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274 Cards in this Set

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what are 3 serine proteases? where are they produced?
- trypsin

- chymotrypsin

- elastase

- produced in the pancreas
Enzymes contain an _______, which usually a crevice on the surface of the enzyme.
- active site
what kind of residues do each of the following bind: chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase
- chymotrypsin: binds bulky hydrophobic residues

- tyrpsin: binds positively charged residues (arginine, lysine, histidine)

- elastase: small residues (glycine, alanine, valine)
what is the catalytic machinery of serine proteases?
- serine + oxyanion hole
The ______ residues are not the same as substrate-binding residues
- catalytic
what is the catalytic triad in serine proteases? which aa is made reactive?
- Histidine, Aspartate, Serine

- this triad makes serine unusually reactive
what is the mechanism of serine proteases?
1) serine attacks substrate to make a tetrahedral transition state

2) the oxyanion in the tetrahedral transition state is stabilized by the oxyanion hole

3) when tetrahedral transition state resolves it breaks the peptide bond = acyl-enzyme intermediate

4) attack by water cleaves bond w/ rest of peptide & enzyme is regenerated
the oxyanion formed during the transition state of serine proteases is stablized by ______ bonds in the ____________
- hydrogen bonds

- oxyanion hole
Serine protease mechanism: substrate --> ________ state --> _________ intermediate --> enzyme regeneration
- tetrahedral transition state

- acyl-enzyme intermediate
spontaneous reactions have a _______ delta G, non-spontaneous have a ________ delta G
- negative

- positive
what is the formula for ΔG? what is it sensitive to?
- ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

- sensitive to concentration of reactants and products
what is ΔG⁰? formula?
- standard conditions, certain temperature, 1M concentration

- ΔG = ΔG⁰ + RTlnQ

- R is a constant
formula for Q?
- [products] / [reactants]
what is ΔH? ΔS?
-ΔH is heat produced (calories)

- ΔS related to change in concentration (entropy)
at equilibrium, ΔG = what? what is Q called at equilibrium? what does it tell you?
- 0

- Keq

- concentration of products & reactants at equilibrium
at equilibrium what does the formula for ΔG⁰ become? Therefore, the information content of ΔG⁰ & Keq is _____ at a given temperature
- 0 = ΔG⁰ + RTlnQ

--> ΔG⁰ = -RTlnKeq

- identical
what are 4 difference b/w chemical & biochemical reactions?
1) reactions in body not at equilibrium (except in death)

2) reaction can be driven by reducing product concentration

3) non-standard conditions (hinder accurate prediction of ΔG from ΔG⁰)

4) some processes do not take place in solution, but are solid phase reactions
The free energy of activation is called ΔG‡. The _________ the ΔG‡, the slower the reaction.
- larger
Stabilization of the __________ by a catalyst lowers the __________, thus increasing the attainment of equilibrium. The catalyst does not change the _________ of substrate or product and does not alter the ________.
- transition state

- activation barrier

- free energy

- equilibrium ratio
Food, or fuel, is degraded to smaller molecules with the release of energy, a process known as _________. Reactions that require the input of energy are called _________ reactions.
- catabolism

- anabolic
There are ____ possible bond cleaves that release energy with ATP. So enzymes _____ NTP hydrolysis to peptide bond synthesis. How much energy does each bond cleavage release?
- two

- couple

- releases about -13 kcal/mole (about -7 kcal/mole per bond) --> therefore it is functionally irreversible
what is glutamine synthesis from glutamate an example of?
- enzymes coupling reactions to ATP

- need to add NH3 --> to do so use common intermediate (phosphorylate glutamate) then replace PO3 with NH3
what is enzyme velocity? why do you use the beginning of the curve? why does it stabilize off at the top?
- amount of product formed per unit time

- use initial velocity b/c it is linear --> as time goes on you might run out of substrate or product might inhibit enzyme activity
at low [S], [S] <<<< _____ therefore the reaction is ______ order. That is, proportional to the concentration of __________.
- Km

