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18 Cards in this Set

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What are the three main components of the cytoskeleton, and what are their primary functions?
Microtubules - 25nm - ciliary/flagellum, chromosomal movement, vesicle transport, secretion. Made of Alpha/Beta Tubulin.

Microfilaments (Actin!) - 7-9nm. muscle contraction, cell adhesion, motility, stabilize microvili

Intermediate filaments - 10nm - between the two. Sticks around, doesn't polymerize/depolymerize. Constant.
What disease should we think of as soon as the word actin is mentioned? What causes it?
Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy - caused by defects in DYSTROPHYN (biggest gene) - dystrophyn links actin skeleton to the extracellular matrix/basal lamina. Leads to death of muscle cells.
What are the two states actin can exist in?
Globular actin (G-actin) monomer

filamentous actin (F-actin), made of monomers
What is actin treadmilling, and what proteins accelerate it?
G-actin is bound to GTP - binds + end more readily than - end. Binding hydrolyzes GTP to GDP, makes it more likely to fall off towards - end.

Profilin/Cofilin accelerate treadmilling.
How do you begin to form G-actin monomers into a filament? What two protein classes can be used, and what different structures do they make?
Need NUCLEATING PROTEINS - two classes:
Formin: makes long, unbranched, stress fibers

ARP2/3 complex makes branched filaments found at LEADING EDGE of migrating cells. Highly regulated.
What kinds of fibers are seen at the leading edge of a cell, and which are seen at the trailing edge?
Leading edge = active treadmilling,

trailing edge = stress fibers, cause contraction.
What are the 3 actin crosslinking proteins, and what do they favor the creation of?
1. Fimbrin = make microvili

2. Alpha-Actinin = organize into stress fibers

3. Spectrin = cell cortex filaments. Strengthens cell wall/PM.
What's hereditary sphereocytosis?
Mut. in spectrin, alpha actinin, ankryin. get fragile RBC's.
During cell migration, what structure at the leading edge extends? Once it extends, what does it form?
The lamellipodium forms new cell adhesions.
Leading Edge - what signaling molecules/mechanisms exist to regulate the leading edge?
Two g-proteins: CDC 42 and Rac, controlled by GDP-GTP. Timer - once GTP hydrolyzes, stops. These activate ARP2/3 to polymerize branched microfilaments at the leading edge.
What controls actin polymerization at the trailing edge?
G-protein at rear of cell = Rho.

Rho activates formin to make stress fibers.

Also activates MYOSIN to contract and allow motion.
How do we ensure the cell moves only one direction?
polarity is caused by the fact that Rho inhibits Rac = unidirectional movement.
What proteins link cytoskeletal components to the extracellular matrix?
Intermediate filaments - in epithelial cells, what are the PM regions they're attached to?
What disease is caused by a mutation in intermediate filaments?
Muts in keratin cause epidermiosis bullosa simplex. Also may play a role in ALS.
Intermediate fibers - what kinds are they, and where do they live?
Possible categories include:
Keratins, desmins, gfap, vimentin, neurofilaments, and lamins.
Keratins are all in the epithelial cells.

Neurofilaments in neurons

Lamins in Nucleus

Rest are all muscle cell associated (desmins, gfap, vimentin)
What two things are important for controlling the formation of actin filaments?
ATP and Mg 2+
What cellular components generate the signals necessary for formation of new focal adhesions during cellular migration?
integrins - they link to the ECM and relay when it's time to make a new sticky.