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254 Cards in this Set

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many genes produce products that interact with other gene products or DNA itself
multiple loci can determine a single phenotype
when one gene influences multiple phenotypic traits
haploid genotype, multilocus genotype of a chromosome or gamete (gametic phase)
Linkage disequilibrium
the non-random association of alleles at two or more loci, not necessarily on the same chromosome. It is not the same as linkage, which describes the association of two or more loci on a chromosome with limited recombination between them
the process by which a strand of genetic material is broken and then joined to another DNA molecule. This may happen during meiosis of a diploid organism that sexually reproduces or may be something like conjugation in bacteria where there is an exchange of DNA between two haploid individuals
Homologous recombination
a type of genetic recombination in which nucleotide sequences are exchanged between two similar or identical strands of DNA
recombination rate=
proportion of gametes that are recombinant. ranges from 0 to 0.5
if on different chromosomes, then recombination rate is going to be
0.5 (Mendel's 2nd Law)
given an allele frequency of p at locus A in the population, that allele will have a frequency of ____ for any given allele at locus B
when in linkage equilibrium, the frequency of any haplotype can be calculated by
multiplying frequencies of the constituent alleles
when in linkage equilibrium D =
fAB*fab - fAb*faB
when in population LD
fAb does not equal ps, etc.
What causes LD
selection, mutation, population admixture (gene flow), aka hybridization
what does NOT cause LD
physical linkage (no matter how close)
(these only slow the rate of decay of LD)
reason that Genetic Drift more powerful for changing gamete frequencies relative to changing allele frequencies at a given locus
as more loci are considered, the more unique haplotypes there will be. Thus, the frequency of any given haplotype will be rare. the rarer it is, the more subject it is to sampling error.
Decline in LD due to Recombination D'=
r= recombination rate (0-0.5)
rate of decline in LD between a pair of loci is proportional to
recombination rate between the two loci
Linkage equilibrium is _____ after a single round of random mating even under free recombination
not restored
Under LD, if selection for one allele at one locus,
it will drive an increase of another allele at another locus thats not being selected for
In a population in linkage equilibrium, selection in favor of allele A effect on allele B?
no effect on frequency of allele B.
selection drives advantageous allele to higher frequency before
recombination can break up associations (selective sweep; also reduces surrounding genetic diversity)
costly to use sex as a mode of reproduction
-energy demanding
-may need to find a mate if dioecious
-Lose 50% of genetic material every generation
Muller's ratchet
Asexual populations accumulate deleterious mutations
genetic load
burden imposed by accumulation of mildly deleterious alleles
Quantitative genetics
a field of evolutionary biology that examines the evolution of continuously variable traits that are influenced by the combined effects of genotype at >1 locus and the environment
Quantitative traits
characters with continuously distributed phenotypes (e.g., height, beak depth in finches)
Edward East (1916)
experiments with longflower tobacco. these planets do not have discrete phenotype for corolla length- it is continuous.
Edward East 2 predictions
1. unless measure many, many offspring in F2 do not expect to find parental phenotypes because frequency of that genotype is very low.
2. However, all alleles are still present from parents, so should be able to artificially select for parental phenotype (over multiple generations) out of F2 generation
Quantitative traits are influenced by
the environment as well as genotype
fraction of the total phenotypic variation in a trait that is due to variation in genes
phenotypic variation
(Vp)= variation due to genetics (Vg) and to environment (Ve)
Broad sense Heritability
Vg/Vp = Vg / (Vg+Ve)
Genetic Variation
(Vg) = variation due to additive genetics (Va) and dominance (Vd)
Narrow Sense Heritability
(h^2) = Va/Vp = Va / (Va+Vd+Ve)
Heritability is a value between
0 and 1
The heritability estimate is specific to
the population, generation, and environment you are analyzing
The heritability estimate is a ____, not a _____ parameter
population, not an individual parameter
Heritability does not indicate the degree to which a trait is genetic, it
measures the proportion of the phenotypic variance that is the result of genetic factors
Heritability tells us nothing about
the role of genes in determining traits (e.g., heritability of nose number is undefined Va/Vp = 0/0) obviously genes are important in determining how many noses we have
Why do we measure heritability
it allows us to predict whether selection on a trait will cause a population to evolve
High heritability within populations tells us nothing about
the cause of differences between populations! **
The plants in the Stanford population are taller, on average, than the plants in the Mather population. Does this mean that the Stanford population is genetically superior to the Mather population?
