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15 Cards in this Set

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Fatty acids

Fx of gauche confirmation?
Heating promotes?
Membrane fluidity factors?
Lipid rafts contain?
Short v. med v. long-chain?
Essential FA?
Incr gauche -> dec chain length & incr cross-sectional area

Gauche conformation -> fluid state

Dec by cholesterol
Incr by unsaturated lipids

Cholesterol, sat sphingolipids, sat phosphoacylglycerols

Short = 2-4C
Med = 6-10C
Long = 12-26C

Linolenic (omega-3)
Linoleic (omega-6)
Lipid absorption

Primary digestion products? 3
Where from micelles? Mix with?
Which attach to alb?
How FA absorbed? 2-monoglyceride? Chol? 4
FA, chol, 2-monoglyceride

Jejunum; bile acids

Short-med length FA

FA activated by fatty acyl coA
+ 2-mono-glyceride -> TG
Chol esterified
Packaged into chylomicrons
Fat mobilization

Enhanced during? 2
Fx insulin/glucagon on adenylate cyclase? 2
Triacylglycerol lipase fxn? Where?
Tissues using FA? 5
Chylomicron broken down by capillaries of? 6 Via?
FFA transported by? 2
Starvation; fasting

Glucagon promote; insulin inh

Convert TG -> glycerol + 3 FA (adipose tissue)

Heart, muscle, kidney, liver, brain (ketone bodies)

Sk muscle, adipose, liver, heart, lung, kidney

Albumin, FABP
FA transport into mitochondria

Activated by? Into? Where?
Converted into? By? Where? Inh? Promote?
Converted into? By? Where?
Acyl CoA synthetase
FA -> FA CoA

FA CoA -> fatty acylcarnithine
CPT I across IMM
+: Vit C; -: malonyl CoA

Acylcarnithine -> FA CoA by CPT II in IMM
FA synthesis

Occurs in?

Acetyl coA converted to? B/c?
Malic enzyme pathway?

RLS? Via? Vit req? Def? 5

FA synthase:
Carrying/transferring req?

# NADPH/cycle?

Released by?
Odd # formed if?

Regulation: 2
High insulin/glucagon ratio stim: 4

Citrate; acetyl coA won't cross mitochondria membrane

Citrate + ATP -> OAA + ADP + Acetyl coA via citrate lyase
OAA + NADH -> malate + NAD+ via malate dehydrogenase
Malate + NADP+ -> pyr + NADPH via malic enzyme

Acetyl coA -> malonyl coA via acetyl coA carboxylase
Biotin def: dermatitis, depression, dry skin/eyes; can arise from raw egg ingestion

Phosphopentethine; cys residue
Acyl carrying protein

2 NADPH/cycle

Thioesterase release palmitate

Start w/ propionyl coA -> odd #

Glucagon -> cAMP -> PKA -> acetyl coA carboxylase-P (inactive)
Insulin -> protein phosphatase -> acetyl coA carboxylase (active)

malic enzyme, citrate lyase, FA synthase, G6PD
Beta oxidation:

Step 1? 3
Step 2? 1
Step 3? 2
Step 4? 3

If even # C? If odd?

FADH2 energetics? NADH?Acetyl CoA?
ATP req for activation?

Peroxisome work on? Mitochondria?
Acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Uses FAD
Inh by Jaimaica vomitting sickness

Enoyl CoA hydratase

β-hydroxy acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Uses NAD+

β-keto thiolase
Uses CoA-SH
Generate aceyl CoA + FA CoA

Continues w/ even
Odd end in propionyl coA -> -> succinyl CoA

2 ATP/cycle; 3 ATP/cycle; 12 ATP;
2 ATP for FA activation

P: Long-med FA
M: Med FA
Ketone body synthesis

Ketone bodies: 3
Occur in?
Catalyzed by? Located in?
Regulation in starvation state?
Acetate, ACAC, BOHB

Mitochondrial matrix

HMG CoA reductase; liver

Acetyl coA low -> can't react w/ OAA so converted to KB
Liproteins: fxn/route, apolipoproteins:

Chylomicrons 3, 4
VLDL 2, 3
IDL 2, 2
LDL 3, 1
Deliver TG to peripheral tissue
Deliver chol to liver as chylomicron remnants
Secreted by intestinal epithelial cells
B-48, A-IV, C-II, E

Deliver hepatic TG to peripheral tissue
Secreted by liver
B-100, C-II, E

Formed by VLDL degradation.
Deliver TG & chol to liver
B-100, E

Deliver liver's chol to peripheral tissue
Formed from VLDL in peripheral tissue
Taken up by liver cell via R-mediated endocytosis

