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77 Cards in this Set

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In interphase-G1 the chromosomes are ______ bodied.
In interphase-S the chromosomes are ______ bodied.
In interphase-G2 what is formed?
organelles, membrane, and spindle fiber protiens
During prophase I what breaks down?
nuclear membrane
During prophase I what do the centrioles do?
migrate to opposite ends of the cell
What is synapsis and when does it occur?
the chromosomes come together, and they have genes for the same traits but aren't alike. It takes place during prophase I
When does crossing over take place?
Prophase I
What is crossing over?
exchange of material btwn homologous chromosomes
What happens to the chromosomes during metaphase I?
they line up in paris along the middle of the cell by spindle fibers.
Each nucleus of the new cell gets one of each pair of chromosomes during what phase?
anaphase I
What is independent assortment and when does it take place?
different possibilities for different traits (randomness) it takes place during anaphase I
The nuclear membrane forms during which phase?
telophase I
What happens at the end of telophase I?
there is one cell with 2 nuclei which are HAPLOID
At the end of telophase I the chromosomes are ______ bodied.
What forms during telophase I?
cleavage furrow
After cytokinesis there are ______?
2 haploid cells with double bodied chromosomes
Each new cell makes one ________ and inherits another.
The daughter cells that are produced are genetically ___?____.
In metaphase II the chromatids are not alike bc of _______.
crossing over

In anaphase II whe the chroamtids separate they are the same.
What is the result of telophase II?
one cell
2 haploid nuclei
single bodied chromosomes
What is the result of cytokinesis II?
both haploid
single bodied chromosomes
genetically different
What is the result of Meiosis II?
4 haploid single bodied genetically different daughter cells that will develop into gametes
chromosomes become double bodied in ________.
S of interphase
At the end of meiosis I and cytokinesis I the 2 resulting cells are _________.
haploid and have double bodied chromosomes
A cell in G2 of interphase II has ________.
23 double bodied chromosomes
A cell is producing protiens to make spindle fibers, new membranes and new organelles, what stage is it in?
G2 of interpahse
Genes are ______.
For each trait there are ___ factors.
If the factors present for a trait differ then __________.
one factor will be expressed
During the formation of gametes teh factors ________.
Forms of a gene are known as ______.
The cell theory is _______, ________, and ________ unit of life.
structual, functional, and reproductive
Cell division is the passing of ______ by ________.
DNA, chromosomes
Bacteria reproduce by replicating a _____ ______.
single chromosome
A means of asexual reproduction in which a parent organism divides into 2 individuals of about equal size. What is this?
binary fission
What are the 2 types of cells?
somatic and germ
Somatic cells are also ___ ___.
body cells
Germ cells produce _____.
Chromatids attach at the ______.
What are the 3 major phases of the cell cycle
interphae, nuc. division (mitosis), and cytokinesis
Most of the life of the cell is spent in what phase?
interphase -G1
The synthesis of DNA happens during which phase?
S of interphase
During prophase of mitosis what happens to the chromosomes?
they thicken (condense) and beocme visible.
Mitotic spendels form during which phase of mitosis?
during telophase of mitosis the chromosomes _______.
what are the results of mitosis?
2-2N cells (diploid)
they are identical
What controls cell division?
cell density
local growth factors
What kind of cancer can a high fat-low fiber diet cause?
colo-rectal and breast
What kind of cancer can salty diets cause?
Germ cells are your _____.
Sex organisms need _____ cells for reproduction.
germ cells are _____
gametes are _____
Interphase II has no ___ phase.
What is the purpose of meiosis II?
to make the double bodied chromosomes into single bodied chromosomes
What is non-disjunction?
Improper segregation
Improper segregation results in _________.
gametes with abnormal chromosome numbers.
Turners syndrome is also known as_______.
monosomy 21
Edwards syndrome is trisomy ___.
Patau's syndrome is tisomy ___.
Kleinfelters syndrome is ____.
Amniocentesis is the removal of ____.
amniotic fluid
Amniocentesis is performed at about ____ weeks.
14 (1/2% risk to pregnacy)
Chorionic Cillus Sampling (CVS) is cells harvested from _____.
CVS is performed at about ___ weeks.
9 (1-2% risk to pregnancy)
Somatic cells are diploid?
Germ cells are diploid?
gametes are haploid?
normal functioning chromosomes are ________ bodied.
Mitosis results in the production of nuclei that have _____ the genetic info as the original nucleus.
Most of the life of a cell is spent in ______.
DNA is replicated in during _____.
S of interphase
Synapsis and crossing over occur at _____.
prophase I
At the end of Meiosis I the resultant cells _____
are haploid, genetically different, and posses double-bodied chromosomes
At the end of Meiosis II the resultant cells _____
are haploid, genetically different and posses single bodied chromosomes.
Non-disjunction in the production of the mother's eggs are due to improper functioning of _________.
spindle fibers
What is the principle of segregation?
each parent have factors that separate