No: these populations are genetically identical because were grown from cuttings of the same seven plants
What does heritability tell us about the origin of differences? or if one population is "better" than another?
There are differences in the way plants respond to
adaptation is relative to
the environment you are in
parent offspring regression measures
h^2 (slope of regression)
why might offspring look like parent, besides genetics?
maternal effect, environment
common environment can
confound analysis
Selection differential
(S) difference between trait mens of breeders (t*) and trait mean of entire population (t)
Selection Gradient
(β) is slope of relative fitness to trait value
each mouse's standardized fitness =
absolute fitness/mean
β =
breeder's equation
R= h^2 x S
The response to selection (R) is
just the difference between the mean of the parents before selection and the mean of the offspring
Why is the bee population in the tundra larger than the timberline population
there are other pollinators besides bees in the timberline area. Hypothesis- bees are selecting for larger flowers.
lower heritability=
less change from selection
Directional selection
Changes average value of trait (increases or decreases)
Variance gets a little smaller
Stabilizing selection
average value of trait does not change
Variance gets smaller
Stabilizing selection on a gall marking fly
wasps kill fly larvae inside small galls faster; birds kill fly larvae inside large galls faster = Fly larvae inside medium-sized galls survived at the highest rates
Disruptive Selection
Average value of trait does not change
Variance gets larger
disruptive selection on bill size in the black-bellied seedcracker
survivors were those individuals with bills that were either relatively large or relatively small
Kin Selection
the "actor" in any social interaction affects the recipient of the action as well as itself. The costs and benefits of interactions are measured in units of surviving offspring
Recipient and Actor benefits
Recipient benefits/actor harmed
Altruistic (hard for this gene to persist in population)
Recipient harmed/actor benefits
recipient harmed/actor harmed
Coefficients of relatedness (r)
probability that the homologous alleles in two individuals are identical by descent
Hamilton's rule
an allele for altruistic behavior will spread if Br-C>0
relatedness between actor and recipient
benefit to recipient, measured in units of surviving offspring
cost to the actor, measured in units of surviving offspring
Altruism will spread if
benefits to recipient great, cost to actor are low, and both are closely related
Inclusive fitness
direct fitness (own reproduction) + indirect fitness (reproduction from relatives)
Bcause the actor is benefiting via inclusive fitness
maybe should not call altruism
What is an adaptation
A trait (or group of traits) that increases the fitness of its possessor, relative to those without the trait
A trait is an adaptation for some function if...
it has become prevalent or is maintained in a population because of selection for that function
a major goal in evolutionary biology is to demonstrate
"adaptive significance" of traits
How do you test if a trait is adaptive? (not easy)
-Demonstrate the function of the trait
-Demonstrate that the trait is linked to fitness
However, there are several means to test for evidence of selection on traits
Association between oxpeckers and large mammals
An example of mutualism, which evolved through coadaptation
Oxpeckers were observed
picking at open wounds, eating cows' ear wax and eating dead skin cells, but rarely eating cow ectoparasites
-Cows were observed trying to avoid the birds one to two times per minute
What was found when oxpeckers were taken away
-wounds on cattle heal more slowly when birds are present
-Cattle exposed to birds have considerably less earwax
-Is the presence of oxpeckers really adaptive for cattle?
Not everything that "looks" like an adaptation actually is an adaptation
1. a trait may be a necessary consequence of physics or chemistry
2. The trait may have evolved by random genetic drift rather than by natural selection
3. The feature may have evolved not because it conferred an adaptive advantage, but because it was correlated with a trait that did.
4. The character state may be a consequence of phylogenetic history
A trait may not be...
an adaptation! ***
Methods for Recognizing Adaptations: Experiments
An experiment can be used to show that a feature enhances survival, reproductive success, or some aspect of performance that we might expect to be related to fitness
Methods for Recognizing Adaptations: Observational Studies: (reveal adaptive aspects of traits): complexity
complex features are commonly products of natural selection, so complexity may suggest the presence of an adaptation
Methods for Recognizing Adaptations: Observational Studies: (reveal adaptive aspects of traits): Design
Structures that look "designed" for a specific function may be adaptations
Methods for Recognizing Adaptations: The Comparative Method
for those features that have evolved multiple times (convergence), we can assess whether the evolution of the feature is correlated with a particular selection pressure
Example Experiment: fly and jumping spiders
Do the wing markings and display of the tephritid fly Z. vittigera represent an adaptation to predation? is the adaptation specific to thwarting jumping spiders?
