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39 Cards in this Set

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What unit is responsible for RNA primase removal in prokaryotes?
What unit removes positive supercoils ahead of the DNA replication fork?
What is xeroderma pigmentosum?
- Defective excisition repair
- Related to thymidine dimers
- Associated w/ UV exposure
- Associated w/ melanoma
List two unique characteristics of RNA pol.
1. no proofreading function
2. no primer needed -- can initiate chains
What inhibits RNA pol II?
What enzyme is responsible for attaching the appropriate aa to a tRNA?
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
List the important parts of de novo purine synthesis.
Ribose-5-phosphate (from HMP shunt) --PRPP synthetase--> PRPP --PRPP amidotransferase--> ...IMP --> AMP and GMP

(AMP, IMP, and GMP would inhibit de novo purine synthesis)
List important components of de novo pyrimadine synthesis.
- CO2 + glutamine + ATP initiate
- PRPP is necessary
- Thymidylate synthase is necessary
Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is important
- THF is in there somewhere
List important components of each of the 2 purine salvage pathways.
GMP <--> Guanine: important enzyme is HGPRT

AMP --> adenosine --adenosine deaminase--> inosine --> hypoxanthine --> xanthine --xanthine oxidase--> uric acid

hypoxanthine --HGPRT--> IMP --> AMP
What is adenosine deaminase deficiency?
- infections in young children
- no B- or T- cell function
What is Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?
- HGPRT deficiency
- mental retardation (mild)
- self mutilation
- hyperuricemia (excess uric acid)
What is allopurinol?
- Tx of gout
- inhibits PRPP amidotransferase
- inhibits xanthine oxidase
What is 6-mercaptopurine?
- Antineoplastic
- inhibits PRPP amidotransferase
What is methotrexate?
- antineoplastic
- DHFR inhibitor
What is hydroxyurea?
- antineoplastic
- inhibits ribonucleotide reductase
- Tx sickle cell anemia
What is a pyrimidine analog that stops chain elongation and serves as an antineoplastic?
cytosine arabinoside
What is polycistronic?
A single prokaryotic mRNA transcript can encode several genes w/ no RNA processing
Describe transcription termination in prokaryotes.
Stemp loop (GC rich) and UUUU or stem loop and rho factor
Discuss initiation of translation in prokaryotes / eukaryotes.
Prokaryotes: 30S subunit (other is 50S) binds to Shine-Delgarno sequence

Eukaryotes: 40S (other is 60S) associates w/ 5' cap
What are tetracyclines?
Prevent binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosome
What is linezolid?
Blocks formation of translation initiation complex
What are aminoglycosides?
cause misreading at initiation
What are macrolides?
interfere w/ translocation
What is clindamycin?
interferes w/ translocation
What is cholramphenicol?
inhibits ribosomal peptidyl transferase
What proteins are translated on RER ribosomes?
- secreted, membrane-bound, lysozomal
- they have an N-terminal hydrophobic sequence
Discuss mannose phosphorylation.
- takes place in golgi
- phosphate addition to mannose
- post-translational protein modification
- targets protein for lysosome
What is I-cell disease?
- defect in mannose phosphorylation
- leads to lysosomal enzyme release into extracellular space
Regarding collagen, what is required for the hydorxylation of proline and lysine?
Vitamin C
What is scurvy?
reduced hydroxylation / collagen formation due to Vit C deficiency
What causes osteogenesis imperfecta?
collagen gene mutations
What causes Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
- collagen and lysine hydroxylase gene mutations
- hyperextensible, fragile skin w/ hypermobile joints and bruising (ecchymoses)
What is Menkes disease?
- Deficient collagen cross linking secondary to copper deficiency
- Causes depigmented hair, arterial tortuosity, cerebral degeneration, osteoporosis
What cells are rich in RER?
- mucus secreting goblet cells of the small intestine

- antibody secreting plasma cells
What cells are rich in SER?
- liver hepatocytes

- steroid-producing cells of the adrenal cortex
What are the functions of the golgi?
1. distribution center
2. modfies N-oligosaccs on asparagine
3. Adds O-oligosaccs to serine and threonine
4. Proteoglycan assembly
5. Sulfation of sugars
6. Addition of mannose-6-phosphate
What is Chediak-Higashi syndrome?
Defect in microtubule polymerization, leading to decreased phagocytosis
Discuss the structure of cilia.
- 9+2 arrangement
- dynein (ATPase) for retrograde sliding of doublets
- kinesin for anterograde
What is the function of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)?
- major component of: RBCs, myelin, bile, surfactant
- esterification of cholesterol