- first

- substrate
At high [S], [S] >>>> _____, the velocity of the reaction is ______ order, constant and independent of ________ concentration.
- Km

- zero

- substrate
when [S] = 0, V = ____.
when [S] is infinite, V = ______.
when [S] is equal to Km, V = _____.
- 0

- Vmax

- 1/2 Vmax
The Km is equal to the ________ concentration at _______.
- substrate

- 1/2 Vmax
if you damage enzyme and therefore if you need to get more substrate to get to 1/2 Vmax what happens to your Km? If low substrate concentration gets you to 1/2 Vmax what does this mean about Km?
- large Km

- small Km
why does Michaelis-Menten not require pure enzymes?
- because enzymes are specifi
large Km reflects what? small Km reflects what?
- large: low affinity of enzyme for substrate

- small: high affinity of enzyme for substrate
how do you measure enzyme?
- velocity is proportional to amount of enzyme present

- be at saturating amounts of substrate
how do you measure substrate?
- low substrate levels best b/c velocity directly proportional to amount of substrate
in many cases, substrate concentration fluctuates near _____, controlling the activity
- Km
is the Km ever negative?
- no
formula for lineweaver-burk plot? what is the x axis? y axis? x intercept? y intercept? slope?
1/v = (Km/Vmax) 1/[S] + 1/Vmax

- x axis: 1/[S]

- y axis: 1/V

- x intercept: -1/Km

- y intercept: 1/Vmax

- slope: Km/Vmax
as enzyme concentration increases does Vmax change? Km?
- Vmax increases

- Km does not change
The equilibrium constant (Keq) and ΔGº are ________ and have the same information, they describe reactions
The Km measures [substrate] needed for _____% activity
- 50%
appearance of alanine transaminase (ALT) in the blood is indicative of what?
- liver damage or viral hepatitis

- another example of this is low level of alpha-1-antitrypsin
-inactive protein precursor

- active site blocked until proteolytic cleavage on specific chain
what happens in the blood clotting cascade? what kind of enzyme are these examples of?
- prothrombin --> thrombin

- thrombin cleave fibrinogen --> fibrin

- zymogens
fibrinogen cleaved by ________ turns into ________. These form the initial clot with _______. _______ makes the final clot.
- thrombin

- fibrin monomers

- sticky ends

- crosslinking
prothrombin: cleavage sites & what it turns into
- cleavage sites: 274 & 323

- without clip at 323 it is prethrombin

- with both clips it is thrombin
thrombin is a ______ protease (however what residues within it differ?).
- serine

- isoleucine & aspartate are the critical H-bond formation residues
when thrombin is activated by a proteolytic clip, what critical bond is formed?
- Isoleucine16 is brought into contact with aspartate 194
where is prothrombin? what does it complex with? how does the GLA domain sit on the membrane (ie what is it dependent on & also what vitamin)? how is it activated?
- on the membrane surface

- complexes with factor X (enzyme) & factor V

- gamma-carboxylation of glutamate allows calcium to bind & exposes hydrophobic residues (can interact w/ surface) --> dependent on vitamin K

- factor X does double cleavage to release soluble thrombin
how does warfarin work?
- vitamin K analog = interferes with clotting

- gamma-carboxylation dependent on vitamin K

- poorly carboxylated prothrombin does not bind well to surface = reduced coagulation
thrombin interacts with the irreversible inhibitor ________. a drug that promote the binding of this to decrease coagulation is _______.
- antithrombin

- heparin
what enzymes to neutrophils release in the lungs? what is the normal inhibitor to this? what happens when it is defective? what happens in smoking? how do you treat it?
- elastase

- alpha-1-antitrypsin or alpha-1-antiproteinase

- defective: unregulated elastase activity (destroys elasin) = emphysema

- smoking oxidizes Met residue on alpha-1-antitrypsin --> elastase cleaves elastin --> scarring/emphysema

- treat with IV of alpha-1-antitrypsin
what residues on a protein can be phosphorylated? example MAP kinase?
- serine, threonine, tyrosine