Results from experiment with fly and jumping spiders
The presence of the wing stripes and display do deter jumping spiders, but not other predator species
The wing stripes is something that has evolved in response to a common predator
Observational studies when..
experiments involving actual manipulation of variables are not feasible
ex. thermoregulation in reptiles
Garter snakes have different options for behaviorally modifying their body temperature
-stay at surface, moving between sun and shade
-Stay in a burrow, moving deeper or shallower
-Stay under a rock (rock thickness affects this strategy)
what strategy kept snakes closest to their optimal body temp throughout day and night?
rock strategy (using medium-thickness rocks), according to temp measurements under various scenarios
if medium-thickness rocks are theoretically the best temp regulators for garter snakes, would we observe that snakes make an adaptive "choice" in nature
The Comparative Method
Do different lineages respond in the same adaptive way to similar, independent selective episodes?
comparative method: test a hypothesis of
convergent evolution
-Requires that the evolutionary relationships among the species of interest are known (A resolved phylogeny)
"controlling for phylogeny"
-Need to correct for trait similarity among groups caused by phylogenetic similarity
Example: comparative method: testis size in male megabats
is larger testis size an adaptation to living in larger groups? (sperm competition)
How to correct for similarity due to recent common ancestry?
using Felsenstein's method. Think of it as a way of "subtracting out" the phylogenetic effects
Results megabats
There is a significant relationship between the two contrast values, so larger group size is positively associated with larger testis size in megabats
Phenotypic Plasticity
-when the same genotype produces different phenotypes, depending on environmental circumstances
-Can be genetic variation for the extent to which a trait is phenotypically plastic (genotype-by-environment interaction)
Selection can favor higher or lower phenotypic plasticity, depending on..
how the ability to change one's phenotype affects fitness
water fleas
attraction to light is phenotypically plastic. The smell of predatory fish causes them to avoid light. In populations where predation is hight, phenotypic plasticity is extreme. In populations with few predators, there is minor or no response to the smell of fish
The study of life history evolution focuses on
the 'timing" of events during the life span of organisms, why theses events occur when they do, and what fitness tradeoffs are associated with different schedules
Examples of life history questions in evolutionary biology:
-Why do species differ in the age at which sexual maturity is reached?
-Why do individuals of some species only reproduce once?
-Why do some organisms live longer than others?
-Why is there an "optimal" rate of offspring production?
-Why do some species produce many, tiny eggs, while others produce fewer, larger eggs?
Life history differences are driven by
how energy is allocated to reproduction, metabolism, and growth
Female Sand crickets
Example of an energy allocation trade off
short winged female
allocate more energy to egg production and less energy to dispersal ability
-predict more in stable habitats with abundant resources
Long winged female
allocate more energy wings and muscles for dispersal, and less energy to egg production
-predict more in unstable environments where food scarcity is likely
What is the optimal rate of offspring production? Important trade off
as the number of offspring produced at one time increases, there are fewer resources available for each individual offspring. (resources can be biochemical investments or behavioral investments for rearing young)
-Should and individual produce many offspring that each get few resources, or a few offspring that each get many resources?
Lacks hypothesis
selection will favor the "clutch size" that produces the highest offspring survival
the probability that any individual offspring will survive ___ with increasing clutch size
the total number of surviving offspring reaches a maximum at
an intermediate clutch size
Are studies of natural populations consistent with Lack's hypothesis?
In general, no. Most studies have revealed that individuals actually produce fewer offspring than expected under lack's model
Explanations for the discrepancy
-lack's hypothesis assumes no trade off among reproductive efforts in different years
-Clutch size might affect not only offspring survival, but other aspects of offspring fitness
-Clutch size could be a phenotypically plastic trait. Individuals might be able to adjust optimum clutch size from year to year, depending on environmental conditions
What is the optimal size of each offspring?
