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244 Cards in this Set

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scientific study of the distribution and abundance of organisms and the interactions (abiotic and biotic) that determine distribution and abundance
population (as defined by ecologists)
a group of individuals of a single species inhabiting a specific area
characterizing populations
distribution, abundance, density, birth-death rates, age distributions, immigration/emigration, rates of growth
size, shape, and location of the area it occupies and the spacing of individuals within that area
total number of individuals or biomass
number of individuals or biomass per unit area
-organisms require particular sets of abiotic conditions to survive and reproduce
examples of abiotic conditions
temperature, pH, salinity, and the forces of wind or waves
-organisms also need resources to survive and reproduce
the quantities of resources can sometimes be reduced by
the activities of the organism, promoting competition for limiting resources
examples of resources
solar radiation, carbon dioxide for plants, water, oxygen, and food items
made up of a group of subpopulations living on patches of habitat connected by an exchange of individuals
a somewhat abstract concept that refers to the sum total of an organism's tolerances and requirements
describes where an organism lives
n-dimensional hypervolume
where n equals the number of factors important to the survival and reproduction by a species
fundamental niche
the full range of environmental conditions (biological and physical) under which an organism can exist
realized niche
the conditions under which the organism actually survives, grows and reproduces. Interactions with other organisms (e.g. superior competitors), usually force a species to occupy a niche that is narrower than the fundamental niche.
the complete niche for all possible environmental variables is
a multi-dimensional hypervolume with axes for each variable making it impossible to visualize
involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem solving
the niche should be seen as
a product of the organism, rather than the environment
with no species, there is no
niche; (the term vacant niche, or empty niche, should be avoided)
the concept of the niche is probably most useful for
its heuristic value
the Balanus cannot exist in the upper intertidal because
of higher mortality
distribution patters
the spatial location of organisms in a population there are two areas to consider in describing distribution: the boundary and patterns within the boundary
distribution patterns affected by
both biotic and abiotic factors
random distribution
an individual has an equal probability of occurring anywhere in an area
uniform/regular distribution
individuals are uniformly spaced through the environment
aggregated/clumped distribution
individuals live in areas of high local abundance, separated by areas of low abundance
when observing patterns
scale is important!
population density declines with
increasing organism size
population dynamics
factors that influence the expansion (growth), decline (extinction), or maintenance of populations
if B + I = D + E, then
N(future) = N(now)
a point at which there is no net change in the system
if B+I < D+E
N(future) < N(now)
-declining population
if B+I > D+E
N(future) > N(now)
-increasing population
age (or stage) structure
distribution of individuals among age classes
age distribution of a population reflects
its history of survival, reproduction, and potential for future growth
survival can vary with
age (stage of life cycle)
survival and reproduction can vary in
life tables
a simple tool for keeping track of births, deaths, and reproductive output in a population of interest
three ways to generate life tables
-Cohort (horizontal) life table
-Static (vertical) life table
-static life table based on mortality records
Cohort (horizontal) life table
follows a group of same aged individuals from birth (or fertilized eggs) throughout their lives. Assumes all cohorts have same pattern
Static (vertical) life table
made from data collected from all ages at one particular time (less accurate and has 2 assumptions)
2 assumptions of static life table
1. proportion of individuals in each age class does not change from generation to generation (stable age distribution)
2. the population size is, or nearly, stationary
static life table can be based on
mortality records
survivorship curve
-graphical summary of patterns of survival in a population
-show how death rates can vary with age (see slide 25-28 from 9/23)

-proportion of original cohort surviving to stage x
average number of offspring per individual of stage x
net reproductive rate, the average number of offspring produced by an individual in a population over its lifetime (= sumation of (lx)(mx))
stable population
population growing
population declining
per capita rate of increase
can interpret r as
the birthrate minus death rate
population stable
life tables tell us
about the ages or stages at which organisms are most likely to die (survivorship curves)
Fecundity schedules tell us
at which ages or stages individuals make the greatest contribution to the next generation
life table and fecundity schedules require 3 measurements
-age (or stage)
-fate (alive or dead)
-offspring number
life tables and fecundity schedules can help
predict and manage population growth
two key aspects of a live table______ and ______, form a foundation for ______
survivorship and fecundity; natural selection
growth models enable us to
predict rates and patterns of population growth and what factors limit population sizes
in the presence of abundant resources, populations can grow at
geometric or exponential rates
geometric growth model
for organisms with discrete breeding seasons, also called pure breeding
Exponential growth
for organisms with continuously breeding populations
for continuously reproducing organisms with overlapping generations, we need to consider
instantaneous rates of increase
exponential growth is geometric growth with
the interval between growth increments reduced to zero
what can we suggest about exponential growth
-may be important to populations during establishment of new environments
-during the exploitation of transient, favorable conditions
-during the recovery after a major decline
as population size (N) increases,
rate of population increase (dN/dt) gets larger
regulation of growth in a natural population is determined by biotic and abiotic factors such as
-limited food supply or space
-the buildup of toxic wastes
-increased disease
-weather conditions
Thomas Robert Malthus (1798)
-wrote an essay on the principle of population
-influenced charles Darwin
-logistic equation published by Pierre-Francois Verhulst (1838)
logistic population growth
rate of population increase slows down and eventually stops
carrying capacity (K)
the population size at which growth stops
at K, b=d, so
population size is ~constant
what happens when N=K?
