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93 Cards in this Set

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sea stars & starfishes 17
class asteroidea
sea lilies 17
class crinoidea
sea urchins & sand dollars 17
class echinoidea
sea cucumbers 17
class holothuroidea
brittle stars 17
class ophiuroidea
oral surface 17
ventral side
aboral surface 17
dorsal side
opening to the water vascular syatem 17
extends from mouth down middle of each arm 17
ambulacral groove
bony ridge runing along the midline of the arm 17
ambulacral ridge
spiral cleavage 17
characteristic of protostomes-cleavage planes are diagonal to the vertical axis of embryo
indeterminate cleavage 17
each cell of an early embryo has ability to develop into a complete embryo
determinate cleavage 17
fate of embryonica cell is "determined" very early in development
deuterostomes 17
2nd opening the forms becomes the mouth
enlarged nucleus containing a nucleolus; meiosis begun in these cells, but not reached prophase I 17
germinal vesicle
invaginate 17
creating a tube-like structure called archenteron
4 characteristics of phylum chordata 18
-dorsal hollow nerve cord
-pharyngeal gill slits
-post-anal tail
subphylum urochordata 18
food in through incurrent siphon & exit through excurret siphon; dorsal hollow nerve cord & notochord are absent in adult but found in larva
subphylum cephalochordata 18
water leaves via the pharyngeal gill slits & exits the body through thte atriopore
cephalization 18
concentration of nervous tissue & sensory structures at anterior end
amniotes 18
they lay shelled, water-filled eggs
classes in subphylum vertebrata 18
class amphibia; class reptilia; class aves; class mammalia
birds adaptations for flight 18
reduction of weight in skeleton; lack of teeth; wimgs
epithelium 19
covers body of animal or lines hollow structures w/in its body; digestive system, blood vessels
connective tissue 19
holds other tissues together or used for structural purposes
muscle 19
nervous tissue 19
ability to conduct an action potential
chromatophores 19
pigment cells give frog's skin its characteristic color & pattern
cloaca 19
posterior opening to the digestive & urogenital systems
advantages of endoskeleton 19
allows for jointed appendages capable of complex movement; lightweight, allowing vertebrates to attain greater size
axial skeleton 19
skull, ribs, vertebral column & sternum
appendicular akeleton 19
pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, limbs
orbit 19
opening for the eye
fascia 19
sheets of connective tissue that cover the muscles
skeletal muscles 19
attached to bones, voluntary; striations perpendicular to their long axis & are multinucleate
smooth muscles 19
involuntary; move food through digestive tract
equalize air pressure on bothe sides of the tympanum; near the angles of the jaw 19
eustachian tubes
anterior part of the intestine where digestion finishes 19
remainder of the intestine; involved in the absorption of digested food 19
located in mesentary b/w stomach & duodenu; makes digestive enzymes & produces insulin & glucagon which regulate blood sugar levels 19
membrane that holds organs in place 19
cavity of the intestine 19
membrane outside of the intestine; continuous w/ the mesenteries 19
visceral peritoneum
divides into major arteries of the frogs body 19
conus arteriosus
thin-walled sac; blood returning from head & anterior parts of body enter 2 large veins (L&R vena cavae); blood from posterior part of body enters via single posterior vena cava 19
sinus venosus
synthesis of new blood cells, destruction of worn out blood cells; immune function 19
lines the body cavity of the urogenital system 19
parietal peritoneum
kidneys 19
regulate water balance & eliminate toxic substances from blood
dendrites 19
receives impulsed
cell body of neuron 19
contains most of cytoplasm, nucleu, & most of the rest of the cellular organelles
axon 19
carries impulses away from cell body to other neurons
neuroglial cells 19
small cells among neurons; dont conduct nerve impulses; provide mechanical support, nutrition, & protction to the neurons
biotic factors 9
abiotic factors 9
nonliving; temperature, light, water, oxygen, availability of nutrients
niche 9
total utilization of biotic & abiotic resources of individual organism
populations 9
all the members of a given species that live in a particular location
community 9
all of the plant & animal populaitons living & interacting in a given environment
ecosystem 9
the level of ecological study that includes the entire community along w/ its physical environment
autotrophs 9
capture the suns energy & use it to manufacture all organic nutrients for an ecosystem
heterotrophs 9
obtain energy from teh chemical bonds in the food they eat
tropic level 9
the relationship b/w what an organism eats & what it is eaten by
omnivores 9
feed on both producers & consumers
decomposers 9
bateria & fungi that degrade the reamins of dead organisms into simpler materials
detritivores 9
insects, worms, & crustaceans that consume detritus
detritus 9
dead organic matter
food chains & webs 9
illustrate transfer of ood energy; 4-5 levels, 10% of energy in one trophic level transferred to the next
why pond ecosystem studied? 9
they support an incredible divesity of life & because they are contained w/in well defined boundaries
littoral zone 9
shallow region along the shore where light penetrates to the bottom; floating plants such as water lilies are found at the edge of this zone; animal life is diverse; diatoms are among most abundant producers in this area
limnetic zone 9
layer of open water to the depth that light penetrates; phytoplankotn, zooplankton & fish inhabit this area
profundal zone 9
deep region beneath the limnetic zone where light does not penetrate; organisms rely primarily on organic material that rains down from above; decomposers & detritivores found here
surface film 9
provides habitat for many organism; duckweed-food source for water fowl; animal found here breathe air & have specialized appendages which allow them to walk on the surface of the water w/o breaking through ;water beetles & water striders
species diversity 9
relates the density of the organism present in the community to the number of species in the community; combination of 2 concepts: species richness & relative abundance
species richness 9
number of different species in a community
relative abundance 9
of individuals among species
ecologist use measures of species diversity to. . . 9
compare & monitor communities
ecologist monitor species diversity in natural communities. . . 9
following biological disturbances to measure fitness or rate of recovery -non-native species can invade community & alter the species diversity: invader species experiences low predation pressure & reproduces rapidly, while exploiting the resources of several competing species
simpsons index 9
-measures species dominance: the number of times one would have to take pairs of individuals at random to find a pair of the same species
-if species richness is low, you would remove 2 of the same species w/ few tries
-simpson suggests that species diversity is inversely related to the probability the 2 individual picked at random belong to the same species
regeneration 17
replacement of severed arms
madrophorite 17
opening to water vascular system
3 arms
2 arms
trivium, bivium
help clean debris & parasites
subphylum urochordata 18
bodies covered by membrane
tissue 19
group of specialized cells
mast cells 19
secrete histamine
reticular fibers 19
collagen fibers 19
macrophages 19
scavenge & clean up body
fibroblasts 19
secrete fibers
matrix 19
physical state
muscle 19 (3 parts)
1. origin
2. belly
3. insertion (where attached)
pancreas location 19
extends from the pyloric sphinctor anteriorly towards the liver
level of study 9 (pond ecology)f
niche, population, community, ecosystem
energy flow 9 (pond ecology)
autrotrophs: primary producers; heterotrophs: primary,2,3,4 consumers; decomposers: detrivores, detritus