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103 Cards in this Set

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David Hume

Cause of Effect:

1- physical contact

2- A must come before B

3- regular pattern of A & B occurring together

Carl Linnaeus

First systematic classification of organisms

- got rid of hierarchy, and classified species by resemblance/similarities

- "System of Nature"

- creator of the binomial nomenclature

Cultural Relativism

Cultures cannot be objectively ranked


Very evolutionist who Worked off of Linnaeus' ideas

- believed Linnaeus should have went further in classification and included common ancestors between species

- went against his hypothesis down the road due to his faith in God

Baptiste de Lamarck

-first to propose a mechanism for evolutionary change

- "acquired characteristics"

**change would be passed down to offspring (WRONG)

George Cuvier

Classified animals in four main groups

- Articulate/ Radicta/ Mollusks/ Vertebrates

- proposed "Catastrophism"


When species die out due to a catastrophe, a new species comes about. Modern species are not descendants of extinct species


Created "Uniformitarianism"

** 1. we can only understate Earth history with what we have today (present is key to past)

2. we can only invoke the magnitude of these Earth processes

3. earth is very old


One of the first to study Evolution and created the idea of a "Great Chain of Being"

Great Chain of Being

hierarchical category of species (latter of life)

- dominated Western thinking


Thought that Earth is the center of the Universe, believed for over 1000 years

John Lightfoot & James Usher

Went through the Bible and counted Generations to conclude how old the Earth was

-calculated it to be about 6,000 years old, relatively young

Isaac Newton

**Laws of Gravity

**Natural Laws

- Earth and everything on it follow the same laws


systematic search for understanding using empirical observation and testing

- seeks a rigorous, systematic, and empirical understanding of the world

John Ray

first to use and describe the word "species"

Thomas Malthus

Proposed the idea that too many people will lead to competition for food/resources, resulting in a "struggle for existence"

Natural Selection

Process by which species adopt; natural selection leads to adaptation

(ex: beak size in Finches were highly heritable. During drought, only large seeds were available, so large beaked birds were more successful)


evolution above the level of species


an individual, composed of parts that stand in a specific pattern/relationship to one another


correspondence of fundamentally different structures that are nevertheless superficially similar (ex: mosquito wing--> bat wing)


correspondence of fundamentally similar structures, due to common descent, which may nevertheless be superficially different

(ex: wishbone of a chicken--> collarbone of a human)


populations can be similar, either b/c they share a common ancestor or b/c they have been in genetic contact

Herbert Spencer

Darwinist who believed in "Survival of the Fittest"

1. Survival of the Fittest drives species to perfection, not greater adaptation

2. if you aren't thriving, you aren't fit


Natural selection is the exclusive agent of evolutionary change, and seeing heredity as an unalterable destiny, except through a rare and permanent change called "Mutation"


gradual changes in the genetic material of a population over time

Sexual Selection

Evolutionary change that occurs b/c of variation in (often male) ability to acquire mates

2 types: Intrasexual/ Intersexual

Intrasexual selection

acquire mates by preventing your rivals from mating (male-to-male competition)

Intersexual competition

acquire mates by attracting them to you (female choice)

Discrete Units of Heredity

-passed from parent to offspring

-pairs for each trait

-govern the expression of the physical trait

Mendel's Theory of Assortment

inheritance of one trait DOES NOT affect the inheritance of another trait


outward appearance


underlying genetic makeup


molecule that contains our genetic makeup and tells which cells will be for what


different variations of a certain gene


location of a gene on a chromosome


having different alleles at a particular locus


illustration of chromosomes


sex cells; sperms for guys, egg for girls

-sperm fertilizes egg to form a zygote

Mendelian Traits

traits that are controlled by alleles at only one genetic locus

Polygenic Traits

Consist of the majority of genes, controlled by many genes in different parts of the genome (ex: height) **continuous traits

Somatic cells

body cells

Polynucleic chain

hydrogen bonds that twist to create the DNA structure


large organic compounds that are composed of amino acids

Amino Acids

molecules which are the building blocks of all proteins


reading the "recipe" of the genetic makeup in the nucleus


the entire genetic makeup of an individual or species

Personalized Medicine

sequence your personal DNA and can see what diseases you are susceptible to

Mass Extinction Events

Events that have wiped out almost all plant/animal life on Earth


Systematic approach of classifying, naming, and organizing species

Binomial Nomenclature

Naming system

-2 words (Broad/Specific)

ex: Homo Sapien


study of evolutionary relationships among organisms


type of taxonomy that is used to determine the evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms, based on characteristics that are shared between 2 species w/ common ancestors