dN/dt = 0; constant
assumptions of logistic pop growth: no migration
dispersal can be important and may keep a population with negative r from going extinct
assumptions of logistic pop growth: constant K
(constant environment over space and time)
-K is likely to change over both space and time
assumptions of logistic pop growth: all individuals are equal
each using 1/Kth resources (e.g., assumes no age differences)
we need to understand human population biology in order to
assess future impacts
age structures vary among
growth varies among
age distribution pyramid: broad base many young
growing populations
aged population
narrow base, few young, population decline
life history
aspects of an organisms biology such as the number of offspring it produces, survival, its size and age of reproduction
what could affect life history characteristics
environment, characteristic of organism itself, interaction with other species, etc.
a trait that has arisen via natural selection
life history characteristics are usually discussed in the context of
an organisms adaptive response
sexual reproduction
zygote formed as a fusion of two gametes (involves meiosis, thus recombination)
disadvantage of sexual reproduction
need to find a mate, only provide 50% of offspring's genes
advantages of sexual reproduction
offspring are genetically diverse
individual organisms are a single sex
individual organisms are, at some time during their lives, male and female
simultaneous hermaphrodites
both male and female at same time (plants, flatworms
sequential hermaphrodite
first female then male
unisexual reproduction producing genetically identical offspring
asexual advantages
no need to find a mate, all genes transmitted to all offspring; offspring phenotype already successful in that environment
asexual disadvantages
all offspring vulnerable to same enemies and all offspring respond in same fashion to change in environment
Allocation: if organisms use energy for one function such as growth, the amount of energy available for other functions is
allocation: leads to trade offs between
functions; such as number and size of offspring
allocation: organisms often go through
a series of developmental stages over their lifespan
common trade offs
-body size and number of offspring
-offspring number versus offspring size
-offspring size and dispersal
offspring size may affect
survival; dispersal
individuals only have a single, distinct period of reproductive output in their lives. They devote most of their early life to growth, and die shortly after reproduction.
(some plants; salmon)
An individual normally experiences several or many reproductive events. During each reproductive event, the individual continues to invest in survival and possible growth. Most individuals survive to reproduce again after a given reproductive episode.
r species tend to
maximize high productivity
K species tend to
maximize efficiency
species exist on a continuum from
r to K characters
resources need to be
allocated to growth and reproduction of an organism
what controls population size and growth rate: density-independent factors
-disturbance, environmental conditions (hurricane, flood, colder winter)
what controls population size and growth rate: density dependent factors
-intra-specific competition (food, space)
-contagious disease
-waste production
-interspecific interactions
within species
between species
live in intimate contact; commensalism, parasitism, mutualism
neither benefits, neither harmed (not proven to exist; if so, rare)
one harmed, one neither
one benefits, one neither (fish that live around shark to eat excess food)
both harmed
predation/parasitism/herbivory (exploitative)
one harmed, one benefits
both benefit
interference competition
occurs directly between individuals via aggression etc. when the individuals interfere with foraging, survival, reproduction of others, or by directly preventing their physical establishment in a portion of the habitat
exploitation competition
occurs indirectly through a common limiting resource which acts as an intermediate. for example the use of the resources depletes the amount available to others, or they compete for space
limiting resource
a resource that constrains population size
self thinning in plants is an example of
intraspecific competition;
barnacles in Scotland are an example of
interspecific competition
how can we determine the realized niche of each barnacle
remove the other species
chthamalus lives
high intertidal zone (realized niche)
balanus lives
middle intertidal zone
when balanus removed, chthamalus
expands range to middle intertidal zone (fundamental niche)
niche of a species may
contract in the presence of a competitor species
resource (niche) partitioning
coexistence among functionally similar species; niche of each species contracts in presence of competitor
narrower niche resulting from competition is called
the realized niche
competitive release
niche of the competitively-inferior species expands in the absence of the competitively-superior species
possible outcomes when put two species together
-species A excludes species B
-species B excludes species A
Lotka-Volterra Model
Predicts species can coexist when intraspecific competition stronger than interspecific
Assumptions: Lotka-Volterra model
-these models assume logistic growth