- can change the charge & maybe expose active site of enzyme

- in MAP kinase - phosphorylation leads to 1000x increase in catalytic activity (increases substrate binding)
where do competitive inhibitors bind? how do they affect the Km? Vmax?
- bind to substrate binding site

- raise Km

- do not change Vmax

- one ex. is when product chemically resembles substrate
where do non-competitive inhibitors bind? what kind of inhibition is it? what do they do to Km? Vmax? They can be _____ or ______.
- bind in location other than active site (allosteric inhibition)

- don't change Km

- lower Vmax

- they basically reduce the amount of enzyme present

- reversible or irreversible
in a competitive inhibitor, what happens to Km when you increase amount of inhibitor? non-competitive Vmax?
- increase Km

- more inhibitor = decreased Vmax (b/c effectively decreasing amount of enzyme)
______ is an irreversible inhibitor of serine proteases. why is it the basis for nerve gases/insecticides?

- inactives Ach esterase (aka nerve poison)
_________ enzymes are even more sensitive to changes in substrate concetration. what does an increase in [S] do? These enzymes do not follow Michaelis-Meten kinetics.Binding is said to be _________
- allosteric

- [S] increase = increase in velocity

- cooperative
Allosteric enzymes are usually at the beginning of a dedicated reaction pathway because they are sensitive to __________. How does aspartate transcarbamoylase illustrate this? what does it do? what regulates it?
- feedback inhibition

- aspartate trascarbamoylase: joins carbamoylphosphate + L-aspartate --> carbamoyl-L-aspartate --> makes pyrimidines

- sensitive to NEGATIVE feedback from CTP & POSITIVE from ATP
how does the RB gene (protein) work? what kinases are involved?
- two hits to render it inactive (either hereditary or spontaneous)

- binds E2F & keeps it inactive until phosphorylated by Cyclin D or E & CDKs phosphorylate it

- once phsophorylated becomes inactive & E2F free to go turn on genes for S phase
_____ RB binds _____ E2F. Once phosphorylated by CDKs ___ or ____, RB is _____ and E2F is ______ and goes and turns on genes for S phase. What happens in the absense of pRB?
- active

- inactive

- D or E

- inactive

- active

- in absence E2F is always on & cell growth is abnormal
pRB is a ___________ associated with what cancers?
- tumor suppressor

- retinoblastoma
p53 is a __________ associated with what cancers?
- tumor suppressor

- sarcomas, carcinomas
_______ stabilizes p53 and allows it to bind DNA. _____ is an important target gene it turns on. This gene does what? what happens in the absence of p53?
- phosphorylation

- p21

- p21 halts cell cycle by binding Cyclin/CDK complex --> allows time to repair DNA before S phase

- p21 can also inhibit replication forks by binding with PCNA

- in absence p21 never turned on & damaged DNA is replicated

- also without p53 can't undergo apoptosis
NF1 is a ________ associated with what cancers?
- tumor suppressor

- associated with neuroblastoma
APC is a _________ associated with what cancers?
- tumor suppressor

- colon, stomach cacncer
BRAC 1 is a _________ associated with what cancers?
- tumor suppressor

- breast cancer
difference between tumor suppressors & oncogenes?
- tumor suppressors: 2 mutations needed (AR), breaks

- oncogenes: 1 mutation needed (AD), gas
many ______ code for proteins involved in pathways that relay growth-stimulating signals from outside the cell into the nucleus
- proto-oncogenes
what is PDGF an example of?
- signal transduction, receptor that penetrates the plasma membrane & has tryrosine kinase activity

- phosphorylation of Tyr residues allows interactions w/ other members in cascade
how does simian sarcoma (sis) alter cell growth? example of what?
- encodes part of PDGF & enduces signal transduction

- oncogene
what happens with mutant form of epidermal growth factor? example of what?
- constantly stimulates growth even in absence of EGF (ErbB/HER2)

- oncogene
how does mutant ras work? example of what?
- when GTP is bound it's active