Mediate reverse chol transport to liver
Repository for ApoC, apoE for chylomicron, VLDL
Secreted from both liver, SI
Lipoprotein enzymes:

LPL: synth? translocated to? bound to? fxn? 2 Regulated by? 3 Found in? 3
LCAT: fxn? 2
ACAT: fxn? 2
Synth in parenchymal cells
Translocated to intestinal surface; bound to heparin sulfate
Process chylomicron, VLDL for TG -> FA hydrolysis
Postprandial: Incr insulin -> Inc LPL activity in adipose
Postabsorption: Dec activity in adipose, Incr activity in muscle
Sk muscle3, heart, adipose

Storage & transport of chol esters in lipoprotein core
Cleaves FA -> attach to chol -> more hydrophobic -> penetrate HDL core

Preps chol for stoarge
Intracellular esterification of chol when taken up from LDL
Familial dyslipidemia: Name? Incr?

I: Serum? 2 Patho? 2 Sx? 3
IIa: Serum? 1 Patho? 2 Class? 5 Sx? 3
IV: Serum? 1 Patho? 1 Sx? 1
TG, chol
LPL def or altered C-II
Pancreatitis, HSM, eruptive xanthomas

Familial hypercholesterolemia
Auto dom; absent/dec LDL-R
1: promoter
2: Golgi to cell surface
3: Cys disulfide mutation
4: Clustering in pits
5: LDL-R recycling impaired
Accelerated atherosclerosis, tendon xanthomas, corneal arcus

Liver overproduction of VLDL

Def? 2
Sx? 5
Bx? 1
Auto R
Apo B-100, Apo B-48
Failure to thrive, steatorrhea, acanthocytosis, ataxia, night blindness
Chylomicron accumulation in enterocytes b/c can't be exported
Chol biosynth

7 steps?
Regulation? 3
1. 2 Acetyl coA -> acetoacetyl coA
2. Acetoacetyl coA + acetyl coA -> HMG CoA
3. HMG CoA + NADPH -> NADP+ + melavonate via reductase (RLS)
4. Melavonate -> activated 5C isoprene using ATP
5. 6 isoprenes -> 30C squalene
6. Squalene cyclize -> 4 ring lanosterol w/ C3 oxidation
7. 3C cut -> cholesterol

Sterol inactivate SCAP (regulatory protein for regulatory element)
Sterol promoted HMG proteolysis
Glucagon -> cAMP -> PKA -> HMG CoA reductase-P (inactive)
Bile acid synth/conj

Where synth? Stored? Released by?
RLS of synth?
Chenocholic v. cholic acid
Conj w/? 2 Why?
Bile salt pK v. intestinal lumen pH
2o bile salts made by? Purpose?
Liver; gallbladder
Released by CCK -> contraction GB

α-hydroxyl added to C7 of B ring via 7α-hydroxylase

Cheno: 3α, 7α diol
Cholic: 3α, 7α, 12α triol

Conj w/ glycine or taurine
Lower bile salt pK -> more ionized -> better detergents

Bile salt pK = intestinal lumen = ~ 6 -> abt 1/2 ionized

Bacteria remove glycine & OH @ C7 -> less soluble -> more excreted

Incr in? 2
Patho? 2
Sx? 2
Tx? 2
Chol, plant sterols

Mutation ABCG5/8 -> pump chol & plant sterols into lumen

Xanthomas, Incr plant sterols

Diet low in plant fats, nuts, chocolate, seeds; bile acid resins

Derived from? COX v. LOX?
Subscript indicates?
PGD2 located in? 3 PGE2? 1 PGF2? 1 PGI2? 1 PGH2 =?
Fx of: PGI2/E2/D2? 3 PGF2? 2

TX contain? Located in? Fx: TXA2? 3

LT lack?
LOX enzymes where?
LTB4 fx? 6
LTCDE fx? 4 Strength?
Aspirin fx?
C20 poly-unsaturated FA (AA)
Cyclooxygenase -> PG, TX
Lipoxygenase -> LT

# double bonds

Brain, spinal cord, mast cells
Vasc endothelial cells
PGH2 = precursor for other PGs
PGI/E/D2: vasodilatin, dec plt aggregation, T cell prolif
PGF2: vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction

O incorporated to form 6 member ring
TXA2 in plt
Vasoconstriction, plt aggregation, bronchoconstriction

No internal ring
5-LOX PMN; 12-LOX plt; 15-LOX eosinophilic
Incr vasc perm, T cell prolif, chemotaxis, IFN-g, IL-1, IL-2
D > C > E: Incr bronchoconstriction, vasc perm, GI contraction, IFN-g

COX-inh -> No PG, No TX, but LT still