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102 Cards in this Set

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Natural Capital
Natural Resources + Natural Services

ex. air, water, nonrenewable minerals/energy, land, soil, life, solar capital, renewable energy
Natural Resources
material and energy in nature that are essential or useful to humans

2 categories-- renewable (water, air, land, soil, life)
or nonrenewable (copper, oil, coal)
Natural Services
functions of nature, which support life and human economies

ex. purification of air and water, ecosystems, population control, food production, climate control
Natural Capital Degradation
digression of normally renewable natural resources and services in parts of the world because of population rise and resource usage per person

ex. pollution, global warming, extinction, soil erosion, shrinking forests
the ability of the earth's various natural systems and human cultural systems and economies to survive and adapt to changing environmental conditions indefinitely
collecting waste materials and processing them into new materials
Scientific Method
a process of applying logical thought to answering questions about how things work

observe, question, hypothesize, experiment
a possible answer to the problem
predict a new observation and then arrange things so you can make this new observation
Knowledge doesn't =
the real world is perfect and transcendent, and that our knowledge is an attempt to create an imitation of it
study of life
study of atomic/molecular interactions
study of the fundamental components of reality
earth science
"Way of Ignorance"
T.S. Eliot

to be careful, to know the limits and efficacy of our knowledge. to be humble and to work on an appropriate scale
one of the inner planets, third rock from the sun, has an inner core, mantle, and crust
hot inside of earth, part of the geosphere
composed mostly of rock, part of the geosphere
thin outer part of geosphere
different kinds of atoms, each made up of 3 types of particles-- protons, neutrons, electrons
big, positively charged
Big, no charge
Small, negative charge
due to the number of protons and neutrons
(H) element, 1 of 4 elements that make up 96% of body weight
Continental crust
underlying the continents
Oceanic crust
underlying the oceans
the crust plus the underlying solid layer of the mantle
lower portion of mantle, melted rock-- flows slowly
Convection cells
result when cooler rock near the surface flow toward the center
Tectonic Plates
movement in the asthenosphere induces movement in the solid lithosphere, which is divided into seven huge sections called TECTONIC PLATES
Continental Drift
long term changes in the position of the continents
Divergent Plates
material from the mantle is added to the plates because the plates are pulling apart from eachother
Convergent Plates
place where plates crunch together
formed at the bend of two converging plates
Transform Fault
places where plates slide by eachother
form where plates collide (convergent).

occur where molten rock (magma) from the earth's interior emergest through an opening in the lithosphere
molten rock from the earth's interior
Hot Spot
volcanism in the middle of a plate
shock waves generated by the sudden movement or 'slippage' of plates at boundaries and faults
New Madrid
an area where a fault is on land, includes western Kentucky
means 'big wave', generated by submarine earthquakes, landslides, or by effects of volcanic eruptions
Rock Cycle
formed directly in the cooling of the crust, but once formed, it is subject to dynamic forces (earthquakes, etc.) and weathering
naturally occurring compounds with a crystalline structure
breaking down of rock into small particles, which results from physical and chemical forces such as freezing, grinding, flowing water, oxygen, etc. Plants and decomposers contribute
smaller particles are subject to being washed away or blown away
eroded particles being moved due to gravity, wind, water, collect in areas of deposition
where eroded particles that are transported collect
original rock, bulk of the earth's crust, results from cooling of magma, continually being formed by upwelling of magma, creating granite, lava, pumice, basalt, etc.
formed from deposition of eroded rock particles, often underwater. As these deposited layers get buried, they can become fused to form distinctly layered rock-- limestone, shale, sandstone
rocks are buried and experience high temperatures and pressures

limestone---> marble
shale----> slate
sandstone----> quartz
think spherical envelope of gases surrounding the earth's surface
consists of all the water on or near the earth's surface; liquid water, ice, permafrost water vapor
Surface Temperature
determined by the energy coming from the outside (sun)
the capacity to do work and transfer heat

2 main forms:
kinetic-- mass moving
potential-- "stored" in the structure, molecule, nucleus
Kinetic Energy
mass moving
Potential Energy
"stored" in a structure, molecule, nucleus--- able to become kinetic under right conditions
Nuclear Fusion
how the sun gets its energy;
atoms of hydrogen fuse to form helium-- releases large amounts of energy

requires extremely high pressure and temperature conditions
Electromagnetic waves
released by hot bodies (sun)


measures their energy level

E= hc/ upside down y

E: energy
h: planck's constant
c: speed of light
upsidedown y: wavelenth
particle property of light
property of light, measures energy level
EM waves-
Gamma,X, UV,visible, infrared, micro, radio
high energy, short wavelength - low energy, long wavelength
Peak Intensity
Max wavelength= 2.88 x 10^6 / T
Total Energy
distributed around the peak wavelength, of ROYGBIV--- blue green is at peak
Energy Density
Density decreases with distance from the sun
Solar Constant
2 cal/cm^2/min
Dynamic Equilibrium
a balance of inputs and outputs

ex. leave the tap on, open the drain


Greenhouse effect
rise in temperature that the earth faces due to the gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane) trap heat
Ice Age
last many thousands of years, covered with ice miles deep, altered the landscape and created lakes and rivers when they melted
Sea Level
changes with the change in ice pack
Feedback loops
causal cycles rather than simple causal chains like A affects B affects C
Negative feedback
increase in A increases B, which decreases A, opposite effect on A
Positive feedback
increase in A increases B, which further increases A, same effect
negative feedback, increasing solar input (heating) results in increased radiation to space (cooling)
Water Vapor
positive feedback, increased temperature increases evaporation, increased water vapor in atmosphere increases greenhouse effect
dry air moves towards
north and south, have opposite seasons
air cools and descends at lower latitudes
Trade Winds
when an ocean currents move heat around, due to earth's rotation faster at equator than at pole
Convection cells
warm moist air rises at equator, cools, rains; high dry air moves toward poles, cools and sinks.
Hadley Cells
six in earth, redistribute heat and moisture
way heat is transferred:

movement of heated fluid due to density
way heat is transferred:

direct contact – molecular collisions
EM waves from hot body
alters climate, higher altitude air is colder-- lower pressure
high altitude-- colder
Rain Shadow
drier on the "lee" side
large air masses generally moving and interacting- local climate conditions frequently change
where different air masses contact, energy is transferred
Warm front
moving warm air mass contacts a cold mass, it rises up, widespread clouds
Cold Front
moving cold mass drives under a warm air mass, sudden cooling, strong winds and rain
high energy concentration can result in special storms with spiraling high velocity winds
high energy concentration can result in special storms with spiraling high velocity winds
Hydrologic Cycle
solar driven evaporation of water into air begins a ccle as the warm most air rises, condenses to clouds and rain, which returns directly to surface water (lakes, oceans) via rivers and underground (ground water flow) and so on
Percent Composition of the Atmosphere (CO2, O2, N2)
in Venus, Mars, Earth w/out life, Earth
CO2 O2 N2

Venus 96.5 trace 3.5

Mars 95 .13 2.7

Earth 98 .0 1.9

Earth .03 21 78
generates oxygen as a by-product, the source of the oxygen0rich atmosphere on earth
lithosphere+ hydrosphere + atmosphere + life

biosphere is thin
aerobic metabolism
a consequence of the change due to photosynthesis
energy in sugar used for metabolism

Sugar + O2 = Energy +CO2 + H2O
sunlight interacts with oxygen to create

absorbs ultraviolet waves in the sunlight, which are high energy and potentially damaging to living organisms