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92 Cards in this Set

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stem cells

1. unspecialized cells

2. potentially reproduce themselves (self-renewal)

3. generate specialized progeny (differentation) indefinitely

4. divide and produce progenitor or precursor cells that can divide rapidly (TA cells)

5. multipotent and undifferentiated

TA cells

1. transit amplifying cells

2. progenitor or precursor cells that can divide rapidly

post-mitotic cells

stem cells that differentiate


1. fertilized egg

2. cells in mammalian embryos up to 8 cell stage

3. initial cell divisions


1. inner cell mass cells

3. can become any of the 3 germ layers of the germ line

unipotent stem cells

1. produce only one cell type

2. ex; germ line stem cells

multipotent stem cells

1. can produce cells from one germ layer

2. usually from one tissue

3. formed in niches that provide signals to maintian a population of nondifferentiating stem cells

3. ex: adult stem cells


3 germ cell layers fromed

germ layers

1. formed during gastrulation

2. derivatives of each germ layer are restricted in fate

3. 3 types: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm


1. germ layer

2. formed at gastrulation

3. ex: nervous system, epidermis, mammary glands


1. germ layer

2. formed at gastrulation

3. ex: skeletal muscle, skeletal system, dermis, connective tissue, reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, spleen


1. germ layer

2. formed at gastrulation

3. ex: GI, liver, pancreatic, urinary, respiratory, thyroid

terminal differentiation

1. irreversible step

2. produces highly functionally specialized cells (ex: blood cells, keratinocytes, neurons)


produces zygoe

what does sperm do during fertilization?

1. binds to zona pellucida

2. releases digestive enzymes

3. activates the cortical reaction to prevent polyspermy

cleavage stage


leads to the first differentiation of trophectoderm and inner cell mass


outer cells

inner cell mass cells

1. inner cells

2. isolated from blastocyst

3. placed in culture with feeder cells

ES cell lines

arise that can be cultured indefinitely as pluripotent stems cells

pluripotency transcriptional circuit

what are required to maintain self-renewal and pluripotency and prevent differentiation







1. required to:

a. maintain self-renewal

b. control pluripotency

c. prevent differentiation

2. activate their own genes, producing a self-perpetuating feedback circuit

iPS cells

1. induced pluripotent stem cells

2. produced by differentiation reversal

3. formed from somatic cells by expression of combinations of key transcription factors: KLF4, SOX2, OCT4, and c-MYC

4 proteins expressed in differentiated cell

1. Oct4

2. Sox2

3. Klf4

4. c-Myc

Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc

1. expression of these proteins are in a differentiated cell

2. can reprogram the cell to become a pluripotent cell line

3. control iPS

4. ex: ES cells

stem cell properties

1. indefinite self-renewal

2. undifferentiated

3. maintained at relatively constant levels


do not produced proteins characteristic of differentiated cells that they produce

what maintains stem cell self renewal?

local microenvironment/niche

what maintains stem cell differentiation?

local microenvironment/niche

local niche

1. composed of support cell types and factors produced by support and stem cells

2. extrinsic and intrinsic factors

3. local micro environments that provide cues to stem cells

4. when cells move away from the niche, they tend to differentiate

5. must maintain stem cells without allowing their excess proliferation and block differentiation

self-renewing cell divisions are:

1. symmetric (producing 2 stem cells)

2. asymmetric (producing 1 stem cell and 1 cell that differentiates)

intestinal stem cells

niche located blood vessels and mesenchymal cells

neural stem cells

1. located within neural tube

2. divide perpendicular, symmetric, and asymmetric planes

3. turnover is slow in the CNS

hematopoietic stem cells

1. blood cells are constantly replenished

2. give rise to all blood cell types

3. give rise to the myeloid and lymphoid stem cells

resting potential

1. -60 mV

2. maintained by ATP pump (3K+ out, 2 Na in)

sensory neuron

1. detects stimulus

stimulus --> sensory neuron --> interneuron --> motor neuron


1. glial cell type

2. regulate ionic composition of the fluids surrounding neurons, supporting their correct function

glial cell

1. support neural function

2. much more abundant than neurons

3. ex: astrocytes


1. Voltage gated Na channels open

2. Propagate signal

3. peaks at +50 mV


1. produced by myelin sheath

2. increases conduction speed without increasing axon diameter

3. saltatory conduction

myelinated neurons in CNS


myelinated neurons in PNS

Schwann cells

primary lymphoid organs

1. where lymphocytes are generated

2. thymus and bone marrow


1. B/T cells

2. made in thymus and bone marrow

secondary lymphoid organs

1. where adaptive immune response begin

2. Lymph nodes and spleen

physical barriers


chemical barriers

pH and enzymes

types of immunity

1. physical

2. chemical

3. innate immunity

4. adaptive immunity

innate immunity

1. phagocytes ingest and destroy pathogens

2. TLR activate macrophage and dendritic cells that engulf pathogens

3. presents antigens to adaptive immunity cells

4. complement system responds to bound antibodies or lectins to assemble a membrane attack complex (MAC)