Convergent Evolution

whales look like fish, but actually evolved from a land animal that moved into the water

**Traits are shared between 2 organisms due to similar use but do not have a common ancestor

Population genetics

the study of allele and genotype frequencies and if and how and why they change from one generation to the next


change in the structure or amount of genetic material

**Frame Shift Mutation

Frame Shift Mutation

caused by accidental insertions/deletions of DNA bases

-messes up process and proteins

-results in a non-functional gene, greatly affecting phenotype (ex: Muscular Dystrophy)


extra chromosome

(ex: Down Syndrome @ Chromosome 21)

Gene Flow

exchange of genes between two or more (more or less) isolated populations

-increase allele frequencies

-makes populations more similar

(ex: Europeans introduced blood types A & B to Africa when colonizing)

Genetic Drift

random fluctuations in allele frequencies due to random factors

-"genetic" refers to allele frequency

-"drift" refers to the fact that the alleles at a particular locus will change in frequency at a whim

-through time, the allele frequency in the population can fluctuate at random

most evident in small populations

Adaptive Radiation

organisms diversify rapidly into a multitude of forms, especially when environments change a new resources are made available

Grouping Pattern

composition of social group

Mating System

number of sexual partners that individuals have


males who kill other males' offspring and then mate w/ the mother of the offspring they just killed

Dispersed Roaming

males can roam around to multiple females or they can focus on one female


Single male reproducing with multiple females


One female reproducing with multiple females


Multiple females reproducing with multiple females

Fission Fusion

break off from a large group to a small group in order to fulfill a desire/want

(ex: chimps)

Life History

timing of the major phases of development and reproduction in the life of an organism


tiny mouse like creature that lived between the extinction of dinosaurs and beginning of primates

-nails, ear tube, shape of teeth

Tree Shrews

very similar to primates, and served as a comparison to other early possible primates


Most primitive primate ever found, holding the answers to our origin


plants that spread their seeds

Placental Primates

infants develop inside womb; placenta nourishes offspring

Continental Plates

made of granite

-lighter, less dense

Oceanic plates

made of basalt

-heavier, more dense

Convection currents

molton rock driving the movement of plates


where the magma is closest to the Earth's crust

Organic fossils

actual remanents from species

(ex: amber)

Trace fossils

Poop, footprints, plant impressions


study of the process of how animal or plant remains become fossilized


short, broad, bowl-like part of the pelvis which carries the weight of humans upper body

Valgus Angle

Shape of femur in humans which allows us to walk in a straight line and place 1 foot in front of another

Longitudinal Arch

arch in foot between heel and toes that allows the absorption of shock and for the spring in bi-pedalism locomotion

Carrying Hypothesis

Dawins's explanation to bi-pedalism

-free our hands in order to carry tools and hunt

Male Provisioning Hypothesis

While a female is reproducing, Male travels to find food

-increases fitness for male and female

-Owen Lovejoy

-assumes pair bonding

Energy Efficiency Hypothesis

Conserve energy to travel from forest to forest as they contracted. Less heat on the back form sunlight

-emergence of savannah (thermoregulation)

Aquatic Age Hypothesis

-Elaine Morgan

-Increased visual range

-Traits similar to aquatic animals

Sahelanthropus tahadensis ("Toumai")

Possibly the earliest known bipedal creature.

-"Hope of Life"

- 7 mya

-Chad, Africa

Orrorin tugenensis (Millenium Man)

- 6 mya

-Tugen Hills, Kenya

Ardipithecus ("ardi")

-about 4.4 mya

-Middle Awash, Ethiopia


-3.2 mya


-short in stature


-curved short fingers

-dental code of humans

Laetoli footprints

-discovered by Leaky's


-3.7 mya

Homo Floreiensis ("The Hobbit")

-Liung Bua Cave, Indonesia

-height of a young child, brain of a chimp

-made tools

-result of a modern human w/ disease called "island dwarfism" -->species shrink when isolated

Dr. Wrangham

Hypothesized the evolution of the gut with cooked food

Auchelian Tools

new type of tools, beginning with H. erectus.

-1.6-1.4 mya

-more symmetrical

-used to butcher animals

Mousterian Tools

Core rock (Levallois core) chips away another rock and is then attached to a handle

Oldowan Stone tools

chipping away stone w/ stone to make chipped pieces or an arrow

-2 million years of use


lack of oxygen in the body

-prominent at high altitudes


grouping organisms b/c they look similar


grouping organisms b/c they share a common ancestor


species remain in natal group after childhood

(ex: Chimpanzees)


native to one area and only that area

(ex: Lemurs in Madagascar)