-given a finite pool of resources for offspring production, this pool can be divided up into many, small, pieces, or a few large pieces
optimal size of offspring: important trade off
An individual can produce many small offspring (few resources per offspring), or a few large offspring (many resources per offspring)
Parental fitness for a given offspring size
the product of the number of offspring able to be produced and the survival probability for an offspring.
In hatchery-raised chinook salmon, optimal egg mass is
1 conflicts between the sexes over life history traits
the optimal number of offspring per mating bout might differ between males and females. In D melanogaster, it is optimal for males if their mate produces the maximal # of offspring. For the female, however, this is suboptimal considering future reproductive events
2 Genetic variation for life history traits
because life history traits are closely connected with fitness, we expect selection to have reduced genetic variation for these traits. Empirical studies, however, have shown substantial genetic variation for L.H. traits. Based on some examples, genetic variation can be maintained if different "morphs' display different L.H. strategies, and frequency-dependent selection results in the persistence of the different morphs. Other explanations also are possible and valid.
3 Not all populations are at the theoretical optimum
theoretical optima for life history traits, even when all the assumptions are correct, may not be observed in natural populations. this can be due to a lack of time or genetic variation required to evolve to the optimum.
Sexual Selection
selection that arises from differential reproductive success due to variation in mating success
For a trait to evolve under sexual selection,
the trait must be correlated with mating success and that mating success must be correlated with reproductive success
1948 Bateman's experiment with Drosophila melanogaster
-he placed small groups of males and females in milk bottles with food
-Parentage analysis: assigned offspring to their parents using phenotypic markers, whose inheritance could be tracked based on simple Mendelian principles
results in Bateman's experiment
# offspring increased as males got more mates
# offspring reaches an asymptote
the Selection Gradient
Describes the "steepness" of the relationship between trait values and fitness
the Batmeman Gradient (or sexual selection gradient)
-Describes a selection gradient for mating success.
-the steeper it is the greater the strength of sexual selection
A positive relationship between mating success and fitness suggests
that selection will favor traits that allow an organism to obtain more mates
this positive relationship is the cause of
sexual selection
How steep this relationship is determines how strong the selection is.
The presence of sexual selection tends to ___ the variance in mating success and the variance of fitness in the population
Bateman's principles
1. A high variance in mating success is a sign of sexual selection
2. A high variance in reproductive success (fitness) is another sign of sexual selection
3. A positive relationship between mating success and reproductive success is the cause of sexual selection
In Bateman's experiment, sexual selection was clearly stronger on males than females. But why?
-the two sexes often have different reproductive potential, due to basic biological constraints.
-In D. melanogaster, females have a limited number of eggs, all of which can be fertilized by one or two males. Males have millions of sperm, so their fitness is limited only by how many females they can inseminate.
In many animal species this is the case, simply due to
the size and energy difference between eggs and sperm
a union between two gametes that differ in size or form; refers to the difference in size and energy between eggs and sperm
Robert Trivers (influenced by Bateman's work)
He generalized the role of anisogamy in sexual selection to include sex-differences in "parental investment"
The sex that invests more in the production and rearing of offspring will likely experience...
weker sexual selection, relative to the sex that invests less
Syngathus typhle
sex role reversed (pipefish)
The fitness of the sex with a steeper Bateman gradient is more limited by
the number of mates
The fitness of the sex with the shallower Bateman gradient is more limited by
the quality of mates
Greater success in obtaining mates could be due to
1) Traits that allow one to directly compete with members of the same sex for mating opportunities. "Intrasexual Selection"
2.) Traits that attract potential mates. "Intersexual Selection"
3.) Both
Evolutionary outcomes of sexual selection?
-Sexual Dimorphism
-Maladaptive traits
Sexual Dimorphism: Secondary Sex traits
-Differences between the sexes that do not directly participate in reproduction
-All differences between the sexes except for genitalia and gonads
-Usually involved in mating opportunity and mating success
sexual Dimorphism
-Morphology (such as body size)
-Physiology (such as hormonal differences)
Not all sexual dimorphism observed in nature is due to sexual selection
-Natural selection can result in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.
-Other evolutionary mechanisms could also theoretically cause the evolution of sexual dimorphism
Maladaptive traits
possible mechanisms of sexual Selection
-Endurance rivalry
-Post-copulatory sexual selection
-Mate choice
Mechanisms: Intrasexual Selection
Scrambles, endurance rivalry, contests, sperm competition, etc.
