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74 Cards in this Set

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What is the urinary system composed of?
kidney, bladder, ureter (2), urethra
Kidney function
is to regulate plasma & interstitial fluid homeostatis by formation of urine
In the process of urine formation, kidneys regulate:
1. volume of blood plasma, which contributes to BP
2. waste products in blood
3. concentration of electrolytes (including Na⁺, K⁺, HCO₃⁻ & others
3. plasma pH
If you have a high blood pressure you and decrease it by taking a(n) ____.
Filtration (Glomerulus)
fluid is pushed out of the plasma passing through the glomerular capillaries
- plasma proteins and cells are retained in the blood
- small particles pushed out into glomerular capsule and nephron tubules (relatively non-selective)
What are some things that get filtered into the glomerulus?
H₂O, glucose, amino acids, bicarbonate & electrolytes
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
rate at which fluid is pushed out of the glomeruls and into the nephron tubules
- volume of filtrate produced by both kidneys each minute
What are the two forces that influence filtration?
1. blood pressure in capillaries
- increased pressure drives fluid out of glomerulus
2. osmotic pressure
- pulls water back into capillaries
What is the percentage of substances that are reabsorbed in the PCT?
True/False: The PCT is under hormonal control.
What is the total of blood osmolarity?
~ 300 mOsm
What is the DCT & CD important for?
fine tuning
- DCT & CD are under hormonal control
- an increase in Na+ and H2O reabsorbed is aldosterone
More ADH makes the urine ___ dilute.

More ADH makes the urine less dilute because ADH causes us to absorb more water. (urine is more concentrated)
Less ADH makes the urine ___ dilute

