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119 Cards in this Set

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Asexual Reproduction

One parent gives to offspring that are IDENTICAL to the parent

Who uses Asexual Reproduction?
single celled eukaryotes (yeast, euglenas)
single celled protists
multicellular (star fish plants)
What is the consequence of asexual reproduction?
All offspring are genetic equals (not much variation)
Sexual Reproduction
Two parents, offspring are different from each other and parents
The two phases of eukaryotic cell cycle
What are the 3 subphases of interphase?
1) G1
2) S
3) G2
G1 (Gap 1)

3 things
1) before dna synthesis
2) increase in cell organelles
3) general growth

S (Synthesis)

3 things

1) DNA replication occurs
2) Chromosomes replicate and remain joined to their replicated partner (sister chromatids)
3) More cell growth

G2 (Gap 2)

3 things

1) After DNA synthesis
2) Increase in protein synthesis
3) General metabolic activity (making ATP) and growth

Mitosis (M) 4 subphases

1) prophase
2) metaphase
3) anaphase
4) telephase
90 percent of the cells time is in what phase?
Interphase prcedes what two processes?
mitosis and meiosis
4 things
1) DNA condenses (coils) becomes visiible in light microscope

2) Nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappear

3) spindle- begins to form (microtubules) --attaches to kinetochore, centrosome

4) sister chromatids (replicated chromosomes) move towards the equator of cell
This is what one end of a spindle joins to, its located at the centromere of each chromatid
The other end of a spindle joins to this microtubule organizing center?
Metaphase "midway"
3 things
1) Sister chromatids are at metaphase plate (equator)

2) Spindle is completed

3) nuclear envelope is completely gone
If spindle fibers at the equator are not attached to chromatids, what are they attached to?
Other fibers originating at the opposite pole
3 things
1) sister chromatids seperate and become chromosomes and go to opposite poles

2) spindles shorten (attached to chromosomes)

3) spindles lengthen (attached to other fibers) causing the cell to elongate
When does telophase (cytoskinesis) begin?
once all chromosomes are at spindle poles

(4) things)

1) DNA- uncoil

2) Nuclear envelopes and nucleoli reappear

3) spindle disappears

4) cytokinesis cell divides into two

Cytokinesis (cell divides into two) in animals

ring of microfilaments pinch cell in middle, and cytoplasm divides into two cells

Cytokinesis (cell divides into two) in plants

"Cell plate formation"

Fusion of vesicles filled with cell wall materials at the equator forms two cells
Two types of proteins that are "doers" of the cell cycle
1) kinases
2) growth factors
enzymes that add phosphates to other proteins
Growth factors

proteins that activate various genes telling the cell to grow and divide

Two classes of "checkpoint" gene products (proteins) that regulate mitosis?
1) proto-oncogenes
2) tumor suppressors
Which checkpoint class is like the gas in a car?
Which checkpoint class is like the brakes in the car?
tumor suppressors
3 major characteristics of all malignant neoplasms (cancers)
1) grow and divide abnormally
2) cytoplasm and plasma membrane become altered, cytoskeleton shrinks
3) weakened capacity to adhere
What kind of impact does cancer have on the developed world in terms of the cause of death?
causes 15-20 percent of all death
Why does a drug like taxol work to kill cancer cells?
It keeps microtubules from diassembling and hampers mitosis
How many new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. each year?
What kind of proteins are BRCA-1 and BRCA-2?
Tumor suppressor
Normall, BRCA proteins bind to receptors that then do what?
Regulate the transcription of growth factor genes

How is this process altered when there is a mutant BRCA protein?

Growth factors are overproduced because BRCA cannot bind to the receptors. Cell division goes out of control, and tissue growth becomes disorganized which leads to cancer

According to may sources including the American Society of Breast Surgeons, the risk of getting breast cancer if a woman inherits a mutant BRCA gene is what?