- has GAP (GTPase activing protein) & hydrolyzes GTP to GDP to turn off

- mutation makes it always on

- oncogene
NF1 contains a what? therefore it is though to be associated with what?
- contains a GAP domain

- thought to be associated with RAS
what goes wrong with c-fos & c-jun? what are they? what do they bind? example of what?
- Fos & Jun bind to AP1 sites and cause transient growth

- they are transcription factors

- in mutated cells there is continuous growth

- oncogenes
Myc is a transcription factor that regulates expression of ____% of all genes. Binds to enhancer sequences (E-boxes) that recruit ________. what happens in mutated forms? example of what?
- 15%

- HATs (histone acetyltransferases)

- mutated form leads to upregulation of genes

- oncogene
what happens in Burkitt's lymphoma?
- Myc (chromosome 8) translocated to genes encoding antibodies (chromosome 2, 14, 22)

- Myc constituitively expressed in cells with immunoglobulin chains
there can be excessive or inappropriate expression of _________ in diverse malignancies
- cyclins
how does SV40 T-antigen work on Rb & p53?
- viral protein complexes with p53 & pRB

- E2F always on & no one checking DNA
The _____ domain of the papillomavirus binds p53 and induces _______. The ____ domain binds pRB.
- E6

- induces proteolysis

- E7
What are the 6 capabilities for tumorigenesis (SSILEM)?
1) self-sufficiency in growth signals: RAS
2) sustained angiogenesis: VEGF
3) insensitivity to anti-growth signals: pRB
4) limitless replicative potential: telomerase
5) evasion of apoptosis: p53
6) metastasis
the anomeric carbon can react with ______ or ______ to create a __________ bond
- alcohols or other sugars

- glycosidic
what is maltose made up of? lactose? sucrose?
- maltose: glucose-glucose

- lactose: galactose-glucose

- sucrose: fructose-glucose
amylose is a polymer of what? what are the linkages? amylopectin?
- glucose alpha(1-->4 linkage)

- amylopectin is branched version w/ alpha(1-->6) every 12 residues
glycogen is a polymer of what? what are the linkages?
- glucose polymer, alpha(1-->4) linkages with branching every 8-10 residues with alpha(1-->6)
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are repeating _________ with a _____ charge. It can also be ______ which adds additional negative charge.
- disaccharides

- negative

- sulfated
each sugar is _____ for enzymatic polymer synthesis or transfer by sugar nucleotide formation
- activated (with UDP)
difference b/w amylose & cellulose in terms of linkage?
- amylose: alpha(1-->4)

- cellulose: beta(1-->4)
difference between enzymatic & non-enzymatic conjugation of glucose?
- enzymatic requires UDP-glucose

- non-enzymatic (HbA1C) just requires glucose
except for _______, enzymatic protein glycosylation is for secreted proteins or domains facing extracellularly
- O-GlcNac
N-linked residues are attached to what amino acid? O-linked?
- N-linked = asparagine

- O-linked = threonine or serine
a different _______ is required for each step of carbohydrate chain synthesis They are all _________.
- enzyme

- transferases
how are O-linked sugars added? N-linked?
- O-linked are added one at a time on the threonine or serine residue

- N-linked are built to 14 residues on the protein Dolichol phosphate then transfered to asparagine
N-linked sugars are made on _________ which is a ______. where is this assembled?
- dolichol phosphate

- lipid

- ER
what is the site of principal modification of glycosylation?
- golgi
________ are part of the matrix and found in places like cartilage b/c they are hydrated and provide coushioning.
- proteoglycans
Proteoglycans usually consist of a core protein __-linked to a ______
- 0-linked

why are type O individuals more prone to ulcers?
- H-pylori binds structures that look like type O sugars
the avian influenza virus epidemic was due to what?
- a virus being able to recognize avian alpha(2-3) linkages and mutations to human alpha(2-6) linkages
White cells have _______ ligand & _______ receptor. Endothelial cells have _____ ligand & ______ receptor.
- P-selectin ligand

