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47 Cards in this Set

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explanation for a very gerneral class of phenomena or observations
Who invented the microscope and when did he invent it, and what was the magnification?
Robert Hooke, 1665, 30x
What did Hooke discover under the microscope?
What were the two major contributions made by Anton van Leeuwenhoek?
1. invented microscope 300x
2. observed single-celled organisms like paramecium. he also saw human blood cells and sperm cells.
How small are the smallest bacteria known today?
200 nanometers wide, 200 billionths of a meter
highly organized compartment that is bounded by a thin, flexible structure called a plasma membrane and that contains concentrated chemicals in an aqueous solution.
What are the two components of most scientific theories?
1. describes a pattern in the natural world
2. identifies a mechanism or process that is responsible for creating that pattern.
What was the prevailing explanation before the cell theory? Was it a hypothesis or theory and why?
Spontaneous generation; organisms arise spontaneously under certain conditions.
Hypothesis, because it was an explanation specifically for when organisms arise.
proposed explanation
What is the difference between theory and hypothesis?
Theory refers to proposed explanations for broad patterns in nature and hypothesis refers to explanations for more tightly focused questions.
something that can be measured and that must be correct if a hypothesis is valid.
Pasteur experiment
Experiment to test if cells arise spontanesouly or from other cells.
Pasteur took a straight necked flask in which he allowed preexisting cells to enter flask. He had a swan necked flask in which preexisting cells from air were trapped in swan neck.
Conclusion was that the broth in swan neck remained sterile but the broth in straight neck was filled with cells.
What was the single variable in Pasteur's experiment?
a broth's exposure to preexisting cells
2 main points of Pasteur experiment?
1.cells come from preexisting cells
2. the heat sterilization step did not alter the broth's capacity to support growth. it supported the hypothesis that growth started with preexisting cells.
If all cells come from preexisting cells, what does this imply?
All individuals in a population of single-celled organisms are related by common ancestry. Similarly, multicellular organisms' cells trace back to a fertilized egg which formed the cells of previous organisms. In this sense, all cells of multicellular organisms are related by common ancestry.
Who were the first two scientists to write short papers on the theory of evolution and when?
Darwin and Wallace, 1858
evolution. (2 claims)
1. species are related by common ancestry
2. characteristics of species can be modified from generation to generation "descent with modification" - darwin
what are the 2 conditions for natural selection?
1. individuals within a population vary in characteristics that are heritable.
2. versions of these heritable traits help individuals survive better or reproduce more than do other versions
What are the differences between natural selection and evolution?
Natural selection acts on individuals and favors the more "fit" individuals.
Evolution affects only populations and occurs when heritable variation leads to differential success in reproduction. Thus, the change may be either good or bad.
ability of an individual to produce offspring
trait that increases the fitness of an individual in a particular environment
How did scientists create brocolli?
They crossed individuals of the wild mustard species with large and compact flowering stalks.
What are the two central ideas put together by the cell theory and theory of evolution?
1. Cell is the fundamental structural unit in all organisms.
2. All species are related by common ancestry and have changed over time in response to natural selection.
natural selection causes populations of one species to diverge and form new species.
Research on speciation has supported what claim?
Natural selection can lead to change between species as well as within species.
effort to name and classify organisms
Who was the creator of taxonomy and when was it born?
Carolus Linnaeus 1735
two part naming system (aka and description)
binomial nomenclature
first part - genus (made up of a closely related group of species)
second part - species (individuals that regularly breed together or have distinct characteristics)

genus is capitalized but species is not.
List the taxonomic groups from most specific to least
species genus family order class phylum kingdom
any named group of organisms at any level of a classification system
How did Linnaeus categorize plants and animals?
plants: produce their own food
animals: move and acquire food by eating other organisms
eukaryotes vs. prokaryotes
eukaryotes "true-kernel"- nucleus
prokaryotes "before-kernel" - no nucleus
5 kingdoms
monera, protista, plantae, fungi, animalia
What is the difference between monera and protista?
monera includes all prokaryotes and protista includes several groups of unicellular eukaryotes.
Phylogeny: definition and its founder
genealogical relationships of all organisms.
-founded by Carl Woese
What molecule did phylogeny scientists use to compare among organisms and why?
small subunit rRNA.
the function of rRNA is the same for all organisms but the sequence of AUCG differs slightly between similar organisms and largely between different organisms.
domain (definition and list the 3)
a taxonomic category based on similarities in basic cellular biochemistry, above the kingdom level.
bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
Linnaeus grouped fungi with ???. Was he right?
plants. no he was incorrect.
fungi are actually more related to animals.
How do biologists test ideas about the way the natural world works?
They test the predictions made by alternative hypotheses often by setting up carefully designed experiments.
food competition hypothesis
giraffes have longer necks to reach higher for food.
What are the two steps to hypothesis testing?
1. state hypothesis as precisely as possible and list the predictions it makes.
2. Design an observational or experimental study that is capable of testing those predictions.
What happens if predictions are not met?
Researchers do further tests, modify the original hypothesis, or search for alternative explanations.
sexual competition hypothesis
giraffes use long necks for stronger torque to fight in competition for a mate.
directed dispersal hypothesis
natural selection favors fruits that taste bad to animal species that act as seed predators but at the same time it doesn't deter species that act as dispersers.
Directed dispersal hypothesis experiment
does capsaicin deter seed predators?
scientists gathered hackberries, chilies without capsaicin and chilies with capsaicin and fed it to mice, seed eaters, and thrashers, fruit eaters.
result: capsaicin does not deter thrashers and protects chilies from mice.
What is important for a good scientific hypothesis?
It must make testable predictions that can be supported or rejected by collecting and analyzing data.
null hypothesis
specifies what we should observe when the hypothesis being tested doesn't hold.