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69 Cards in this Set

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What are genes?

unit of inheritance that determine the traits (characteristics) passed from one generation to the next

What are alleles?

Variants of a gene

Ex: genes that determine pea pod shape

What is a genome?

The entire collection of all genetic material in a microbe

2 DNA strands intertwine to form a ______ _____.

Double Helix

-each strand is complimentary & anti-parallel

A always binds to ____ in DNA.

C always binds to ____ in DNA.

A - T

C - G

What is Chargaff's Rule?

%A = %T

%G = %C

Where does DNA carry the genetic information?

In its sequence

Where do eukaryotic cells keep chromosomes?

Condensed & packaged into the NUCLEUS

What kind of chromosomes do prokaryotes have?

Single, circular chromosomes

What are plasmids?

- Small circular extra-chromosomal DNA

- Carries genes with non-essential functions (antibiotic resistance)

(not part of the chromosome)

What is the central dogma of biology?

DNA (Genes) --> RNA (Messages) --> Protein (Products)

What is replication?

DNA copying itself

What is transcription?

DNA making RNA

What is translation?

RNA making protein

What is semiconservative replication?

Each strand serves as a template for replication

Each strand serves as a template for replication

What does a helicase do?

"unzips" DNA

(replication fork forms)

What is DNA polymerase (DNAP)?

the replicating enzyme

DNA synthesis occurs ___' to ___'

5' to 3'

2 types of strands formed during replication?

Lagging & Leading

What direction does DNAP move?

towards the helicase

Which strand is fragmented because it has to go back every time DNA is unzipped?

the lagging strand

What is the origin (oriC)?

A specific DNA sequence at which replication begins

What is the terminus (terC)?

A DNA region at which each replication fork ends during replication

How does replication initiate?

DNA polymerase and helicase bind to DNA at oriC and begin replication

Replication is _____________?

Bidirectional: two complexes of DNA polymerase set off in opposite directions

(greek letter theta)

(also called "Theta" replication"

Where do both copies of replicated DNA reside after separation?

in its own new daughter cell

Describe RNA synthesis (transcription)

1. DNA sends messages to ribosomes

2. mRNA message is made by RNA polymerase

3. Promoters control transcription

________+_______= RNA polymerase

Core + Sigma

What is the core responsible for?

assembling RNA

What is sigma responsible for?

- Finding promoters on the DNA strands where the RNA polymerase can bind

- each sigma recognizes a specific promoter sequence & determines which messages get sent

What are promoters?

DNA sequences that indicate where to start transcription (start the message)

What 2 things are part of a promoter?

-35 box & -10 box

Promoter sequences are NOT ______?


How do you determine the consensus sequence for "sigma"?

average all the promoter sequences

What do promoters vary in?

strength-which is determined by consensus

Stronger promoters are closer to _________.


What are 2 things strong promoters do?

- call over lots of RNA polymerases

- microorganism will create lots of messages

(lots messages= lots of protein later on)

What does RNA polymerase unwind a small piece of DNA into?

single strands

What will nucleotides base pair with?

the complementary DNA

What does RNA polymerase do?

polymerizes RNA, duh.

What is RNA transcript complementary to?

DNA template strand

What does RNA polymerase use one strand of as a template?


What does rRNA (ribosomal) do?

forms structure of the ribosome, recognizes messages, assembles proteins

_____ is central to protein synthesis.


What does tRNA (transfer)?

activates amino acids and reads the mRNA message

What does mRNA (messenger) do?

carries the message from the DNA (gene)

Protein synthesis= __________


What is a protein's shape/function determined by?

its primary sequence of amino acids

How many different amino acids are there?


Protein + rRNA --> Prokaryotic 70S

30S + 50S

(smaller than eukaryotic and shaped differently)

Protein + rRNA --> Eukaryotic 80S

40S + 60S

There is one unique mRNA strand for each unique _______.


A cell can make multiple copies of the same protein from one ________.


Each amino acid matches a unique tRNA with what a specif ____________ _____________?

nucleotide sequence

During translation initiation, the ribosome assembles on the mRNA at a specific spot called the ____________.

shine-dalgarno sequence

During translation initiation, where do activated tRNA's arrive?

at the ribosome

During translation elongation, a peptide bond is formed between what?

the two amino acids

During translation elongation, how many nucleotides does the ribosome slide down the mRNA?

three nucleotides

During translation elongation, what is formed when NEW activated tRNA arrives?

ribosome forms another peptide bond

(the cycle repeats)

During translation elongation, protein is syntheiszed from _________ to _________ as the cycle repeats.

N-terminus to C-terminus

During translation termination, a mRNA sequence called a ______ _______ terminates protein syntheis.

stop codon

During translation termination, what happens to the protein and the ribosome?

-the protein is RELEASED

-the ribosome DISASSEMBLES

What is the translation start site?

the message starts 6-9 bases in the 3' direction of the SHINE-DALGARNO SEQUENCE

What is the specific start site?


What is always the first amino acid in translation?

Methionine (Met)

What is a codon?

a series of three nucleotides

How is a particular amino acid specified?

By recruiting the appropriate tRNA

A start codon sets the ________ which determines all subsequent codons.


After each peptide bond is formed, the ribosome slides ____ bases down the mRNA strand.