Less ADH makes the urine more dilute because ADH causes our bodies to not absorb water. (urine is less concentrated)
-Of the 180L fluid filtered each day, only about ~1.5L of urine is excreted (can be as low as 400mL)
- most of the material in the filtrate is reabsorbed
- selective movement of substances from fluid in tubules to blood in the peritubular capillaries
- active or passive transport mechanisms used to drive reabsorption
- also occurs in tubules
- addtional materials transported from plasma in peritubular capillaries into tubule
- excess K⁺, Ca⁺, and H⁺, uric acid
- foreign compounds (e.g., penicillin)
- typically driven by active carrier transport
What are some other functions of the kidneys?
1. secrete erythropoietin
2. secrete renin
3. activate vitamin D₃ to calcitrol
3. gluconeogenesis
In a 24 hour period, how much H₂O is filtered from the blood to nephrons?
function: kidney
produce urine
function: ureters
transfer urine to urinary bladder to pelvic region
function: urinary bladder
stores urine
function: detrusor muscle
• smooth muscle in wall of the urinary bladder
• generates action potentials in response to stretch and parasympathetic innervation
internal urethral sphincter
smooth muscle, involuntary
external urethral sphincter
skeletal muscle, voluntary
function: urethra
canal leading to exterior of the body
• Stretch receptors in bladder wall relay signals to the micturition center
• activates parasympathetic neurons to smooth muscle
- induces detrusor contraction and internal sphincter relaxation
• conscious relaxation of external sphincter to enable urination
How many nephrons are there per kidney?
~ 1 million
Why is the afferent arteriole larger than the efferent arteriole?
the afferent arteriole puts more pressure in the glomerulus
anatomy: cortex
outer granular region
anatomy: medulla
• inner striated region
• subdivided into renal pyramids
anatomy: renal pelvis
• central collecting cavity
• branches into calyces that associate with each renal pyramid
• urine-forming units of the kidney
• over one miller per kidney
• consist of nephron tubules and associate blood vessels
glomerular (Bowman's) capsule
• receives plasma filtrate
• located in renal cortex
proximal convoluted tubule
located in renal cortex
loop of Henle
• descending limb conducts fluid into medulla region
• ascending limb conducts fluid back to cortex
• upper regions have thicker walls (thick segment)
distal convoluted tubule
located in renal cortex
collecting duct
• received fluid from several different distal tubules in cortex
• conducts fluid through medulla
• empties into the calyces
arteries (renal, arculate, interlobar)
bring blood into kidney and distribute it to the nephrons
afferent arteriole
conducts blood into the glomerulus
bed of capillaries surrounded by glomerular capsule
efferent arteriole
conducts blood from glomerulus into peritubular capillaries
peritubular capillaries
surround tubules
collect blood from peritubular capillaries
veins (arcuate, interlobar, renal)
collect blood from nephrons and conduct it out of the kidneys
What are the three processes to convert blood plasma into urine?
1. filtration
2. reabsorption
3. secretion
What is filtration?
filter blood plasma to retain cells/plasma
What is reabsorption?
remove valuable materials from filtrate
What is secretion?
transfer additional wastes to filtrate
What is the structure of a glomerulus?
• fenestrated capillaries (small pores (fenestrae) between endothelial cells
• glomerular basement membrane (plasma protein retention)
• three layers of podocytes form capillary walls
• slits between podocyte pedicels contain slit diaphragms (retain plasma proteins)
Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule
• Na⁺ pumped from the tubule wall cells into the blood of the peritubular capillaries by Na⁺/K⁺ pumps
• creates gradient for Na⁺ to flow into the cells from the filtrate
Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule
moves passively out of filtrate, through cells, and into blood by the electrical gradient created by pumping Na⁺
Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule
flows from filtrate to blood because of osmotic gradient created by moving Na⁺ and Cl⁻ from the filtrate to the blood
True/False: Filtered glucose and amino acids are normally reabsorbed by the nephrons.
Where to concentrating mechanisms occur?
in the loop of Henle
Kidneys produce a ____ urine.
• more concentrated than blood plasma
• allow reduction of water loss via urination when dehydrated
ascending limb
• impermeable to water
• thick segment lined with Na⁺/K⁺ pumps
descending limb
• permeable to water
• no active transport
______ forms loops that can absorb water
Peritubular capillaries (vasa recta)
Countercurrent multiplier system
interactions between ascending limb and descending limb
What is the percentage of original glomerular filtrate volume is reabsorbed by the loop of Henle?
~ 20%
Reabsorption in the Loop of Henle
• pumping of ions out of thick segment of ascending limb creates osmotic gradient in interstitial fluid of the medulla (gradient amplified by urea being recycled between loop and collecting duct)
• water flows out of descending limb along this osmotic gradient
• water subsequently absorbed by vasa recta
• fluid in the tubule becomes more concentrated as it passed down the descending limb (~1400 mOsm at the turn of the loop)
• removal of ions from ascending limb while water is retained causes fluid to become less concentrated in the ascending limb
• fluid leaving the loop of Henle is hypotonic (~100 mOsm)
Reabsorption in the Distal Tubule
• some water and Na⁺ reabsorption
• water reabsorption variable depending on permeability of tubule walls
Reabsorption in the Collecting Duct
• conducts fluid through medulla
• strong osmotic gradients favor reabsorption of water out of duct
• water reabsorption variable depending on permeability of tubule walls
→ If permeable, small amount of concentrated urine produced
→ If impermeable, large amount of dilute urine produced
• Some Na⁺ reabsorption
ADH regulation of water reabsorption
• insertion of aquaporins into the plasma membrane of tubule cells
‣ ↑ permeability of distal tubule and collecting duct walls to water
‣ ↑ H₂O reabsorption = ↓ urine volume, ↑ urine concentration
• secreted by posterior pituitary in response to stimulation of osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
Collecting Duct
The walls of the CD have a variable permeability to H₂O.
• H₂O is drawn out of the CD by osmosis.
• Rate of osmotic movement is determined by the # of aquaporins (water channels) in the cell membrane.
• Permeable to H₂O depends upon the presence of ADH.
• ADH binds to its membrane receptors on CD, incorporating water channels into cell membrane.
Stimulus: ↑ Osmolarity (dehydration)
Receptors: Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
Secretion of ADH: Increase
Effect of Urine Volume: Decreased
Effects on Blood: Increased water retention; decreased blood osmolarity
Stimulus: ↓ Osmolarity
Receptors: Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
Secretion of ADH: Decrease
Effect of Urine Volume: Increased
Effects on Blood: Water loss increases blood osmolarity
Stimulus: ↑ Blood Volume
Receptors: Stretch receptors in left atrium
Secretion of ADH: Decrease
Effect of Urine Volume: Increased
Effects on Blood: Decreased blood volume
Stimulus: ↓ Blood Volume
Receptors: Stretch receptors in left atrium
Secretion of ADH: Increase
Effect of Urine Volume: Decreased
Effects on Blood: Increased blood volume
Aldosterone Influences Na⁺ and Water Reabsorption, K⁺ Secretion
• Aldosterone stimulates Na⁺ reabsorption and K⁺ secretion by the distal tubule and upper (cortical) collecting duct
• Elevated plasma K⁺ directly stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone
• Low Na⁺ concentrations indirectly stimulate aldosterone secretion via the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
region of the afferent arteriole that comes in contact with ascending limb of Loop of Henle
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Release renin (enzyme) into blood in response to ↓ blood pressure
‣ low Na⁺ levels contribute to low blood pressure
What does angiotensin II stimulate?
stimulates aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex
What are the causes of Diabetes Insipidus?
1. drinking too much water
2. inadequate secretion of ADH
3. inadequate ADH action due to generic defect in the ADH receptors or aquaporin channels.

‣ Without adequate ADH secretion or action, the collecting ducts are not very permeable to water.