- L-selectin receptor

- L-selectin ligand

- P-selectin receptor
a defect in fucosylation leads to what? leads to what phenotype?
- leukocyte adhesion deficiency II (LAD II)

- bombay phenotype

- can't recruit white cells when you need them, exceptionally prone to infection
which food source gives you the most energy? protein, fat or carbs
- fat (9Kcal/g)

- both protein + carbs are about 4
what are the end products of alpha-amylase breaking down amylopectin? what kind of linkages can he break down?
- maltotriose

- maltose

- alpha-limit dextrins

- breaks down 1-->4, can't break down 1-->6
what are the brushborder enzymes (GASLIM)?
- glucoamylase

- alpha-amylase (soluble)

- sucrase

- lactase

- isomaltase

- maltase
what does lactase breakdown/products? sucrase? alpha dextrinase (isomaltase)? glucoamylase? alpha amylase?
- lactase: lactose --> galactose + glucose

- sucrase: sucrose --> fructose + glucose

- alpha dextrinase (isomaltase): alpha limit dextrins --> glucose

- glucoamylase: malto-oligosaccharides made by alpha amylase --> glucose

- alpha amylase: glycogen --> alpha limit dextrins & malto-oligosaccharides
what happens in intestinal lumen on lactose intolerance person?
- lactose gets acted on by bacteria generating lactic acid & fatty acids --> creates osmotic gradient & H20 flows out of intestinal cell

- H2 generated

- watery diarrhea!
_____ and _____ are transported by simple diffusion in the intestine. _____, ______ and ______ (on basolateral side) are transported by facilitated diffusion. _____ and _____ are transported by active transport.
- arabinose & xylose

- manose, fructose & glucose

- galactose & glucose
Glut4 is found where? is it responsive to insulin? what about glut2? insulin responsive? SLGLUT1 is found where? insulin responsive?
- glut4: white blood cells, fat & muscle --> responsive to insulin

- glut2: liver & pancreatic beta-cells --> not responsive to insulin

-slglut1 found in intestines & kidney --> responsive to insulin
How does insulin stimulate receptor function in muscle, fat and white blood cells?
- glut4 normally inside cells, insulin increases number of receptors on the membrane
after carb ingestion, glucose peaks around _______ minutes and returns back to baseline around _______ mins.
- peaks 30-40, baseline @ 120
high glycemic index foods stimulate _____ insulin secretion, whereas complex carbs tend to have ____ GIs.
- high

- low
what is the effect of diabetes on blood glucose levels?
- diabetics start higher, stay higher, come back to baseline slower
why are glucokinase & hexokinase isozymes?
- they are different enyzmes that catalyze the same reaction
_______ can phosphorylate other hexoses, while ______ is specific for glucose. __________ is restricted to liver and pancreatic b cells,
while _________ are ubiquitous. ________, but not _________, are inhibited by G6P.
- Hexokinases

- glucokinase

- Glucokinase

- hexokinases

- Hexokinases

- glucokinase
who has a lower Km: glucokinase or hexokinase? what stimulates gene transcription and synthesis of glucokinase?
- hexokinase (0.1mM Km)

- glucokinase (10mM Km)

- insulin
what happens with MODY? is it associated with obesity/high lipid levels?
- defect in glucokinase gene or transcription factors

- type II diabetes, AD

- NOT associated with obesity or high lipids
how does glucokinase regulate insulin secretion?
- when glucose taken into cell & phosphorylated by glucokinase then glycolysis happens

- energy created phosphorylates potassium channel depolarizing cell --> open calcium channels & vessels with insulin fuse with membrane & are released
Red Cells Lack ______ So They Depend on Glycolysis for ATP Production
- Mitochondria
glucose --> G6P by ________. G6P --> F6P by ______. F6P --> F16BP by ______. F16BP --> G3P by _______. (isomerization between G3P & DHAP by ______). G3P --> 13BPG by ________. 13BPG --> 3PG by _______. 3PG -->2PG by ______. 2PG --> PEP by _______. PEP --> pyruvate by ______.
- hexokinase

