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9 Cards in this Set

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What is a covalent bond?
-strongest bond resulting from the sharing of electrons b/t adjacent atoms
-approx. 1.5 A long and 350-850 KJ
-come in single or double bonds with resonance
-establish configuration and sequence of biological polymers
What is an ionic bond?
-strong interaction b/t chemicals and has a long range
-E= K(q1q2)/(D x R) <- equation to determine energy interaction b/t 2 charges
What are hydrogen bonds?
-strong bond that has a H donar and acceptor
-has optimal length and angle, yet very flexible
-donor to acceptor= 2.4-3.5 A and 4-10 KJ/mol
What is a hydrogen bond donor?
-electronegative atom with a hydrogen bonded to it
What is a hydrogen bond acceptor?
-an electronegative atom witha lone pair of atoms
What are van der Walls interactions?
-arises friom correlated fluctuations in electron densities of atoms
-weak and short ranged
-2-4 KJ/ atom pair
-becomes significant when large number of atoms are in contact
What is the hydrophobic effect?
-a speciaql property of water as a solvent
-molcules in water aggregate to reduce surface area
-main driving force of protein folding and acid-base stacking
How does the structure of DNA result from weak interactions?
-neg. charged phosphates are on outside and bonds on backbone are extended
-puts neg,. charges far apart
-phosphates and sugars hydrogen bond w/ water
-hydrophobic bases are on the inside
-H-bonding contributes to base-pair specificity, not stability
What is heat?
-form of energy that corrsponds to a kinetic energy (motion) of molcules