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60 Cards in this Set

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What does the resolution do on a microscope?
Clarity; makes sharper and clearer, result in power is better, better of the two
What does the magnification on a microscope do?
Larger; makes visible to the human eye
What does a scanon electron microscope do?
Surface detail
What does a transmission electron microscope do?
Internal detail
What is the cell theory?
All living things are composed of cells and all cells come from other cells.
What is the diameter for most cells?
10-100 microns
As a cell size increases what happens?
The volume of the cell increases faster then the surface area
What do plant cells have?
Chloroplast and cell walls
What do animal cells have?
What is Chromatin?
Long fibers of DNA and protein
What does the golgi apparatus do?
Packages and modifies proteins and stores substances
What do lysosomes do?
Help to digest worn out organelles; all of the above
What is the function of chloroplasts?
What is the function of mitochondria?
Cellular respiration
What happens if a cell lacks ribosomes?
It cannot synthesis proteins
What is the cytoskeleton responsible for and what is it made up of?
Cell shape, organization and movement; made up of 3 proteins- microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments
What is kinetic energy?
Energy of motion
What is potential energy?
Standing energy
What are two types of chemical reactions that give energy?
Exergonic and endogonic
What is ATP?
The energy currency of most cells
What is phosphoralation?
When you transfer a phosphate to another organic compound
What lowers activation energy?
When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction
What is the substrate?
The active site of an enzyme
Which of the following can affect rate of enzymatic reaction?
All of the above
What is selectively permeable?
Plasma membrane chooses what comes in and goes out
What are the functions of a plasma membrane?
NOT the control center of the cell
What is considered a passive process?
Diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion (filtration)
This requires facilitation across the membrane?
Transport protein goes down
What is isotonic?
Solute and water concentrations are the same.
What is hypotonic?
Low solute concentration, high water
What is hypertonic?
High solute concentration, low water.
Active transport?
Uses ATP as energy source; all of the above
Water will flow from balloon to _______.
What is pinocytosis?
Cell drinking
What is phagocytosis?
Cell eating
What is oxidation?
The loss of electrons
What is reduction?
The gain of electrons
What are two enzymes that are involved in rodox reaction?
Oxidase and dehydrogenase
What is substrate-level phosphorylation?
What is another name for krebs cycle?
Citric acid cycle
What is the result of glycolysis?
The breakdown of a 6 carbon sugar into 2 3 carbon sugars; anarobic
What is the krebs cycle?
Extraction of electrical energy - complete breakdown of carbon; aerobic
At the end of the krebs cycle, most energy is stored in?
In ETC, whats the finale electron acceptor?
What causes muscle soreness?
Lactic acid
How is glucose broke down?
Three steps; Glycolysis, kreb's cycle and ETC
What happens in the mitochondria?
Aerobic phase of respiration takes place
What is the ETC?
Conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP; aerobic
What is the net production of ATP after glycolysis?
What is the net production of ATP after kreb's cycle?
What is the net production of ATP after ETC?
The kreb's cycle is the source for which we exhale?
Overall equation for photosynthesis is?
6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2
What are the end results of light reaction?
What are the end results of dark reaction?
What is the difference between photostystem 1 and photosystem 2?
Photosystem 1 is P700 and photosystem 2 is P680
Where do plants get carbon from?
Carbon Dioxide
Where at in the cell does cellular respiration occur?
Glycolysis- cytoplasm
Kreb's cycle- matrix of mitochondria
ETC- cristae of mitochondria
What is fermentation?
An anerobic process that results in the production of alcohol or acids
What is photosynthesis and where does it take place?
The process by which plants use light energy to produce glucose; chloroplasts