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31 Cards in this Set

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4 times of pyruvate metabolism (in and out)

what cofactors for eachone?
pyruvate kinase ( PEP -> pyruvate)
pyruvate dehydrogenase (pyruvate -> acetyl coA)
pyruvate carboxylase (pyruvate -> OAA)
ALT (pyruvate <-> alanine)
LDH (lactate <--> pyruvate)
dehydrogenase: B1
carboxylase: biotin (only in liver)
kinase: **irreversible**
Enzymes of Gluconeogensis

which ones are in the cytosole
Pyruvate Carboxylase
Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase
all but Pyruvate Carboxylase are in the cytosol (OAA shuttled out of mitochondria)
Cortisol raises blood glucose how?
raises gene expression of gluconeogenic enzymes
raises gene expression of gluconeogenic enzymes!
Describe HMP shunt and how it goes bad
HMP regenerates NADPH for things like FA synth and glutathione reduction and steroid synth
both oxidative (non-reversible) and non-oxidative (reversible)
G6PDehydrogenase defficiency -> cant do shunt -> glutathione oxidized -> hemolytic anemia
Transketolases -> make ribose-5-P's (for NA synth)
How do you get low transketolases?

What pathway does it muck up?
They require thiamine (B1) and G6PD
You get hemolytic anemia (just like when you have G6PD deficiency)
What is the most common glycolytic enzyme defects?
pyruvate kinase (hemolytic anemia)
wayyy second is phosphoglucose isomerase
What exacerbates G6PD deficiency?
why do people have it? histology?
What symptoms do you get
Inheritance pattern?
anti-TB drugs, primaquine (anti-malarial), fava beans, sulfonamides
-> mutation confer malaria resistance

hemolytic anemia
X-linked Recessive!

Heinz bodies and Bite cells
OKAY and bad fructose and galactose metabolism
OKAY is first steps (galactokinase and fructokinase) -> jsut comes out in the urine
BAD is Aldolase B (fructose) -> binds up Pi

and Galactilol -> ocular damage, E coli infection!
E coli infection

Enzyme name
Galactose metabolism problem
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltranferase
UREA cycle
Ordinarily Careless Crappers Are Also Frivolous About Urination

(ornithine, carbomoyl phosphate, citurilline, arginosuccinate, fumarate, arginine, urea)
Hyperammonia w/ orotic aciduria

and without hyperammonia

problem w/ urea cycle (Orinithine Transcarbamylase deficiency), XS carbomyl phosphate -> orotic acid

sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate (scavage nitrogen), low protein diet, give supplemental AAs
Orotic acid pHosphoribsaltranferase or orotidine5phosphate decarboxylase deficiency (precursor to NA's)-> starter of NA's is orotic acid -> give uridine
PKU causes

maternal PKU
High phenylalanine and phenyketones b/c low phenylalanine hydroxylase (phenylalanine -> tyrosine) or TH4 cofactor (rare) -> give biotinidase
Maternal PKU really bad -> microcephaly, grow retardation, heart defects
Dark skin, pigmented sclera black urine on standing?
Alkaptonuria (ochronosis)
high tyrosine b/c bad metabolism of it (deficient homogentisic acid oxidase)

Benign, some arthralgias
Causes of albanism
Low tyrosine (transporters stink), AR tyrosinase deficiency
increase risk of skin cancer
Gout from high uric acid causes?
defect HGPRT (X-recessive) = Lesh-Nyhan syndrome (self mutilation, gout, aggression)
cant salvage purines so they get degraded into uric acid (NOT UREA)
from problem w/ IL's orrr...
problem w/ recyling of dATP -> high dATP inhibits ribonucleotide reductase -> low DNA synth -> low lymphocyte effectiveness
Glycogen synthase deficiency
sever hypoglycemia, anything else?
Type 0
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
Hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, lacate up (no gluconeogensis)
Type 1
lysosomal alpha-1-4 glucosidase (acid maltase) POMPE's
hepatomegally, cardiomegaly, weakness-> Death (trashes the pump)

breaks down glycogen in all cells
Type 2
Debranching enzyme deficiency (Cori's)
Mild hypoglycemia and hepatomegally, lactate levels NORMAL (gluconeogensis okay)
Type 3
Branching enzyme deficiency (Anderson)
Hepatosplenomegally, cirrhosis, death around 5
Type 4
Muscle glycogen Phosphorylase (McArdls)
Exercise induced cramps, rhadbomyolsis, myoglobinuria
Type 5
Liver glycogen phosphoralase (Hers)
hypoglycemia, hepatomegally, OKAY
type 6
Muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency (Tarui's dz)
exercise-induced muscle cramps, growth retardation, hemolytic anemia
type 7
What transporter do you use for making and metabolizing FA's
Citrate = Syntrate
Carinitine = Carnage the FAs
TCA inside the mitochondria, shuttle out OAA through citate, amke FAs with NADPH

Bring FAs in w/ carinitine -> make ketone bodies and OAA for TCA
LCAT function

CETP function
Esterify cholesterol for return to liver
Tranfer cholesterol esters to other lipoproteins
LCAT is good,
type I hypercholisterolemia

type IIa

Type IV
Low/absent LPL (high TGs, cholesterol) -> nothing to take up trgs, cholesterol

Low LPL-R (LPL stays in circulation not taken up by cells) -> very high cholesterol

hepatic over production of VLDL -> very high TGs
chylomicrons incresase

LDL increased

VLDL increased

presentation and cause
faiture to thrive, ataxia, night blidness, steatorrhea
AR deficiency in apoB-100 and apoB-48