Mechanisms: Intersexual selection
Mate choice, cryptic choice (post-copulatory)
Scramble competition
Mating success may depend on a race to be the first to find and/or fertilize a mate
Endurance Rivalry
Mating success may depend on how long a male can stay at a breeding site, and selection will favor males that out compete rivals by enduring the costs of defending a breeding site
Mating success may depend on dominance, success in fights, or an ability to bypass fighting altogether
Alternative mating strategies
when combat isn't your thing (salmon too small)
Post-copulatory Competition
If females mate with multiple males, competition may continue after mating; lions kill offspring so females can give birth to his own offspring
mate Choice
mating success may depend on courtship displays, which are driven by mate preferences for particular traits (pretty feathers)
Long tails in male red collared widowbirds
longer tail-->more mates--> more offspring; but skinnier than shorter tails (driven by sexual selection, not natural selection)
Reasons for Choosiness?
-trying to get better genes for your offspring
-Mate directly benefits through acquisition of resources.
-non choosy sex is taking advantage of some preexisting sensory bias in the choosy sex
-Can be genetic correlations between trait in one sex and choice in the other
examines the change in allele/genotype frequencies within and among populations of a species
species concepts: morphospecies
species based on morphological differences/similarities
advantages of morphospecies
-can use on extant and extinct taxa
-often used as first means for identification
-easy to collect
Disadvantages of morphospecies
-what delineates a new species- how much difference?
-some organisms have limited morphology to work with (e.g., bacteria)
-cryptic species (morphologically indistinguishable, but genetically distinct)
-sexual dimorphism- need to define for males and females
species concepts: Biological Species Concept (probably most popular)
species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
Advantages of Biological species concept
-focuses on evolutionary mechanism- gene flow
-provides a more objective criterion than morphospecies concept
Disadvantages of Biological Species concept
-largely focuses on a single evolutionary mechanism- gene flow
-What about organisms with asexual reproduction?
-what about fossils where cannot test reproductive isolation?
-Reproductive compatibility is a plesiomorphic character (although reproductive compatibility does not have to equal reproductive isolation as isolation can occur by other means)
species concepts: Phylogenetic Species Concept
defines species as the smallest diagnosable monophyletic group; species are evolutionary independent long enough for "diagnostic" traits to appear
Phylogenetic Species concept advantages
-can use on extant and extinct taxa
-molecular data make it feasible to test in most if not all extant taxa
-can use regardless of reproductive mode
Phylogenetic Species concept disadvantages
-it may be that each population is actually a distinct species according to PSC (although not a problem with the concept, but how we handle the organization of so many possible "species")
-Need to be cautious of horizontal gene transfer (e.g., especially bacteria) because can create incorrect phylogeny
Phyletic speciation
gradual change through time within a lineage (similar to chronospecies)
fusion of two species to form a new species
origin of new lineage- "splitting of lineages"
Instantaneous cladogenesis
e.g. polyploidy or other genetic events that prevent offspring from mating with parent population
gradual cladogenesis
divergence of lineages occurs over time
-allopatric, parapatric, sympatric
physical isolation creates an effective barrier to gene flow- now other evolutionary mechanisms result in divergence
-can happen via dispersal and colonization of new habitats
-or vicariance events (a population is split into smaller units)
a population is split into smaller units
habitat is continuous between the populations that are diverging into separate species
-ring species may be an example (some don't agree)
-May occur along a cline
-or an ecotone
a gradual change in conditions which gives rise to slightly different characteristics predominating in the organisms that live along it
a transition area between two adjacent but different habitats
refers to the formation of two or more descendant species from a single ancestral species all occupying the same geographic location
Sympatric cont'd
-often cited examples of sympatric speciation are found in insects that become dependent on different host plants in the same area (table 16.1)
-however some have argued that the evidence of sympatric speciation are in fact examples of micro-allopatric speciation (what we perceive as sympatric may not be so in other organisms)
host parasite example
will describe how can be allopatric or sympatric
sexual selection coupled with assortive mating could result in or reinforce
sympatric speciation
Example of sympatric divergence: three-spined sticklebacks
-In each of 5 lakes have 2 different forms
-DNA data show how each lake was colonized independently, presumably by a marine ancestor, after the last ice age and that the two forms in each lake are more closely related to each other than they are to individuals in the other lakes
-Nevertheless, neither form mates with the other, but will mate with like form from another lake.
