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91 Cards in this Set

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How many bonds can carbon form with other elements?
what is the only element that can create bonds with itself?
what is a carbohydrate?
the major energy molecule for all living things
what is the proportion of hydrogen to oxygen in a carbohydrate?
how do plants produce carbohydrates?
define metabolism
all the chemical reactions in your body
define catabolism
the reactions [in your body] that break down complex molecules into simple ones
define anabolism
the reactions [in your body] that make complex molecules from simple ones
what type of carbohydrates are sugars?
simple carbohydrates
what are monosaccharides?
simple carbs
examples of monosaccharides
glucose, fructose, galactose
chemical formula for glucose
C6 H12 O6
properties of glucose
-main energy molecule for all life
-in animals, it's called blood sugar
-absorbs into cells
-insulin is required to let glucose in
which two sugars can combine with glucose to make double sugars?
fructose and galactose
what are disaccharides?
double sugars
what is dehydration synthesis?
how disaccharides are formed
what is hydrolysis?
the process by which disaccharides are broken down into monosaccharides
where is maltose found?
where is sucrose found?
sugar cane and sugar beets
where is lactose found?
what are polysaccharides?
complex carbohydrates
define polymer
a long chain of the same molecule
they are a polymer of many monosaccharides
define starch
polysaccharide: stored energy made by plants
where are starches found?
corn, potatoes, rice, wheat, grains
define glycogen
polysaccharide: stored energy made by animals
where is glycogen produced?
the liver
where is glycogen stored?
the muscles
when energy is needed, the liver converts glycogen to ___
define cellulose
polysaccharide that forms the structural parts in plants (cell wall, stem, tree bark)
what is cellulose called when eaten by a human?
dietary fiber
define chitin
polysaccharide that forms the exoskeleton of insects and other arthropods
define scientific calorie
the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1°C (lowercase c)
define nutritional calorie
1000 scientific calories (uppercase C)
1 gram of carbohydrate= __ Cal
define lipid
a long hydrocarbon that is insoluble in water
what elements do lipids contain?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
ratio of H:O in lipids
storing lipids:
animals:__, plants:___
fats, oils
1 gram of lipids=__ Cal
what are simple lipids?
fats and oils
what is the most abundant lipid?
simple lipids
what are simple lipids made out of?
characteristics of saturated fats
-comes from animals
-solid at room temperature
-produces LDL
characteristics of unsaturated fats
-come from plants
-liquid at room temperature
-doesn't produce LDL
define lipoproteins
wraps around fats to help it travel through the bloodstream
define high density lipoprotein (HDL)
protein wraps tightly around cholesterol so none leaks into bloodstream
low density lipoprotein (LDL)
protein doesn't fully cover cholesterol, so cholesterol leaks into bloodstream & sticks to arteries
define phospholipids
lipids that form the double layer of the cell membrane
examples of steroids
adrenacartical hormones, cortisone, cholesterol, bile, sex hormones,
define adrenaline
steroid that produces the "fight or flight" response
define cortisone
steroid that helps reduce inflammation
define cholesterol
starting material for other steroids
what is the most abundant steroid?
define bile
steroid that breaks down fat
where is bile made? stored?
liver, gallbladder
define testosterone
steroid that produces puberty characteristics in males
define estrogen
steroid that produces puberty characteristics in females
define progesterone
steroid that prepares uterus to receive fertilized egg
characteristics of proteins
-very different from carbs and lipids
-most complex
-not to supply energy
-used for building and maintenance of body structures
examples of protein in animals
they are a polymer of amino acids
what elements are in proteins?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
what are enzymes made of?
what is the function of enzymes?
to anabolize or catabolize chemicals
common word ending for enzymes
what are amino acids?
proteins with an amino molecule group and an acid molecule group
define globular proteins
have an active function, fragile, soluble in water
define fibrous proteins
have a structural/protective function, physically tough, insoluble in water
define keratin
fibrous protein found in hair, nails, beaks, feathers
define collagen
fibrous protein found in skin, cartilage, muscles, blood
primary protein structure:
the sequence of amino acids
secondary protein structure:
a helix of amino acids
tertiary protein structure:
the coiling of the helix upon itself
quaternary protein structure:
2 or more polypeptide chains coiled together
another name for primary structure
what are biological catalysts?
lock and key enzyme model
induced fit enzyme model
define pepsin
enzyme that catabolizes protein (found in stomach)
define trypsin
enzyme that catabolizes protein (found in small intestines)
carbohydrate model
steroid model
two-tailed sperm
amino group model
nitrogen with two hydrogens
acid group model
carbon with two oxygens and a hydrogen
amino acid model
define lipogenesis enzymes
enzymes that produce fat
define lipolysis enzymes
enzymes that release fat into the bloodstream for energy