-species are near equilibrium (i.e., zero rate of growth)
-alpha is constant
-temporal or spatial heterogeneity can alter outcomes
exploitative interactions: herbivory
plant eaters, algae not usually considered but included
exploitative interactions: carnivory
meat eaters (other carnivores or herbivores)
exploitative interactions: cannibalism
eating one's own species- a specialized form of predation
exploitative interactions: parasitoids
usually insects that lay their eggs on other insects as hosts. the larvae complete development on the host, usually killing the host as a result
exploitative interactions: parasitism
feeding on another organism's parts without killing the organism (a note: parasitism is very widespread among phyla and has evolved many independent times)
a relationship between individuals of two different species in which individuals of each species live in continual contact
mutualisms may or may not be symbiotic
-lichen fungi and lichen algae are only found together-- symbiotic
-plants and pollinators are only in contact when the pollinator is feeding-not symbiotic
parasitic interactions may or may not be symbiotic
-parasitic tapeworms can only grow and reproduce in the gut of a vertebrate and only leave on host to get to another- symbiotic
-mosquitoes spend as little time on their hosts as possible (not symbiotic)
-relationship between two organisms that benefits both
-carry both costs to each partner and benefits as well
-mutualisms are favored when benefits are greater than the cost
-it is the net benefits that determine the outcome of these interactions
mutualisms can be
obligatory or facultative
obligatory mutualism
organisms cannot survive in the absence of the other partner
facultative mutualism
organism can lead an independent existane
mutualistic relationship does not have to be symmetric
one organism may be obligated to the mutualism, while the other can live without its mutualistic partner
Mutualism: Pollination
plant gets pollen transfer and pollinator gets food
mutualism: cleaning
cleaner shrimp eat ectoparasites off fish
Mutualism: defense
one gets food/shelter, the other gets protection
(Ants- acacia system;
Plants- Nitrogen fixing bacteria
Bacteria- aphids, lichens-- both obligate
Plant- Mycorrhizae (facultative except for orchids))
-very common and very important mutualism; can be 50% of the microbial biomass in soil
-Help to extract water from soil
-Help supply inorganic nutrients
-Protection from pathogens
-Fungi get photosynthate
Association of interacting species inhabiting some defined area
Community structure
includes attributes such as number of species, relative species abundance, and species diversity
Ecologists are interested in what _______________ structure communities
biotic and abiotic factors
group of organisms that all make their living in the same fashion
all the seed eating animals in an area (can be composed of different taxa) is an example of a
Species richness
number of species in a community
-very simple, easy to get but not much info
problem with species richness
number of species depends on size of sample
rare species; can be missed with species richness
Diversity measures use ___ info than species richness
How measure diversity?
-richness (number of species)
-evenness (how equal are the species in terms of abundance)
rank abundance curve: flatter slope
more even
rank abundance curve: y-axis
proportional abundance
rank abundance curve: x-axis
abundance rank (number of species)
Simpson's index
the probability that any two individuals chosen randomly from the total population come from the same species
less diversity more likely to pick
same species (D gets higher)
S-W index asks
How difficult would it be to predict correctly the species of the next individual
-assumes random sample of large community
-puts more weight on rare species
problem with Simpson's index
not sensitive to rare species
Simpson's reciprocal index (ranges from 1 to s)
-interpret as number of equally common species required to generate the observed heterogeneity of the sample (biased for small samples; not sensitive to rare species)
Food webs
summarize feeding relations in a community
-this may be directly (predation, herbivory, parasitism) or after the food item is dead (detritivory)
Simple interactions are ____ but more realistic maps of interactions are food webs
food chains
other relationships between organisms that are not part of a food web
-habitat formation, competition, amensalism, commensalism
-ex. pollination when no food is consumed
food webs help identify
strong interactions and thus species that may have large influence in community
type of arrow in food web identifies
interaction strength
indirect interactions
one species affects another through a third intermediary species
apparent competition
occurs indirectly between two species which are differentially affected by the same natural enemy
beaver and beetle example of
indirect commensalism
explain example of apparent competition
species A and species B are both prey of predator C. The increase of A will cause decrease of B because increase of As would increase number of predator Cs which in turn will hunt more of species B
Keystone species
a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance
keystone species affect many other organisms in an ecosystem and...
