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89 Cards in this Set

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Primitive seas contained simple inorganic and organic compounds
Salts, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, water
Stanley L. Miller (1953)
Discovered formation of organic compounds(urea, hydrogen cyanide, acetic acid, and lactic acid) from applying uv radiation, heat or a combo of the two with a mixture of methane, hydrogen, ammonia and water.
Coacervate Droplets
Cluster of colloidal molecules surrounded by a shell of water
Primitive autotrophs fixed ____, making ____ as a waste product?
CO2, O2
Autotrophic Anaerobes
Chemosynthetic bacteria
Autotrophic Aerobes
Green plants, phytoplankton
Heterotrophic Anaerobes
Heterotrophic Aerobes
Amoebas, earthworms, humans
Inorganic Compounds
Compounds that do not conatin the element carbon including salts and HCl.
Organic Compounds
Made by living systems contain carbon
All living things are primarily composed of ?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus
Unit of an element is?
Unit of a compound?
Cell Theory
-all living things are composed of cells
-the cell is the basic fundamental unit of life
-cells arise only from pre-existing cells
-cells carry genetic info in the form of DNA, passed from parent cell to daughter cell.
Compound Light Microscope
Uses two lenses or lens systems to maginfy an object.
Phase Contrast Microscopy
permits study of living cells without killing specimen
Electron Microscopy
Uses beam of electrons to allow a thousandfold higher magnification than is possible with light. Can't examine live specimens.
used to separate cells or mixtures of cells without destroying the in the process. Denser parts will sink to the bottom.
Cell membrane
Consists of phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded throughout. Lipids and many of the proteins can move freely within the membrane.
Carrier proteins
help larger charged molecules cross the membrane
-Cell wall present (composed of peptidoglycans)
-No nucleus
-Ribosomes(30s and 50s)
-No membrane bound organelles
-Protists, fungi, plants, animals
-Cell wall in fungi and plants only
-Ribosomes (40s and 60s)
-Membrane bound organelles
-controls activities of the cell including cell division
-contains DNA
-complexed with histones to form chromosomes
dense structure in the nucleus where ribosomal RNA synthesis occurs.
Site of protein production, synthesized by the nucleoulus
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Network of membrane-enclosed spaces involved in the transport of materials throughout the cell. Particularly those materials destined to be secreted by the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Receives vesicles and their contents from the smooth ER, modifies them, repackages them into vesicles, and distributes them to the cell surfaces by exocytosis.
Sites of aerobic respiration within the cell and hence the suppliers of energy. Bounded by an outer and inner phospholipid bilayer.
Where most of the cells metabolic activity occurs.
transport within the cytoplasm-streaming movement within the cell
Vacuole/ Vesicle
membrane bound sacs involved in the transport and storage of materials that are ingested, secreted, processed, or digested by the cell. Vacuoles are lager than vesicles and mostly found in plants than in animal cells.
Microtubules involved in spindle organization during cell division, not bound by a membrane. Animals usually have them in the centrosome. Plants do not have them.
membrane bound vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes for intracellular digestion.
cell commits "suicide" -ruptures lysosome membrane to release hydrolytic enzymes.
composed of microtubules and microfilaments gives cell mechanical support, maintains shape, and functions in cell motility.
Simple Diffusion
Net movement of dissolved particles down their concentration gradient- from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration (passive)
Simple diffusion of water from a region of lower solute to a region of higher solute.
Hypertonic Solution
Extracellular medium has more solute than the cytoplasm of the cell.
Water will flow out of the cell.
water leaves the cell causing the cell to shrivel.
Extracellular environment is less concentrated than cytoplasm of the cell and water to flow in the cell causing it to swell and LYSE.(burst)
Facilitated Diffusion
down gradient, carrier, no energy required-passive
Active Transport
against gradient, carrier, energy required
Transportation of material within cells and throughout the body of the multicellular organism.
Intracellular Circulation
-Brownian Movement
-Cyclosis/ streaming
-Endoplasmic Reticulum
Brownian Movement
movement of particles due to kinetic energy which spreads small suspended particles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell.
Circular motion of cytoplasm around the cell transport molecules
Endoplasmic reticulum
provides channels throughout the cytoplasm and provides a direct and continuous passageway from the plasma membrane to nuclear membrane.
Extracellular Circulation
-Circulatory System
from of transport that can get food and oxygen from environment to the cells in close contact with the external environment
Circulatory System
vessels that transport fluid and a pump to drive the circulation.
-lower activation energy
-increase rate of the reaction
-do not affect the overall delta G of the reaction
-not changed or consumed over the course of the reaction
Lock and Key Theory
theory discounted, the structure of an enzyme's active site is not exactly complementary to substrate.
Induced Fit
widely accepted theory, active site is flexible with shape
Enzyme Reversibility
most enzyme reactions are reversible, the product synthesized by an enzyme can be decomposed by the same enzyme.
Enzyme Action
dependent on environmental factors sucha s pH, temperature, concentration of the enzyme.
Effects of Temperature on Enzymes
-increase in temp. = increase in rate
-until optimum temp is reached (~40 C)
-beyond optimal temp, heat alters shape of the active site of enzyme
Effects of pH on Enzymes
-optimal pH 7.2
-anything above or below declines enzymatic activity
works best in highly acidic conditions (pH=2)
Effects of Concentration
increase of substrate concentration will increase reaction rate until Vmax is reached.