- phosphoglucose isomerase

- phosphofructokinase I

- aldolase

- triosephosphate isomerase

- glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase

- 3 phosphoglycerate kinase

- phosphoglycerate mutase

- enolase

- pyruvate kinase
which steps of glycolysis use ATP? which make ATP?
- hexokinase & PFK1 use ATP

- phosphoglycerate & pyruvate kinase make ATP
what does G3P dehydrogenase use? what is its substrate? product?
- Pi, NAD+

- substrate is G3P, product is 13BPG
pyruvate is converted to lactate which takes two _____ and converts them to ______

- NAD+
G6P can make ______ for storage or go to Pentose-5-phosphate and make _____ or ______.
- glycogen

- NADPH or nucleotides (ribose?)
DHAP can be converted to what?
- phosphatidic acid --> either triacylglycerols or phospholipids

1,3BPG generates 2,3BPG a regulator of ________ by the enzyme _______.
- hemoglobin

- bisphosphoglycerate mutase
3PG can be converted to which amino acid? what are the 3 steps? what other glycolytic intermediate can make amino acids?
- serine

- oxidation --> transamination --> dephosphorylation

- pyruvate
how does G3P dehydrogenase show negative cooperativity?
- enzyme is more or less buffered from changes in substrate concentrations

- resists changes to [substrate]
NAD is derived from what? what does it accept? do cells have higher [NAD+] or [NADH]?
- derived from vitamin B3

- absorbs 2e- & 1H+

- higher [NAD+]
- niacin deficiency

- 4Ds: dimentia, dermatitis, death, diarrhea
________ regenerates NAD+ by converting pyruvate to lactate
- lactate dehydrogenase
what are the 3 regulated steps in glycolysis? this is because they are _____ from equilibrium
1) hexokinase

2) PFK1

3) pyruvate kinase

- far
disease associated with glucokinase: _______, pyruvate kinase: _______

- warburg effect: cancer cells have elevated levels of glycolysis - b/c of pyruvate kinase expressed in cells
hexokinase is inhibited by ______. PFK1 is activated by _____, inhibited by _____ & ______. pyruvate kinase is activated by ______.
- G6P


- ATP & citrate (meaning high Acetyl CoA)

- F16BP (feed forward)
F26BP is made by ______. how does this regulate glycolysis?
- PFK2

- F26BP is positive allosteric regulator of PFK1 therefore turning on glycolysis
how is PFK2 regulated?
- hormonally

- insulin: signals well fed state = enzyme dephosphorylated & acts as kinase to make F26BP --> start glyoclysis (acts as a synthetase - kinase)

- without insulin: phosphorylated & turns into phosphatase to make F26BP into F6P --> decrease glycolysis
deficiencies in glycolysis mainly affect _____ & _____. it is limited by ____. requires the coenzyme ____. Net yield of ___ ATP/mole of glucose.
- RBC, skeletal muscle

- Pi

- NAD+

- 2
2-F-Deoxyglucose (PET) is an inhibitor for _______. Arsenate for _______. Fluoride for ______.
- hexokinase

-G3P dehydrogenase

- enolase
Glucose is converted to sorbitol via _________. This can then be converted to fructose by __________. These conversions are of particular interest in the ______ & __________.
- aldol reductase

- sorbitol dehydrogenase

- seminal vesicles

- eye
what does sorbitol have to do with retinopathy in the eye?
- aldol reductase is slower than sorbitol dehydrogenase therefore glucose --> sorbitol and it build up in the eye

- causes osmotic pressure
In fructose metabolism: fructose is converted to _____ by _____. _____ cuts this substrate into _____ & _______. Both of these substrates can be converted to ________, how?
- F1P

- fructokinase

- aldolase B

- DHAP & glyceraldehyde

- G3P

- DHAP by triosephosphate isomerase

- glyceraldehyde by glyceraldehyde kinase
where does fructose enter glycolysis?
- enters at G3P
essential fructosuria
- defect in fructokinase
hereditary fructose intolerance & why is it bad
- defect in aldolase B

