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21 Cards in this Set

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Why do you need to filter sterilize the carbohydrates used in the carb fermentation test?
disaccharides or polysaccarides will split if heated
What ingredients are included in the media for the CFT?
peptone, NaCL, pH indicator (phenol red or acid fushion), a durham tube may be included, filtered sterilized carbs at 1%
What would be a pos and neg reaction in the CFT?
pos = yellow, neg=red
Why must the MR test be incubated 48 hrs?
because if you do test to early you could be detecting the pyruvic acid produced
Enterobacteriaceae will either metabolize glucose by the ___ ______ _____ and be ___ or the ____ _____ ______ and be ______
mixed acid pathway, MR+, butylene glycol pathway, VP+
What organisms are VP +
enterobacter, klebsiella, serratia
what two enzymes does an organism require in order to demonstrate lactose fermentation?
B-galactosidase permease and B- galactosidase
what does B-galactosidase permease and b-galactosidase do?
B-GP allows lactose to penetrate the cell wall
B-G - inside the cell, this hydrolyzes lactose into glucose and galactose
What 3 categories do enterobacteriaceae fall into?
1. possess both enzymes (rapid lactose fermenter (LF on MAC)
2. lack permease enzyme (NLF at 24hrs)
3. lack both enzymes - true NLF
What separates late lactose fermenters from NLF?
Give an example of a LLF
ONPG - Shigella Gastro
If an organism has the enzyme B-D-galactosidase what colour will the ONPG turn proving positive, what product causes this?
it will produce o-nitrophenol which produces a yellow colour
What are the ingredients of TSI
peptone, NaCL, glucose 0.1%, lactose 1%, sucrose 1% and phenol red
What 2 ingredients of TSI show presence of H2S
sodium thiosulphate, ferrous sulphate which prodces hydrogen sulfide gas
Whats the purpose of indole
determine organisms ability to decompose tryptophan to produce indole *tryptophanase
what reagent reacts with indole to produce pink colour
paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde, kovacs reagent
in simmons citrate test what does the sodium citrate provide
what causes the alkalinity of the slant in simmons citrate. what is the reagent that changes colour?
concomitant breakdown of the ammonium salts to ammonia. bromthymol blue
What products are formed when urea is broken down?
co2 and NH3
what reagent is in urease test? what colour is pos
phenol red - pinky colour detecting alkalinity of NH3
What does the Nitrate reductase test show?
determines the org ability to reduce nitrite.
nitrate - nitrite - nitrogen gas
What reagents are used in the nitrate reductase test? why
sulfanilic acid and alpha napthylamine
if colour formed then reduced to nitrate, if no colour formed add zinc dust.. no colour change is reduced to nitrogen gas, colour change = neg no enzymes present