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74 Cards in this Set

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Individual uniqueness
there will never be another living organism exactly like me. exception: identical twins
Mendel's First Law
Law of Segregation. Happens during gamete formation
Mendel's Second Law
Independent assortment
inheritance pattern of one does not affect the other.
a cell containing a single set of chromosomes.
a cell that contains two homologous sets of chromosomes
any chromosome other than a sex chromosome
Sex Chromosome
a chromosome that determines whether an individual is male or female.
a haploid reproductive cell (sperm or egg)
any of the alternate forms of a gene
Dominant allele
the allele that is fully expressed in the heterozygote.
Recessive allele
an allele whose effects are masked in heterozygotes by the presence of a dominant allele.
the condition of having two different alleles for a given gene.
the division of a single diploid nucleus into four daughter nuclei.
results in haploid gametes
the division of a single nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei.
Chromosome Crossover
in humans: multiple crossovers, 5 or more, increase gamete variabilities
Monozygotic twin
indential, occurs when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote which then divides into two separate embryos.
Dizygotic twin
fraternal twin, twins that are derived from two separtely fertilized eggs.
Commonality of life
same building blocks are used for constructing biological molecules, same genetic code is used, same biosynthetic processes and machinery is used, same enzymes serve as catalysts for smilar biological reactions
the first stage of gene expression in which a mRNA molecule is synthesized from a sequence of DNA.
the synthesis of a polpeptide using the genetic information encoded in a mRNA molecule.
Genetic code
the set of rules that govern the correspondence between nucleotide triplets (codons) in mRNA and amino acids in a protein.
an organic monomer consisting of a five-carbon sugar bonded to a nitrogenous base and a phoshate group.
they are building blocks of nucleic acids.
a noncellular particle that consists of a protein coat surrounding a strand of genetic material.
Genetic engineering
the isolation, maipulation, and reintroduction of DNA into cells or organisms.
a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
Cystic Fibrosis (Autosomal Recessive)
a genetic diease that occurs when two copies of a recessive allete is present. it is characterized by an excessive secretion of mucus.
Genetic disorders
the harmful effect produced when a detrimental allele occurs in a human population
a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.
a fatal genetic disorder that results in the accumulation of gangliosides in neurons
abnormal chromosomal movement
Genetic testing
possible because of the genetic code
Somatic cells
Body cells
can become another individual
all types of cells (220)
the blastocyst has passed from the fallopian tube into the uterus and is now called an embryo
can only be self (skin cells)
Stem cell
cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst that retain the capacity of differenctiating into any cell type
Inner cell mass (Embryo)
early development stage of an organism that is produced from a fertilized egg
IVF procedure
stimulation for ovulation
oocyte retrieval
in vitro fertilization
in vitro embryo development
uterine implantation
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
remove nucleus from an adult cell
remove the nucleus from the recipient egg
transfer the nucleus into the egg
remaining producdure-IVF
starts off as male and becomes a female Clown fish
starts off as female and become a male Wrasses
CAIS Explain this disorder
Marilyn Seville-XY chromosomes-but her gene that encodes for the testosterone receptor is either missing or mutated.
xy genotype
testosterone receptors mutated
x linked recessive
female phenotype
CAH Explain this disorder
mutation in a gene that encodes an enzyme necessary for the metabolism of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. ex- christine has female geniltalia internally, but has male geniltalia externally
bone marrow, any one of a certain type
where embryo gets nutrients, Placenta
SRY gene
a gene on the y chromosome known as the sex determining region y gene, becomes active at around six weeks after fertilization. activate genes to guide their development into testes.
Coding capacity of the human genome
22,000 genes
Protein Coding Sequences 1.5%
Non Coding Sequences 97%
Regulatory Sequences 1.5%
99.9% identical
testes, adrenal gland. development of male internal and external genitalia, reduces breast development, triangular body shape, promotes body and facial hair
ovaries, adrenal gland, breast. development of female internal and external geniltalia. hour glass shape, breast development, reduces facial and body hair
is more attractive then individuals
Operational sex ratio
favors males bc females are only able to produce during fetal devlopment
female choice
male-male competition
Two fold cost of sex is referred to as..
sexual reproduction
Human eggs are produced
only during fetal development
The SRY gene encodes a transcriptional factor, which binds to DNA to induce the synthesis of...
Androgen insensitive syndrome is due to mutation in the ____ gene
testosterone receptor
The external genitalia of congenital adrendal hyperplasia are mostly
Junk DNA
What are the causes of genetic disorders?
Calculate Possible zygote combo
z= p+m
(8.4x10^6)x(8.4x10^6)= 70 trillion
Fraternal multiple births are created by
multiple egg and sperm
Chromosome crossover takes place during
meiosis 1
Gregor Mendel used __ in his breeding study
Garden peas
Gregor Mendels research on genetics was
ignored for 35 years
The model organios that was used by Thomas Hunt Morgan to study genetics was
fruit fly
The double helix structure of DNA allows for
accurate replication
error checking
all of the above
The building blocks of proteins are
amino acids
Genetic Engineering is possible, mostly because of the use of
universal genetic code
Most recessive traits are due to __ mutation
loss of function
There are 6 billion bp in the human ___ genome
In the current DNA sequencing technology, the fragment size for accurate sequence determination is __ bp
Embroyonic stem cells are derived from
bone marrow