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48 Cards in this Set

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How is Replication read and written?
Read- 3-5, Write 5-3
How is transcription read and written?
Read DNA 3-5, Write RNA 5-3
How is Translation read and written?
Read RNA 5-3; Write proteins Amine-Carboxyl
Where in the cell is RNA made?
In the nucleus
What is messenger RNA used for?
coding for protein synthesis
Which RNA is the most diverse?
How many codons are there in prot synthesis?
64, and 64 anticodons
What is tRNA used for?
Used to transfer an amino acid onto the emerging polypeptide during translation
Which is the shortest RNA?
Which RNA is most abundant?
What does rRNA do?
Major component of ribosomes; it holds the ribosomal proteins in correct orientation during protein synthesis
To make RNA what do we need?>
dsDNA, Activated precursors(ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP), RNA pol, And a signal. NO PRIMER IS REQUIRED
Does RNA pol have exonuclease?
NO, no proofreading or correcting. RNA lifespans are short
What is a silent mutation?
A changed codon still codes for the same protein.
What is a missense mutation?
Changed codon codes for a different AA, may or may not alter prot function
What is a nonsense Mutation?
Changed codon turns into a stop codon
In a codon, which AA's are most critical?
1st and 2nd. They make up the most changes
What are the STOP codons?
What type of RNA pol do prokaryotes have?
Only one that make all RNA's. 2 alpha, 2 Beta, and 1 Gamma subunit
What is the core enzyme of RNA pol in prokaryotes?
Only the 2 alpha, 2 beta subunits of RNA pol, NOT the Gamma subunit
What RNA pol's do eukaryotes have?
3; RNA pol I, II, and III
What are the char's of RNA pol I?
Located in nucleolus, make long RNA precurosors to rRNA which parts must be clipped out using RNAase III
WHat are the Char's of RNA pol II?
Mostly used to produce RNA precursor of mRNA, called hnRNA, also makes snRNA and some viruses to make viral RNA
What are the Char's of RNA pol III?
to make small RNA's including tRNA, to get final product must clip out parts using Ribonuclease P+D
What are ribonuclease P+D used for?
By RNA pol III to clip out parts of precursor to tRNA
What is Alpha-Amanatin?
Toxin in mushrooms, binds RNA pol II which blocks mRNA synthesis and you die!
What are the 3 stages of Transcription?
Initiation, Elongation, and Termination
How is Transcription begun?
RNA pol looslely binds dsDNA and slides till it hits an active PROMOTER site.
What part of RNA pol recognizes the promoter?
The Gamma subunit, it causes the RNA pol to bind its core enzyme tightly and the gamma subunit falls off
What is a gamma subunit of RNA pol a high affinity for a promoter site?
Strong promoter, and will be transcribed often
What is the holoenzyme?
Both beta, alpha and the gamma subunits together of RNA pol
What is being polycistronic?
Promoter site can code for multiple genes in prokaryotes
What is an Operon?
Gene+controlling DNA- Prokaryotes have polycistronic operons
What do transcription factors do?
bind the promoter site making it a stronger or weaker promoter
What is the operator site?
'tween the promoter and the gene; can bind a repressor protein to block transcription
How are repressor proteins removes from an operator site?
By binding with an inducer
Where do repressor proteins come from?
When the gene is transcribed, repressor protein is also transcribes to turn it off!
What is a regulator site?
DNA segments upstream or downstream where transcription factors can bind and can interact w/ the promoter site. Can be enhancers which make the promoter stronger
What is the action of the antibiotic Rifamycin?
for Tb, binds to beta subunit of RP which inhibits initiation
What is the action of the antibiotic actinomyosinD?
Binds dsDNA and prevents READING
During Transcription, which strand gets read and transcribed?
The ANTIsense strand, cause the RNA code would match up to the sense strand.
What stabilizes the 2 strands during transcription?
Sense= RNA pol, Antisense=Emerging RNA base pairing
When does transcription terminate?
End point is signalled by palindromic sequence, then an poly-A sequence
What is the fxn of Rho proteins?
RNA dependant ATPase which hydrolyze ATP and use the energy to tug RNA off the antisense strand
What are the segments of hnRNA that must be removed called?
What protects the hnRNA from rapid digestion?
A methylated G is immediately added to the 5' end, also important for initiating protein synthesis
Why do we add a poly A tail to the hnRNA?
protects against catabolism in the cytosol
How does most splicing occur?
ATP dependant via snRNP's held there by snRNA