Digest large molecules into smaller components.
-In multicellular organisms, digestion can begin outside of the cells. Other rxns occur within cells.
Ex. Lactase hydrolyzes lactose to monosaccharrides glucose and galactose.
Proteases degrade proteins to amino acids, and Lipases break down lipids to fatty acids and glycerol.
Synthesis Reactions
-directions of reactions are reveresed compared to hydrolysis.
-occurs in different parts of the cell
-required for growth, repair, regulation, protection, and production of food reserves such as fat and glycogen by the cell.
-incorporation of a non-protein molecule to become active.
-can be metal cations (Zn2+, Fe2+)
-can be coenzymes
Prosthetic Groups
cofactors which bind to the enzyme by strong covalent bonds
converts energy of sun to chemical energy of bonds in compounds such as glucose.
conversion of the chemical energy in bonds to usable energy needed to drive the process of living cells.
-high energy hydrogen atoms are removed from organic molecules
Carbohydrates and Fats
-favored fuel molecules
-as hydrogen is removed bond energy is made available.
-C-H bond releases largest amount of energy per mole
Carbon dioxide
-little usable energy, stable energy exhausted end product of respiration
-oxidation reaction
-removes hydrogen atoms
Redox Reaction
-acceptance of hydrogen
-forms high energy phosphate bond in ATP
Electron Transport Chain
series of steps for reductions
Glucose Catabolism
degradative oxidation of glucose occurs in two stages: glycolysis, and cellular respiration
stage1: leads to oxidative breakdown of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, ATP, and reduction of NAD+ into NADH.
-occurs in the Cytoplasm
Glycolytic Pathway
1 Glucose--->2 Pyruvate
2ATP used in steps 1-3
4ATP generated (2 in step 6 and 9)
NET ATP Production per Glucose=2
1NADH produced per PGAL
Net PGAL per Glucose=2
Pyruvate Degradation
-anaerobic= reduces pyruvate during the process of fermentation
-aerobic= further oxidizes pyruvate during cell respiration in the mitochondria
-Reducing pyruvate into ethanol or lactic acid
-produces only 2 ATP per Glucose
-involves glycolysis and additional steps
Alcohol Fermentation
-commonly occurs in only yeast and some bacteria
-pyruvate converted to ethanol
-NAD+ is regenerated and glycolysis can continue
Lactic Acid Fermentation
-occurs in fungi and bacteria and human muscle cells during strenuous activity.
-when O2 lags behind the rate of glucose catabolism pyruvate is reduced to lactic acid
-NAD+ is regenerated
Glucose Catabolism
degradative oxidation of glucose occurs in two stages: glycolysis, and cellular respiration
stage1: leads to oxidative breakdown of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, ATP, and reduction of NAD+ into NADH.
-occurs in the Cytoplasm
Glycolytic Pathway
1 Glucose--->2 Pyruvate
2ATP used in steps 1-3
4ATP generated (2 in step 6 and 9)
NET ATP Production per Glucose=2
1NADH produced per PGAL
Net PGAL per Glucose=2
Pyruvate Degradation
-anaerobic= reduces pyruvate during the process of fermentation
-aerobic= further oxidizes pyruvate during cell respiration in the mitochondria
-Reducing pyruvate into ethanol or lactic acid
-produces only 2 ATP per Glucose
-involves glycolysis and additional steps
Alcohol Fermentation
-commonly occurs in only yeast and some bacteria
-pyruvate converted to ethanol
-NAD+ is regenerated and glycolysis can continue
Lactic Acid Fermentation
-occurs in fungi and bacteria and human muscle cells during strenuous activity.
-when O2 lags behind the rate of glucose catabolism pyruvate is reduced to lactic acid
-NAD+ is regenerated
Cellular Respiration
most efficient catabolic pathway used by organisms to harvest the energy stored in glucose.
-yields 36-38 ATP per Glucose
-aerobic process
-oxygen is a final acceptor of glucose oxidation
-occurs in eukaryotic mitochondrion
3 stages of Cellular Respiration
1-Pyruvate Decarboxylation
2-Citric Acid Cycle(Krebs)
3-Electron Transport Chain
Pyruvate Decarboxylation
-pyruvate formed during glycolysis is sent from the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial matrix where it is decarboxylated.
-loses CO2
-remaining acetyl group transferred to coenzyme A to form acetyl CoA.
-NAD+ reduced to NADH.
Citric Acid Cycle
-Krebs Cycle
-2carbon acetyl group from acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate to form 6-carbon citrate.
-2CO2 are released and oxyloacetate is regenerated for use in another turn of the cycle.
-Ea. turn of cycle= 1 ATP, 1 FADH2, 3NADH(multiply all by 2)
Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
-located on the inside of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
-ATP produced when high energy electrons are transferred from NADH to FADH2 to oxygen by carrier molecules.
-free energy is released as electrons are transferred and it is used to form ATP.
-most ETC molecules are CYTOCHROMES, carriers that resemble hemoglobin in the structure of their active site.