help to determine the types and numbers of various others species in a community
an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone species is removed, even though
that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or productivity
Keystone species impact: competition
some species may be able to exclude others, so that when the best competitor is removed, several species can invade
Keystone species impact: predation or herbivory
removal of a predator or herbivore that feeds on the best competitor in a community may allow the that competitor to expand its population size so that it competitively excludes other species
keystone species may be prey as well as predators
loss of a keystone prey species results in loss of many predatory species
Keystone species impact: structure
-some species may alter the environment in a way that creates opportunity of other species
example of structure keystone species
-trees (habitat for animals)
-corals build reefs
-beavers build ponds
keystone species may be
dominant species but it is not necessary
local patterns: species diversity tends to be higher in
complex environments
intermediate levels of disturbance promote higher diversity because
allows some species to colonize but not enough time for competitive exclusion
geographic patterns: number of species on islands balance between
regional processes that govern immigration and local processes that govern extinction
immigration would be ___ on new island with no organisms
rate ___ because fewer arrivals would be new species
extinction rate ___ because of competition, population size of each species likely ____, and larger pool of species for potential extinctions
increases; decreases
large and near islands are going to have
more species
equilibrium model predicts
species composition on islands is dynamic (number remains constant) change referred to as species turnover
species richness not always at
island size may affect
immigration; by chance (bird flown off course)
island distance from source colonizers may affect
extinction; need species to help "replenish"
species richness generally increase from
middle to higher latitudes to equator
middle to higher latitude hypothesis: time since perturbation
more species in the tropics because tropics are older and disturbed less frequently so less extinction
Rosenzweig found
a strong positive relationship between area and species diversity
geographic patterns of species richness and diversity can be affected by
historical and regional influences
changes in allele frequencies over time
mechanisms of evolution
-genetic drift
-gene flow
-nonrandom mating
-natural selection
Human domestication led to
artificial selection (tomatoes)
Darwin 1831
took voyage to chart waters of South America, ended up on Galapagos Islands
Darwin's letter
favorable variations would tend to be preserved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed; the fittest would survive
Patrick Matthew
published "On Naval Timber and Arboriculture" (on raising trees of optimum quality for the construction of Royal Navy ships) believed he deserved credit for natural selection
elements of evolution by natural selection
-phenotypic variation
-fitness isn't random; linked to phenotypic traits
natural selection will result in the evolution of a trait if
the phenotypic variation of that trait is heritable and results in differential fitness
fitness (Darwinian)
the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce compared to other individuals (this is a relative statistic about individuals!!)
a trait that increases the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce compared with individuals that differ in that trait (rephrased: a trait that has arisen via selection)
survival of the fittest is misleading because
-survival is only one component of fitness
-fit often synonymized with big, strong, or fast physical traits. Survival and reproduction (fitness) may have nothing to do with such traits
4 postulates with evolution of beak depth
1. is there phenotypic variation in beak depth?
2. Is some of the variation among individuals heritable?
3. Do individuals vary in their survival or reproductive success?
4. Are survival and reproduction nonrandom with respect to the trait?
proportion of total phenotypic variation that is due to variation in genes
what affects phenotypic variation
heritability, environment, maternal effects
what can confound analysis of heritability?
-misidentified paternity (underestimate)
-nest parasitism- unrelated offspring in nest (underestimate)
-shared environments - similar conditions may result in similar phenotypes (overestimate)
-maternal effects (overestimate)
larger beaks=
higher survival
selection can happen without
evolution happening
did the finch population evolve
Adults that survived the draught had greater beak depth and passed on genes to their offspring (yes)
will the population continue to get greater beak depth?
No, depends on environment
not all traits evolve via
natural selection
natural selection acts on individuals, but
its consequences occur in populations
Natural selection acts on Phenotypes, but
evolution consists of changes in allele frequencies
Natural selection is not
forward thinking;
depends on environment; adapted to current conditions- if environment changes they may not survive
New traits can evolve, even though
natural selection acts on existing traits
preadaptation or exaptation
traits that originally evolved for one function may continue to evolve and acquire a new function (panda thumb; mammary glands)
Natural selection does not lead to
perfection; (trade offs for minnows)
Natural selection is nonrandom, but is not
progressive (tapeworms have no digestive tract)
natural selection makes populations "better" only in the sense of
increasing their average adaptation to their environment
Natural selection acts on individuals, not
for the good of the species (if behavior increased another's fitness relative to ones own fitness)
Selection is not
a force in the sense that gravity is; it is simply an effect
Two things missing from darwin's theory
-how variation was generated in populations (mutation)
-how variation was passed on to offspring (Mendel did in 1866 but Darwin did not read his work)
changes in allele frequencies within populations
Large evolutionary change, usually morphology, typically refers to differences among populations that would warrant species status.
there is a ___ between micro- and macroevolution
Vestigial organs
a rudimentary version of a body part that has an important function in other species (show common ancestry via shared traits- a principle of phylogenetics) (hair, tail bones)
Fossil record has examples of
gradual change
A transitional form does not have to be...
a direct ancestor; it could be a side branch now extinct
any similarity between characteristics that is due to their shared ancestry- evidence of common ancestry (forelimbs)