conclusion (three-spined sticklebacks)
in each lake, competition for limited resources resulted in disruptive selection coupled with assortive mating
disruptive selection: three spined sticklebacks
competition favoring fishes at either extreme of body size and mouth size over those nearer the mean
Assortive mating: three spined sticklebacks
each size preferred mates like it- favored a divergence into two subpopulations exploiting different food in different parts of the lake
stickleback example: the fact that this pattern of speciation occurred the same way on separate occasions suggest strongly that
ecological factors in a sympatric population can cause speciation
Within lakes have divergence of trait under selection, that leads to
reproductive isolation (not necessarily incompatibility)- now each form can drift independently and get divergence across genome
Allopatric lake populations are diverging across genome due to
Important thing to remember in speciation
(not calling something allopatric or sympatric etc.)
-To find the mechanism(s) that is (are) resulting in the divergence
the patterns we observe (sympatric allopatric etc.)
gives us clues to the mechanism
selection important in driving speciation within lakes, but
still have divergence between lakes due to drift as "neutral markers" still more similar within than between lakes
-so may have up to 10 species in 5 lakes
-also example of why do not use selected markers to infer phylogeny- want to use neutral markers (something not under selection, maybe due to genetic drift or migration)
mating between individuals of genetically distinct populations/species
What happens when diverged populations come back into contact and there is still the potential to interbreed?
1. Get complete homogenization such that 2 diverged units become 1 (hybrid equal fitness to parents)
2. Reinforcement to complete reproductive isolation
3. Maintenance of hybrids within a hybrid zone
4. Hybridization may lead to formation of new species
natural selection that results in a mechanism to prevent hybridization among individuals of diverged populations that are now in secondary contact (selection against hybridization because hybrid has less fitness)
Reinforcement results in
prezygotic isolation- mechanisms that prevent fertilization (behavioral physiological etc.)
low fitness of hybrids may be due to postzygotic isolation
ex. hybrid offspring are sterile or infertile
Hybrid zone maintenance
hybrids are maintained because they have higher fitness in zone of contact relative to parental populations
-such zones may allow the leakage (introgression) of alleles from one species to another
New species formation may occur if
hybrid occupies new habitat and is more fit that parental populations. also may get new species if hybridization results in a polyploid species.
Speciation in the fossil record: If it is true (as we think it is) that most speciation involves populations that are geographically isolated (allopatric), then
speciation should be difficult to document using the fossil record
Speciation in the fossil record: speciation can only be detected if
if at least two separate populations can be studied over the same temporal sequence
-in addition, the populations under study have to include the ones that lead to the separate species
-Nevertheless, there are few examples of what looks like speciation in the fossil record
Speciation in Radiolarians
Radiolarians, amoeboid planktonic protozoa that produce intricate mineral skeletons
-species A inhabited southern North Pacific
-later, appeared in norther part and soon started showing features of species B
-then, later, species B reinvaded souther waters
-After species B became sympatric with its parent species, it evolved larger size, while species A evolved smaller size
Species A and B
A= Eucytridium calvertense
B= Eucyrtidium matuyamai
Mitochondrial DNA between human and chimps differ at
2 main points need to know about human ancestry
-many hominid lineages have gone extinct
-some of these lineages coexisted at the same time and same place based on fossil records
Human Ancestry: difficult to disentangle the different hypotheses without..
more ancient DNA
It is clear all present day people descended from
african ancestors
Current data suggest first model and maybe second one- either way present day differences among races must have arisen in
last few hundred thousand years
organism that lives in or on another organism for all or part of its life and in doing takes resources away from the host without any return benefit to the host
-bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi
-multiply within host (multiple generations)
-acute infections (host death or immunity)
-helminths (e.g., nematodes, flatworms), arthropods
-release eggs or larvae into external environment
-chronic infections (morbidity not mortality
How common are parasites?
Probably more species of parasites than free living organisms
ex. over 23,000 bony fish species
-each one has at least 1 species of flatworm-if not more!
Are parasites Bad? No!