80 percent
What is the estimated risk of getting breast cancer for the average woman?
12 percent
a sex cell(sperm or egg)
meiosis of diploid cell
Somatic cell
Any cell that is not a gamete
It is mitosis of a diploid cell
Homologous chromosomes
two chromosomes that are nearly identical (one from mom one from dad), same location, different "versions"
22 autosomes means 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes
Sex chromosomes
Which pair is the sex dermining pair in chromosomes?
23rd pair
Diploid cells
two sets of chromosomes (2n)
Haploid cells
A single set of chromosomes
Meisos: chromosomes number is reduced by?
one diploid cell gives rise to 4 haploid cells
What cells use Meiosis?
specialized diploid reproductive cells in testes and ovaries
What is the purpose of Meiosis (2)?
1) Keep the chromosomes # from doubling each generation

2) Produce variation "shuffle the alleles
Meiosis stages
1) interphase (GI,2,G2)
2) Prophase 1
3) Metaphase 1
4) Anaphase 1
5) Telophase 1 and cytokinesis
6) prophase II - Telephase II

makes 4 haploid cells

Is interphase the same in mitosis and meiosis?

What is different in prophase I than prophase of mitosis?
1) chromatids align as tetrads
4 chromatids= replicated homologs

2) synapsis = crossing over

3) hybrid chromosomes = result of crossing over
What is different in metaphase I than metaphase of mitosis?
1) tetrads line up at metaphase plate
2) tetrads are attached to spindle fibers
Anaphase I
homologs separate from each other
Telophase I and cytokinesis
1) spindle disappears
2) nuclear envelopes and nucleoli- reappear (some species)
3) DNA- may uncoil (some species)
4) Cytokinesis results in 2 cells (sister chromatids still joined)
Prophase II-Telophase II
Same of mitosis, sister chromatid separate and produce four cells
Is there interphase between meiosis I and meisos II?
What separates in meiosis one?
homologs seperate (2 cells form)
What separates in meiosis two?
sister chromatids seperate (4 cells form) HAPLOID

Independent Orientation

Orientation of homologs at metaphase I (Meiosis 1) plate
According to Independent Orientation how many total number combinations in a diploid cell? formula?
2 raised to n (number of pairs of chromosomes-combindations)
How many total combinations would there be in humans? According to indepedent orientation?
2 raised to 23

8 million
Random fertilization
Fusion of the haploid nuclei of two gametes. This is where chromosome number is restored.
Formula for random fertilization
(2^n) (2^n)

According to random fertilization how many combination's in a human?

64 trillion combinations

What leads to genetic variability (meiosis)?
1) indepedent orientation
2) random fertilization
3) crossing over during synapsis of PROPHASE 1- random occurs approximately 1 to 2 times per homolog pair
Principle of segregation
Gregor Mendel
Diploid cells have pairs of genes on pairs of homologous chromosomes.

The two genes of each pair are segregated-seperated from each other during meiosis so they end up in different gametes


unit of information about specific traits
ex: pea color
Humans have about how many genes spread out among their 23 chromosomes?
22,000 genes
How many copies of every gene are in each somatic cell?
2 copies
alternate versions of a gene
Example of allele?
yellow or green
Pure breeding or homozygote
two identical alleles for a trait

ex: AA, aa
Hybrid or heterozygote
two different alleles
Dominant allele
Allele that is expressed in a heterozygote

Aa= yellow
Recessive allele
Allele that is masked in a heterozygote
allelic composition of a gene

Aa, AA, aa
expression of a trait

yellow or green
homozygous recessive for all genes being examined
Homozygote x Homozygote

genotypes of offspring?
phenotypes of offsprint?
genotypes: all the same
phenotypes: all the same
Monohybrid x Monohybrid

genotypic ratio?
phenotypic ratio?
genotypic ratio: 1:2:1

phenotypic ratio: 3:1
Monohybrid x tester

genotypic ratio:
phenotypic ratio:
genotypic ratio: 1:1
phenotypic ratio: 1:1
Mendels principle of independent assortment
As meiosis ends, genes on pairs of homologous chromosomes have been sorted out for distribution into one gamete or another, independently of gene pairs of other chromosomes.
Dihybrid x dihybrid

phenotypic ratio?

