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95 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary Circuit

Carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs to become oxygenated

Systemic Circuit

Carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body

Semilunar valves

Between the ventricles and vessels

Aorta and Pulmonary trunk

Atrioventricular valves

Between the atria and ventricles

Bicuspid (mitral) and Tricuspid

What is all around valves that keeps AP from going from atria to ventricles?

Fibrous skeleton

What are the contractile cells called?


Cardiac myocytes

What is used to join cardiocytes together?

Intercalated discs

What are the mechanical and electrical functions that are apart of intercalated discs?

Mechanical: Desmosomes

Electrical: Gap junctions

What are cardiac cells rich in?

myoglobin and mitochondria

What are the non-contractile cells?

Conducting cells, make up 1% of cell

They initiate and coordinate heart beat

Have automaticity (beat on own)

What are 99% of the rest of the cells?

Contractile cells: shorten and generate force for contraction (forms cross bridges)

Hyper polarization?

more negative than RMP


more positive than RMP


going back to RMP

SA Node

Has unstable RMP = -60mV

depolarizes due to slow influx of Na

-called pacemaker potential

Gets us from RMP to threshold (-40 mV)

Faster Na/Ca channels open and trigger AP

Peaks at 0 mV

Once K channels close, pacemaker potential starts again

Each depolarization of SA node sets off one heart beat

Sinus Rhythm

normal heart beat triggered by SA node

SA Node bpm outside of body

80-100 bpm

Heart rate inside of body due to vagus nerve

60-80 bpm

Nodal Rhythm

if SA node is damaged, HR set by AV node

40-60 bpm

Intrinsic ventricular rhythm

if both SA and AV nodes are not functioning, rate set by purkinje fibers

20-40 bpm

-would need a pacemaker

Contractile Myocyte

RMP is stable at -90mV

Peaks at +30 mV

Fast depolarization (Na influx)

Plateau during Ca influx

Keeps cell depolarized by CICR

(calcium induced, calcium release)

ARP is long

When Na channels recover, RRP starts

K efflux causes repolarization

P wave

SA node fires AP

Atria depolarizing

PR segment

Plateau, Ca influx


QRS Complex

Atria repolarizing

Ventricles depolarizing

ST segment

Plateau, Ca influx


T wave

Ventricles repolarize

___ wave to ____ wave is equivalent to 1 beat of "single cardiac cycle"

R wave to R wave

Rest between 2 heartbeats

Quiescent period

Mechanical aspects

Atria contract at peak of P wave

Atria relax at the start of QRS complex

Ventricles contract at peak of QRS complex

Ventricles relax near end of T wave

Ectopic focus

region of spontaneous firing in another part of heart

Causes of ectopic focus


electrolyte imbalance



other drugs


any abnormal cardiac rhythm

Cause of arrhythmia

failure of conduction system to transmit signal (heart block)

Atrial fibrillation

ectopic foci in atria

Ventricular fibrillation

caused by electrical signals reaching different regions at widely different times

kills quickly if not stopped


Strong electrical shock to depolarize entire myocardium, stop fibrillation, and reset SA nodes to sinus rhythm


Fast HR


Slow HR

Cardiac cycle

one complete contraction and relaxation of all 4 chambers of heart





Quiescent period

all 4 chambers in diastole (relaxed) at same time

Total duration of cardiac cycle

0.8 second in a heart beating at 75 bpm


60 sec x 1 beat = 75 beats = 75 bpm

min 0.8 sec min

1. Atrial systole begins

Atrial contraction forces a small amount of additional blood into relaxed ventricles

2. What happens in step 2

Atrial systole ends; atrial diastole begins

3. Ventricular systole

First phase: ventricular contraction pushes AV valves closed but does not create enough pressure to open semilunar valve

Second phase: as ventricular pressure increases and exceeds pressure in the vessels, the semilunar valves open and blood is ejected (from ventricles to blood vessels) (blood vessels = pulmonary trunk and aorta)

Ventricular diastole

Early: as ventricles relax, pressure in ventricles drops; blood flows back against cusps of semilunar valves and forces them closed. Blood flows into relaxed atria

Late: All chambers are relaxed. Ventricles fill passively

-passive filling is responsible for most of blood in ventricle

What effect does pressure have on fluid?

Pressure causes a fluid to flow down a pressure gradient

Blood flows from region of higher pressure to lower pressure

Pressure in the contracting chamber exceeds pressure in a relaxed chamber

What do valves do?

Help blood move in the right direction

What do blood vessels provide

Blood vessels provide resistance to blood flow ( depends on diameter of bv)

Ventricular pressure must rise above this resistance for blood to flow into great vessels

Atria systole

atria contract, blood moves from atria into ventricles thru AV valves

fills ventricles with 30% remaining volume blood (top off ventricles)


When atrial systole is over and the ventricles are "full", this is the end diastolic volume

-the END of ventricular diastole, beginning of ventricular systole

-about 130 mL in normal resting adult

Atrial diastole

relaxation of atria until the next cardiac cycle; fill with blood during "late" atrial diastole

Ventricular systole

starts at the same time as atrial diastole; rising pressure in ventricles closes AV valves; forces blood from ventricles to pulmonary and systemic circuits; 3x longer than atrial systole

Equation for stroke volume


During ventricular systole

pressure develops in ventricle; close AV valves

Isovolumetric contraction

tension generated in ventricle but not enough to force open semilunar valve so ventricle remains full of blood; no change in volume

