reproduce
______ molds evolution
natural selection
natural selection does not
create alleles it only favors preexisting alleles
how does natural selection happen
each generation the individuals best suited to their environment will have more reproductive success thus allowing certain alleles to become more frequent as generations pass
natural selection operates on
the variation present in a population
the struggle to survive is inevitable because
more individuals are born than resources can support
evolutionary fitness
a measure of an organisms ability to survive and reproduce
a measure of an organisms ability to survive and reproduce
evolutionary fitness
some individuals in a population are better
at reproducing than others
heritable traits that make certain advantages in individuals are
heritable traits that confer advantages in certain individuals
______ are features that provide a selective advantage because they improve a organisms ability to survive and reproduce
are features that provide a selective advantage because they improve a organisms ability to survive and reproduce
adaptations create selective advantages because
they improve an organisms ability to survive and reproduce
bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics have an __________ that non resistant bacteria lack
adaptive trait
when antibiotics are administered, _______ are strongly selected for
resistant bacteria
cannot create a resistance allele
variation in resistance was already present in the population
a factor causes the resistance allele frequency to shift
as environmental conditions change
the phenotypes that natural selection favors will also change
phenotypes that naural selection favors change as
environmental conditions change
adaptations that are perfect in one condition are
wrong in another enviornment
evolution does not have a
nothing nor natural selection has
the orchids best suited to wasp pollination are
most likely to reproduce, so their alleles get passed to the next generation most often
individuals must already posses the potential
for natural selection to select a certain trait
how can natural selection favor different phenotypes at different times
as environmental conditions change, so do the phenotypes that are favored by natural selection. different times indicate change and differnt phenotypes will match different situations
___________can shape populations in may ways
natural selection
there are _ modes of natural selection
the three modes of natural selection



the three modes of natural selection are distinguished by
their effects on the phenotypes in a population
directional selection which is a mode of natural selection
makes right or left skewed
this makes the natural selection right or left skewed
directional selection
in this mode of natural selection one phenotype is favored over another
directional selection
disruptive seleciton
extreme phenotypes are favored over an intermediate phenotype
in this mode of natural selection extreme phenotypes are favored
disruptive selection
stabilizing selection
an intermediate phenotype is favored over the extreme phenotypes
in this mode of natural selection the intermediate phenotype is favored
stabilizing selection
directional, disruptive, nor stabilizing selection explain why
natural selection maintains some harmful alleles in the population
natural selection maintains
some harmful alleles in the population
reason of why natural selection maintains some harmful alleles in the population
heterozygote advantage
heterozygote advantage
an explanation for why natural selection maintains some harmful alleles in the population

-heterozygote is favored over homozygote in reproductive success

-ex. sickle cell anemia and malaria

sexual selection
directly influences reproductive success
natural selection allows for traits that apparently reduce survival because
of sexual selection
sexual selection
a type of natural selection resulting from variation in the ability to obtain mates
a type of natural selection resulting from variation in the ability to obtain mates
sexual selection
______ results either from competition for access to the other sex or from one sex choosing attractive mates of the other sex
sexual selection
sexual selection
results either from competition for access to the other sex or from one sex choosing attractive mates of the other sex
_____ have selected mates with selective traits
geneartions of choosy females
animals spend energy on wooing the opposite sex
in order to increase their potential to mate
two ways that competition for access to mates can lead to sexual selection
1. competition for access to other sex

2. one sex choosing attractive mates of the other sex

other factors that change allele frequencies over times (evolution)
- mutations

- genetic drift

- migration

when one genotype becomes another
when new genetic variant appears in population
a mutation occured
when a chance event eliminates some alleles from ancestral population
genetic drift occured
when a new population forms from remaining subset of genotypes
genetic drift occured
many of certain genotypes leave
when migration occurs
when certain genotypes majority leave and the remaining ones with more are more common
migration occured
genetic drift
-occurs purely by chance

- randomly some alleles are removed from population or some individuals leave more descents

-most common in SMALL populations

this occurs purely by chance and is most common in small populations
genetic drift
genetic drift=
founder effect
when only a few individuals establish a new population the
allele frequency might change

aka the founder effect

founder effect type
the increased allele frequency that arises wen only a few individuals establish a new population making certain mutations more present within the population
genetic drifts two types
founder effect


bottleneck effect

bottleneck effect occurs when
a disaster drastically reduces the size of a population
this occurs when a disaster drastically reduces the size of a population
bottleneck effect
bottleneck effect of genetic drift
disaster occurs

-allele are eliminated

founder effect of genetic drift
- small group of people start new population which makes certain alleles more present than others
-moves alleles between populations

- can affect allele frequency in both populations

_______ moves alleles between populations which can affect allele frequency in both populations