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80 Cards in this Set

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the study of what it means to be human

what are the five sub disciplines for anthropology

biological, archeology, cultural, linguistic, applied

Biological anthropology

the study of the biological nature and evolution of mankind


old human study- study of the human evolution as evidenced in the fossil record


an item produced by an ancestor of our human lineage that is a remnant from their life

Human variation study

the study of the ways in which human populations vary in physical form. examples would be hair color, hair texture, skin color, eye color, body shape, genetics


the pigment in ones integumentary system that absorbs UV rays and visibly tans. Skin color can be a micro adaptation of melanin.


the study of the biology, behavior, and ecology of non relative primates, our closest living relatives

scientific method

gaining knowledge through observation and experimentation

the scientific method steps:

1. ask/formulate a question

2. develop a hypothesis

3. test the hypothesis

4. formulate a conclusion


it focuses on human past from 10,000 - 250 years ago; it is the study of the human past through the excavation of remains left behind and buried in the ground

cultural anthropology

comparative study of human behavior, social organization, and culture

linguistic anthropology

study of the relationship between language and culture; words reflecting society; how language influences social life


all aspects of the human existence are interrelating and so are studied as a whole


a scientific theory, a unifying force in biological sciences

european worldview, stasis

thugs have always been and always will be the way they are.

1. hierarchal class system

2. fixity of species- God created all life as it exists in the present

3. Great Chain of Being- God's creation are ranked in a hierarchy

4. Earth was recently created by God


in 1514 proposed the heliocentric view, with the sun being the center and the earth revolving around it


branch of science concerned with the classification of organisms into categories

John Ray

1627-1705; he defined species in the 17th century


groups of reproductively isolated organisms


similar looking organisms that cannot reproduce fertile offspring

Carolus Linnaeus

he standardized the classification system, and developed the binomial nomenclature, meaning two names, genus then species

what is the classifications system?

Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species; animalia, chordata, mammilia, primates, hominidae, homo, sapien

Comte De Buffon

The gardener for the King of France, he was the first true evolutionist

in 1749 he published the natural history

james baptiste lamarck

he was the first to attempt to explain revolution, he used Buffon's work as a reference.

1. species change is influenced by environmental change

2. Change in physical form occurs as a result of bodily need

3. Characteristics acquired within one's lifetime can be passed down tone's offspring

Georges Cuvier

opposed to evolution, and said that the fossil record is the result of catastrophes followed by new creations


earth's geological landscape is the result of violent, worldwide cataclysmic events, no continuity between fossil records

Charles Lyell

founder of modern geology, in 1830 he produced the principles of geology, it explained the geological formations by uniformitarianism


the geological processes observed in the present are the same as those that occurred in the past, slow changes, continuity between fossil records

Charles Darwin

went on a voyage to circumnavigate the world on the HMS Beagle in 1831

endemic species

species that formulate in an isolated area

Alfred Russel Wallace

He co-published the origin of species with Darwin as he had done his own research set apart from Darwin

Darwinian Evolution

species reproduce faster than the food supply replenishes; organisms vary in traits; environment will determine if a trait is an advantage to survival

Reproductive success

number of offspring one prices and rears to reproductive age

selective pressure

any force in the environment that influences reproductive success

natural selection

changes in the frequency of certain traits in populations due to differential reproductive success between individuals


evolutionary shifts in response to environmental changes


the measure of reproductive success of one individual compared to that of another individual


parental traits blend together to create an intermediate expression in the offspring

particulate inheritance

traits that are passed on by individual particles

Thomas Morgan

Developed the concept of genetics


the study of the gene structure and action and patterns of the inheritance of genes


the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. It formulates a chromosome.

what does DNA do?

It instructs the amino acids to formulate proteins

what shape is DNA?

a double helix

What three components comprise a nucleotide chain?

triphosphate, pentose sugar, and a nitrogenous base

How many nucleotide chains does DNA have?


what connects the chains?

a hydrogen bond

what four are the four DNA bases?

Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine

what are somatic cells?

All the cells except for those involved with reproduction

what are gametes?

a mature haploid male or female germ/sex cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.


structures composed of a form of RNA called rRNA and protein. Ribosomes are found in a cell's cytoplasm and are essential to the manufacture of proteins


specialized proteins within that initiate and direct chemical reactions in the body

protein synthesis

the manufacture of proteins; the assembly of chains of amino acids into functional molecules. It is directed by DNA

what are the steps of protein synthesis?

1. had the genetic code- DNA molecule unwinds and the nucleotide chains separate

2. copy the DNA- mRNA copies the code with the base uracil replacing the base thymine

3. rihonleuic acide- tRNA translates the genetic code into protein by matching base triplets with amino acids/ as the ribosome binds to the mRNA, tRNA brings a particular amino acid, to the Ribosome, that is an anti codon to match up with the codon.

what is transcription?

the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA (mRNA) by the enzyme RNA polymerase. Both RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, which use base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary language.

how does translation begin?

With the mRNA attaching to the ribosome

what is a peptide bond?

a chemical bond formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with the amino group of the other molecule,

what are amino acids?

small molecules that are the components of protein

how many amino acids are there?


why is this important?

The process helps transcript and translate DNA and RNA, in order to use the ribosome to formulate amino acids, which create proteins

where does translation happen?

in the cytoplasm, in the ribosome


how traits are passed down from parents to offspring

Gregor Mendel

he experimented in the monastery gardens with physical traits of garden pea plants

what is monogenic?

There are only 2 expressions of the trait

what is polygenic?

there are three or more expressions of the trait


the allele combinations


the expression of the genotype

who invented the ABO blood system?

the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, in 1901


proteins on the red blood cells that determine blood type, A and B


identify and destroy foreign antigens in the blood

what is a karyotype?

the number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell


the process of somatic cell replication and division in which 2 identical cells are produced from a parental cell


process of sex cell replication and division that involves 2 divisions and results in 4 non identical cells each with 32 chromosomes


the combination of two gamete cells, with the combined chromosomes of 46


1/2 of the genetic material for DNA


fun genetic material of DNA


When sperm and egg unite at fertilization, each contributes its allele, restoring the paired condition in the offspring. This is called the Law of Segregation. Mendel also found that each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation.

independent assortment

stating that when two or more characteristics are inherited, individual hereditary factors assort independently during gamete production, giving different traits an equal opportunity of occurring together.

crossing over

is the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes that results in recombinant chromosomes during sexual reproduction.