Isotonic contraction

enough pressure to force open the SL valves, so blood is ejected into aorta and pulmonary trunk; ventricular ejection

Stroke Volume

Amt of blood ejected from a ventricle during a single cardiac cycle is the stroke volume

about 70 mL


Blood leftover in ventricle after isotonic contraction

about 50-60 mL

Ventricular Diastole (early)

When pressure in ventricle decreases, blood flows back from aorta and pulm trunk to close SL valves

-dicrotic notch: recoil of aorta

-this is how aortic sinus gets filled (how blood gets to coronary sinus)

Isovolumetric relaxation

when all valves closed, ventricles are relaxing but pressure is still higher than in atria so AV valves remain closed and no blood fills atria yet

Ventricular Diastole (late)

All chambers relaxed; blood begins to flow into atria once the pressure in the ventricles is lower than that in the atria (back to atrial systole-back to EDV)

Ejection Fraction

portion ejected out of total ventricular volume

54% resting

Can go as high as 90% during vigorous exercise


Listening to sounds made by body

-different stethoscope positions determine which heart sound is heard best

First heart sound

louder and longer "lubb"

occurs due to closure of AV valve and opening of SL valve

Second heart sound

softer and sharper "dupp"

occurs due to SL valves closing

Mitral valve prolapse (Murmur)

Hear swoosh from some regurgitation when the AV valve doesn't close fully or if cusps are malformed or papillary muscle problem or chordae tendinae too short

-backflow into atria

Cardiac Output

Amount of blood ejected by ventricle in 1 minute

CO = HR x SV

About 4-6 L/min at rest

Cardiac reserve

Difference between a persons max and resting CO; can usually increase 5x

HR and SV can increase 2x

Increase w fitness, decreases with disease

HR increases as SV decreases

Factors Affecting Heart Rate

Autonomic innervation


Factors Affecting Heart Rate: Autonomic Innervation


Sympathetic, increase HR, SA node

Parasympathetic, decrease HR, Vagus nerve

Parasympathetic Stimulation

More - RMP (hyper polarized)

Take longer to repolarize

Decrease HR

Have more Na leaking in slowly

Sympathetic Stimulation

Less - RMP (depolarized)

More rapid depolarization

Increase HR

Little bit of Na leaking in

Quicker to repolarize

Cardioinhibitory Center

Parasympathetic Nerves

Fibers of vagus nerve from medulla oblongata lead to SA node and AV node

Little to no effect on ventricles contraction

Reduces HR

Hormone: Ach- Acetylcholine binds to muscarinic receptors

-opens k gates in nodal cells

-as k leaves, cells become hyper polarized and fire less frequently

Vagal tone slows down heart beat from SA node which is 80-100 to 60-80 bpm

Cardioacceleratory Center

Cardiac nerves to heart terminate in SA and AV nodes, in atrial and ventricular myocardium, aorta, pulm trunk, and coronary arteries

Hormone: NE binds to Beta-adrenergic receptors which activate cAMP second mess system

Lead to opening of Ca channels in plasma membrane


- increased HR

- increased contraction strength

- vasodilate coronary arteries to increase myocardial blood flow


Does not initiate heart beat, it modulates rhythm and force

Positive Chronotropic agents

Factors that raise HR

-sympathetic stimulation



-Nicotine stim catecholamines (NE E)

- Thyroid hormone increases number of adrenergic receptors on heart so more responsive to symp stim

-caffeine inhibits cAMP breakdown


resting adult HR > 100 bpm

occurs due to:




-heart disease


-blood loss

-damage to myocardium

Negative Chronotropic Agents

Factors that low HR

Parasym stim or Ach


Resting adult HR < 60 bpm

Occurs in:


-low body temp

-endurance trained athletes


Pressure sensors in aorta and internal carotid arteries (sinuses) signal cardiac center

-problems detected, send signals to rectify problem

BP low, signal rate drops, cardiac center increases HR

BP high, signal rate increases, cardiac center decreases HR

Factors Affecting SV



After load



how much tension you get in ventricle from blood (stretch in ventricle)

Venous return


How much blood is coming from superior and inferior vena cava

-determined by skeletal muscle activity, blood volume, and changes in peripheral circulation

Filling time


low HR, longer filling time

high HR, shorter filling time



how forcefully can cells contract

-determined by autonomic innervation and hormones

Sympathetic = high contractility = E and NE

Parasymp = no effect = Ach

After load


resistance due to aorta

-vasodilation: bigger diameter, decrease after load, decrease resistance

-vasoconstriction: smaller diameter, increase after load, increase resistance

Preload stuff

high blood in ventricle (high EDV), high preload

exercise increases venous return and stretches myocardium

-high preload causes high force of contraction

-high CO matches high venous return



Frank Starling law of heart

SV proportional to EDV

"more in = more out"

the more myocytes stretched (by venous return increase) the stronger they will contract

-stretching will optimize position of sarcomeres, so allow max cross bridge formation

Positive inotropic agents to increase contractility

-Sympathetic stimulation (NE)



Negative inotropic agents to decrease contractility


After load stuff

Limits SV (how much you can pump out)

-related to the amt of pressure required to open the semilunar valves and eject blood

- high BP (in aorta), high amt of force needed to open semilunar valve; decrease in force available to eject blood



Exercise and CO

Exercise increase CO, HR, and SV

Proprioreceptors signal cardiac center

-increase muscular activity, increase venous return, increase preload, increase CO

Exercise produces hypertrophy

-athletes with high cardiac reserve can tolerate more exertion than a sedentary person