-represent an significant amount of biodiversity
-many applied uses (toxicology, ecosystem health)
-interesting ecology and evolution (unique adaptations)!
-Population regulators
Can parasites affect host health?
- > 5million deaths/year caused by parasites
- ~3 billion dollars spent on anti-helminthic drugs in livestock
-mostly in developing countries or tropical areas
-how much do you spend on your dog or cat?
Virulence not a property of the parasite
-Often defined in relation to some aspect of parasite-induced reductions in host fitness
-However, this is a host-centric evolutionary point of view. Different hosts may respond differently to the same parasite strain
-The host is a resource the parasite uses to maximize its fitness.
-The way a parasite exploits a host will depend on the strategies that maximize its fitness irrespective of the welfare of the host.
-Remember selection is not forward thinking, so no reason a less pathogenic parasite will evolve to ensure hosts are around for future infections.
-In parasites, *selection acts on rates of host exploitation irrespective of effects on host fitness*
Kingdom Protozoa: Phylum Sarcomastigophora
amoeba and flagellates
Kingdom Protozoa: Phylum Apicomplexa
malaria, etc.
Entamoeba histolytica (Phylum Sarcomastigophora Subphylum Sarcodina)
-Worldwide distribution
-*fecal contamination*
-amebic dysentary
-asexual reproduction in gut (binary fission)
-cysts in feces
-effective treatments
Other species of Enatmoeba not pathogenic but important to know for diagnosis
Giardia intestinalis (lamblia) (Phylum Sarcomastigophora subphylum Mastigophora)
-Worlidwide distribution
-fecal contamination
-asymptomatic to severe diarrhea and malabsorption
-asexual reproduction in gut (binary fission)
-cysts in feces
-effective treatments
parasites belong to the kingdom
Trypanosoma brucei spp.
African sleeping sickness
-there are drugs for treatment, but need to treat quickly
*transmitted by Tsetse fly*
In human host- reproduction
humans intermediate host*
T.b. gambiense
west/central africa
-chronic disease starts in blood get fever, chills, then lymph then CNS
T.B. rhodesiense
East/southeast Africa
-acute disease can die in blood stage of infection
Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas disease
-Assassin/Kissing bugs- parasite in bug feces by site of the bit wound- scratch in parasite
-Americas- southern US to Argentina (because of behavior of bugs)
-Chronic Disease: fever, anorexia, mild hepatosplenomegaly
-chronic Chagas disease and its complications can be fatal
-drugs for treatment, but better to treat in acute phase
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
old and new world tropical; once get become immune
there are treatments
Visceral leishmaniasis
mostly middle east, but in S. Am.
-fever, weight loss, swelling of spleen and liver, and anemia
-if untreated host dies b/c immune system breaks down
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
central and south America
can become visceral if not treated
Toxoplasma gondii (Kingdom Protozoa)
-Felids are final host
-sexual and asexual reproduction in cats
-asexual in all other hosts
-transplacental transmission in humans
-fetus can develop neurological problems
-about 20-70% of people exposed
(pregnant women shouldn't clean litter box)
-Worldwide- immunocompetent people- generally an asymptomatic infection
KIngdom Animalia: Phylum Platyhelminthes
flatworms, contains free living species; almost all hermaphroditic; parasitic groups: cestodes, digeneans, monogeneans
Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Nematoda
roundworms; free living, plant parasites, and animal parasites; more than one origin of animal parasitism
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Trematoda
Subclass Digenea
~6000 species usually, two suckers
-usually 3 host life cycle and snail first host*
-widespread parasites of all classes of vertebrates inhabit (as adult or juvenile worms) nearly every organ of their hosts
-several species infect humans
Schistosoma mansoni transmission (a species of ^)
200 million infected
(2 host life cycle instead of 3)
-S. mansoni (Africa, S. Am.)