9: both dominant
3: one dom, one recessive
3: one recess, one dominant
1: both recessive
Dihybrid x tester

phenotypic ratio?
3 things Mendel did not observe
1) multiple alleles
2) codominance
3) incomplete inheritance
Multiple alleles
3 or more alleles for one gene in a population

A1, A2, A3

example: red blood cells
Ia (rbcs make a antigen on surface), Ib(rbcs make b antigen on surface), i (rbcs make no antigen)
They are both expressed in a heterozygote

ex:Ia and Ib
Incomplete Dominance
One allele of a pair is not fully dominant over the other in a heterozygote, so an "intermediate" phenotype is observed

ex: A (red) and a (white)
Aa (pink)

Phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio are the same
Rule of Multiplication (Product Rule)
The probability of a compound event is the product of separate probabilities

Rare Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Need one dominant allele to have the disease. (A/a=disease, A/A death rarely seen a/a normal)

Affected individuals usually have one affected parents

Doesnt skip generations
Examples of Rare Autosomal Dominant Disorders (2)
1) achondroplasia- dwarfism
2) huntington's disease--neurological
Rare Autosomal Recessive Disorders
Needs two recessive alleles to have the disease (A/A normal, A/a normal carrier, a/a has disease)

Affected individuals usually have unaffected parents

Skips generations

Inbreeding increases frequency in a population
What increases Rare Autosomal Recessive Disorders in a population?
Examples of Rare Autsomal Recessive Disorders (3)
1) cystic fibrosis
2) tay sachs disease
3) sickle cell disease
Cystic fibrosis
-1 in 20 carriers
-most common genetic disease in Caucasians
-it is thick mucus in lungs and respiratory tract, chronic lung infections, malnutrition because of missing pancreatic enzymes, infertility in males, salty babies
Tay Sachs Disease
-jewish child dead by 3
Sickle Cell Disease
-1 in 12 carriers
- defect with hemoglobin
-most common genetic disease associated with individuals of African descent

Examples of some common autosomal single gene Traits (4)

1) feckles, no freckles
2) widows peak, straight hairline
3) free earlobes, attached earlobes
4) left thumb, right thumb

these are not rare, and they do not affect survival or reproduction
Rare X-linked recessive disorders
mutated gene is located on the x chromosome

only one recessive allele is needed in males to have disease

females would need two copies
Rare X-linked recessive disorders: usually have affected or unaffected parents?
unaffected parents
What increases Rare X linked recessive disorders?
inbreeding in population
Examples of rare x-linked recessive disorders (3)
1) red-green colorblindness
2) hemophilia- bleeding disorder
3) muscular dystrophies- muscular degenerative diseases


Abnormal number of chromosomes in humans

(2n + 1) 47 chromsomes

What causes Anueploidy?

errors in meiosis; nondisjunction in meiosis I and meisis II

Non disjunction in meiosis I
Homologs dont seperate; all aneuploid (n+1) (n+1) (n-1) (n-1)
Non disjunction in meiosis II

Sister chromatids dont separate in one of the two cells; 1/2 aneupoloid

(n) (n) (n+1) (n-1)

Aneuploidy in autosomes


Losing one autosome, not compatible with life (human)
Gain one autosome
Trisomy 13,18,21
down syndrome, only ones that make it through development to birth
What increases the risk of Aneuploidy in autsomes?
Woman ages because her eggs are arrested in prophase I, non-disjunction becomes more common

Aneuploidy in sex chromosomes

gain or loss of sex chromosome

Examples of aneuploidy in sex chromosomes (4)


Trisomy; Kleninfelters syndrome, feminized male, tall and thin, immature breasts, sterile


"Turners syndrome"
monosomy of the x
webbed neck
sterile (female)


normal fertile females

Fred Griffith

investigated the nature of genetic material mouse experiment with s & r stains of streptococcous

What was the consensus at the time on genetic material?

That eukaryote chromsomes carry genetic material and it consists of DNA and proteins

Genetic material was either DNA or proteins

Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, Maclyn McCarty

Test nature of genetic materials, DNA-inheritable, similar experiment with mice

Use DNase and protease to determine