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75 Cards in this Set

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A food that is high in fiber likely contains a lot of


The addition of water turns monomers from a polymer


Which of the following is an assumption that underlies all scientific inquiry?

Uniformity in time and space

Example that is not a property of water:

water is nonpolar

Cell Theory states...

All cells arise from preexisting cells

What occurs at the atomic level to explain a diet that is rich in antioxidants?

Antioxidants stop the cellular damage caused by free radicals

The endosymbiotic hypothesis suggests...

Mitochondria are descended from little cells engulfed by bigger cells

A basic solution has...

More hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions

An inferential study is one that...

Investigates cause and effect

What is the unifying theory of biology?

Evolution by natural selection

Organelles involved in packaging proteins into vesicles

Golgi apparatus

A cell laching membrane-bound organelles

Prokaryotic cell

Fundamental unit of matter that retains the properties of an element


Scientific explanation that is no longer tentative but overwhelmingly supported by evidence is know as...


Evolution is the cause for a change from pre-existing forms to modern-day organisms.

Underlying causes for change?

Allele frequencies of the species' population.

List of components of scientific method in correct order

Observe. hypothesize, experiment, conclude

Second step in scientific method...


What bond is caused by polarity between two water molecules?q

Hydrogen bond

What is the most dense form of water?

Liquid water

Faith-based assertions (e.g. spirituality, supernatural) are not scientific because...

Faith-based assertions are not testable.

Nucleotide is composed of...

A sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base.

What provides long-term energy storage for plants?


Fats that are solid at room temperature?

Saturated fats

Mitosis refers to the process in which...

Diploid eukaryotic cells asexually divide.

Nuclear envelope forms around chromosomes and chromosomes unwind


Chromosomes align on the "equator" of the cell


Sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes


Represents the longest stage in eukaryotic cell cycle


Duplicated chromosomes condense and are captures by spindle microtubules


Chitin composes insect exoskeletons


Your hair and fingernails



Nucleic acids



Contains a carbon framework

All your types of biological molecules

Candle Wax


Essential Amino Acids






Composed of cellulose in plants

Cell wall

Site of protein systhesis, in rough endoplasmic reticulum


Site of lipid synthesis

Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum

Absent in animal cells

Cell wall

Where ATP is produced


Control center of the cell


Definition of hypothesis

A generalized explanation of a natural phenomena

7 Characteristics of all living things

C - Composed of cells

H - Maintain homeostasis

E - Acquire energy

E - Capacity to evolve

R - Able to reproduce

S - Respond to stimuli

G - Grow

Female scientist responsible for the use of the x-ray diffractor discovering the double-helical structure of DNA?

Rosalind Franklin

All living organisms

Can move, require energy, and can evolve

All are scientific principles that underlie scientific inquiry

Natural causality

Objective thought

Uniformity in time and space

First step in the scientific method


A hypothesis should be phrased as an "if , and then " statement.

FALSE. Prediction

The attraction of water molecules to other water molecules is an example of


What is the fundamental unit of all matter?


A carefully formulated scientific explanation that is based on a large accumulations of observations/data and is as close to biological fact as possible is termed as a/an...


Scientists now recommend a diet rich in antioxidants to stay healthy. What occurs at the atomic level?

Antioxidants stop the chain reaction of cellular damage caused by free radicals

The hydrogen bond between two water molecules arises because water is...


Acidic = lowest pH balance

Basic = highest pH balance


What process causes unrelated organisms living under similar environmental demands to evolve superficially similar structures?

Convergent Evolution

Charles Darwin's nickname was...


One of Charles Darwins' first discoveries in South America was bones from a huge mammal that turned out to be...

A giant ground sloth

What can evolve?


Which piece of evidence led Charles Darwin to believe that land was "sinking" and mountains were "rising"

Fossilized shells at 13,000 feet

First two years at cambridge Darwin spent most of his time...

Collecting beetles

Two monosaccharide that composes starch is...


Organic molecules are composed of...

Carbon 1

Hydrogen 2

Oxygen 1

Is an electrolyte a major biological molecule?

Carbohydrate, lipid, protein, nucleic acids?

Electrolyte = No

Rest = Yes

During dehydration synthesis two water molecules join together and in the process...

Lose a water molecule

The process by which the disaccharide maltose is broken into 2 molecules of glucose is an example of...


What is the monomer of proteins?

Amino Acids

What is the monomer of carbohydrates?


Cell theory states...

1. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells

2. Cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms

3. The smallest living organisms are single cells

4. Grass cells come from grass cells

NOT - spontaneous generation of cells

Features of prokaryotic cells

1. Plasma membrane

2. Genetic material

3. Ribosomes

4. Cytoplasm

NOT - A nuclear membrane

The surface area of a cell limits its size


What are the two main types of cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic

What is found in all cells

1. Genetic materials

2. Cytoplasm

3. Ribosome

4. Plasma Membrane