-S. Japonicum (Asia)
-S. haematobium (Africa)
Many species of bird schistosomes (swimmer's itch)
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Digenea (trematodes)
Fascioloides magna
-deer liver fluke
-4 to 10 cm in length
Life cycle
-freshwater snails from family Lymnaeidae
-Cercarie emerge from the snail host and swim in water for up to two hours before encysting (metacercaria) on vegeation
-Final host (eg deer) eats vegetation with parasite- excysts and penetrates gut wall and migrates to liver
Fasciola hepatica
related parasite (sheep liver fluke) can be costly for sheep production
Phylum platyhelminthes
class Monogenea
-typically (often economically important) ectoparasites of the skin and/or gills of fish
-some species become endoparasitic by inhabiting the nose, the pharynx, cloaca bladder of amphibians, reptiles also in cetaceans and cephalopods
-attached to the host's surface by a characteristic haptor which is species-specific and provided with hooks and hooklets
-usually have a simple life cycle involving hermaphroditic adults, eggs and larvae
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Cestoda
-Typically, adults inhabit the intestines of their hosts, being anchored to the intestinal via a scolex, followed by a series of repeated reproductive segments called proglottids
-Sharks, rays, marine fish have large diversity of tapeworms (also maybe birds)
-some species infect man
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Cestoda
Taenia solium
-If ingest eggs can get cysticercosis (can affect your brain)
-humans can be both final and intermediate host
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Class Cestoda
Echinococcus granulosus
Canids final host
If humans get then larvae can migrate to most tissues and form hydatid cyst (asexual reproduction in cyst)
-hydatid disease
Phylum Nematoda
-between 16,000-20,000 described species
- ~5,800 parasitic in vertebrates (likely multiple origins)
-typically dioescious
-body covered by cuticle
-extremely diverse in life cycle patterns
Phylum Nematoda: Ascaris lumbricoides
human roundworm in gut (15-35 cm)
Worldwide distribution (over billion infected
-Highest prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions, and areas with inadequate sanitation
-large burdens may cause abdominal pains and affect growth in children, pulmonary symptoms in migratory phase
>200,000 eggs per day, persist in environment
Ascaris Suum
(may be same species as above) infects pigs (costly to swine production)
Effective treatments
Phylum Nematoda: Hookworms
Ancyclostoma duodenale, Necator americanus
-penetrate host
-2nd most common human helminthic infection (after ascariasis)
- ~25,000 eggs per day
-Iron deficiency anemia (adults feed on blood)
-cutaneous larval migrans, A. caninum (dogs), A. braziliense
-larvae cannot mature further in the human host, and migrate aimlessly within the epidermis, sometimes as much as several centimeters a day.
Phylum Nematoda: Trichinella spiralis (uncooked pork)
found worldwide in many carnivorous and omnivorous animals
-infections may be asymptomatic intestine by the time notice infected, larvae already in muscles
-facial edema, fever, rashes
-occasional life-threatening manifestations
Phylum Nematoda: Filarial nematodes
infective larvae are transmitted by infected biting arthropods during a blood meal
-Dirofilaria immitis- dog heartworm
-Wuchereria bancrofti- (elephantiasis) tropical areas worldwide, lymphatic infection
-Onchocerca volvuls- (river blindness) mainly in Africa; nodules in subcutaneous tissues
Phylum Acanthocephala
Spiny headed worms (proboscis with spines)
-Dioecious intestinal parasites with no intestine
-Vertebrate final hosts, arthropod intermediate hosts
Phylum Pentastomida
-Adults in lungs and respiratory systems of land-living carnivorous vertebrates
-Mostly found in reptiles
-Dioecious with complete digestive system
-Related to arthropods
Transmission and host behavior Dicrocoelium dendriticum
produce slime balls that ants eat. alters ants behavior- ant latches onto grass blades and then cows eat them
percent hosts infected
mean abundance
mean number of parasites per host examined
mean intensity
mena number of parasites per infected host
all the parasites of a species within a host individual
Component population
all the parasites of a species within a host population
Parasite Ecology- Distributions among hosts
-Macroparasites tend to be aggregated – most hosts have no or few parasites and few hosts have many parasites
-May be produced by temporal or spatial heterogeneity in rates of exposure
-Or heterogeneity in host susceptibility to infection
-May affect parasite mating dynamics, sex ratio, risk of extinction, host health.
Parasite Ecology- Applications beyond host health
-Toxicology indicators – some parasites can accumulate heavy metals to concentrations orders of magnitude higher than those in the host tissues or the environment.
-Biotags – using parasites to indentify host origins, migrations, or stocks
-Food web dynamics – indicators of host diet – “ghosts of food items”
-Indicators of ecosystem health – many parasites have complex life cycles, so presence of parasite indicates presence of all hosts need for life cycle