5. natural killer cells (NK) protect against viral infraction

6. mediated by complement system and leukocytes

7. cells deployed rapidly

8. moderate specificity

9. pathogens are recognized by TLR


1. toll like receptors

2. apart of innate immunity

3. identified as receptors for these toxins --> activate innate immunity

4. excessive TLR activation produces sepsis

NK cells

1. innate immunity

2. protect against viral infection

3. activated by virus infected cells

4. interferon-gamma


cytokine that boost anti-viral defense


complex response to injury and infection

innate and adaptive immunity interplay

activate each other to protect the organism

adaptive immunity

1. lymphocyte bearing antigen-specific responses that adapt to the molecular nature of the infection

2. mediated by T and B lymphocytes

3. slow deployment of full activation (days)

4. high specificity


1. produced by B-cells

2. abundant in serum

3. composed of light and heavy chains

what activates clonal expansion of B cells

antigen presentation and B cell activation

antigen presentation and B cell activation

induces clonal expansion of specific B- cell clones

antibody and antigen complimentarity

highly specific

asymmetric cell division

two different types of daughter cells are formed from one mother

symmetric division

1. both daughter cells are identical

2. may have different fates if exposed to different external signals

what is the source of the embryo proper?

inner cell mass

what is the source of the ES cells?

inner cell mass

ES cells

1. formed from inner cell mass

2. pluripotent

3. capable of giving rise to all differentiated cell types of the organisms (except extra-embryonic tissues)

4. useful in the production of genetically altered miceand offer potential for therapeutic uses

what controls pluripotency of ES cells

controlled by multiple factors:

1. DNA methylation

2. chromatin regulators

3. certain micro-RNAs

4. transcription factors: Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog

beta catenin

1. component of Wnt signaling

2. implicated in preserving stem cells in the germ line and intestine

3. directing cells toward self-renewel rather than differentiation

germ line cells

give rise to eggs or sperm

daughter cells that cant contact their niche cells

undergo proliferation and differentiation

Lgr5 receptor

expressed in intestinal stem cells

Paneth cells

1. form part of the niche

2. located next to intestinal stem cells

neural stem cells

1. found in the subventricular zone of brain during development and adulthood

2. generate both nerve and glial cells

blood-cell lineage

different precursor types form and proliferate under the control of distinct cytokines

action potential speed

100 meters per second

neuronal circuit

sensory neuron ---> interneuron ---> motor neuron

charged S1-S4 paddles

1. induce opening of voltage gated channels

2. response to depolarization

closing and inactivation of voltage-gated cation channesl

result from movement of cytosolic "ball" segment into the open pore

mechanical and chemical defenses

1. provide protection against most pathogens

2. immediate and continuous

3. little specificity

most important leukocytes for innate immunity

1. neutrophils

2. phagocytic cells: macrophages and dendritic cells

V and J segment rearrangements

1. Ig light chains

2. controlled by RSSs

V, D, and J segment rearrangements

1. Ig heavy chains

2. controlled by RSSs


1. control VJ/ VDJ rearrangement

2. separated by spacers

3. RAG 1 and RAG2

RAG1 and RAG2

1. recombinases

2. made only by lymphocytes

3. participate in nonhomologous end joining of DNA

antibody diversity

created by:

1. combinatorial joining

2. combinatorial association

3. after B cells encounter an antigen

combinatorial joining

1. random selection of Ig gene segments to be recombined

2. contribute to antibody diversity

combinatorial association

ability of heavy and light chains produced from rearranged Ig genes to associate with many different light chains and heavy chains

junctional imprecision

generates additional antibody diversity a the joints fo the gene segmetns joined during somatic recombination

affinity maturation

1. B cell encounters antigen

2. selection and proliferation of B cell

3. B cells produce high affinity antibodies

B cell development

1. heavy-chain genes are rearranged

2. expression of the pre-B-cell receptor

3. rearrangement of light-chain genes

4. assembly of IgM membrane bound B-cell receptor

allelic exclusion

1. only one of the allelic copies of the heavy chain locus and of the light-chain locus is rearranged

2. ensures that a B cell expresses Ig with a single antigen specificity


1. different in Ig primary transcript

2. determines whether the membrane-bound or secreted form of an antibody is produced

class switching

allows B cells to adjust the effector functions of the Ig produced but retain their specificity for antigen