- build up for F1P sequesters phosphate & stops glycogen breakdown & glucose synthesis
Mannose metabolism: Mannose is converted to _________ by ________. This is then converted to ________ by _______.
- Mannose-6-phosphate

- hexokinase

- Fructose-6-phosphate

- phosphomannose isomerase
where does mannose enter glycolysis?
- fructose 6 phosphate
to metabolize galactose 1 phosphate you need to make __________
- UDP-glucose
galactose metabolism: galactose --> _______ by _______. UDP is then transferred from ______ to it by _________. UDP-galactose is then changed into ________ by ________. _______ then acts on this molecule to remove the UDP and make it _________. This is then converted to _________ by __________.
- galactose-1-phosphate

- galactokinase

- UDP-Glucose (leaving Glucose-1-phosphate)

- Galactose-1-phosphate-uridylyl transferase

- UDP-glucose

- epimerase

- Galapcose-1-phosphate-uridydyl transferase

- Glucose-1-phosphate

- Glucose-6-phosphate

- phosphoglucomutase
where does galactose enter glycolysis?
- glucose-6-phosphate
instead of turning into galactose-1-phosphate, galactose can also turn into _________ via ______.
- galactitol

- aldol (aldolase) reductase
UDP-galactose can be converted into UDP-glucose, _______ & __________
- lactose

- glycoprotein/lipid
galactokinase deficiency & what conversion affected
- deficiency in galactokinase

- minor problem

- conversion of galactose --> galactose-1-phosphate
classic galactosemia & what conversion affected
- defect in galactose-1-phosphate-uridylyl transferase

- serious

- galactose-1-phosphate --> UDP-galactose (using UDP-glucose making glucose-1-phosphate)
epimerase deficiency & what conversion affected
- deficiency in epimerase

- UDP-galactose --> UDP-glucose

- rare
UDP-glucose can be converted to __________ to be conjugated to bilirubin and drugs, why would it do this?
- UDP-glucuronic acid

- do this to make the molecules more polar and therefore more excretable
alcohol is converted to ________ by ________. If you are a chronic alcoholic _____ is also developed to help this conversion.
- acetaldehyde

- alcohol dehydrogenase

- MEOS (CYT P450)
alcohol metabolism: alcohol --> _______ by ______. _______ ---> _____ by _________. Acetate can then either cause ________ or be turned into _______ by _________.
- acetaldehydge

- alcohol dehydrogenase

- acetaldehyde --> acetate by alcohol dehydrogenase 2

- acidosis

- acetyl Coa by Acetyl CoA synthetase
wernicke korsakoff
- thiamine deficiency from chronic alcoholism
high levels of NADH can do what to gluconeogensis?
- inhibit gluconeogenesis (stop malate --> oxaloacetate)

- keep making lactate b/c so much NADH
high levels of NADH do what to triglyceride?
- stimulates triglyceride formation

- make DHAP --> glycerol-3-phosphate --> triglycerides

- stop fatty acids from breaking down into acetyl CoA
with high levels of NADH you get increased _______, decreased ________ and metabolic ________.
- triglyceride formation

- gluconeogenesis

- acidosis
if someone gets poisoned by methanol what will alcohol dehydrogenase turn it into? what can you treat them with?
- formaldehyde

- treat them with ethanol b/c it will out compete methanol for alcohol dehydrogenase
what is the pathway for antifreeze (ethylene glycol) poisoning?
- ehtylene glyol --> glycoaldehyde (via alcohol dehydrogenase)

- glycoaldehyde --> glycolic acid (via alcohol dehydrogenase)

- glycolic acid --> acidosis
What are the 4 fates of pyruvate?
1) lactate
2) acetyl CoA (oxidative decarboxylation)
3) oxaloacetate (carboxylation)
4) alanine (transamination)
How many NADH, ATP, GTP, FADH2 do glycolysis, PDH & TCA make? between how many ATP are made?
- glycolysis: 2NADH, 2ATP

- PDH: (NADH) x2

- TCA: (3NADH, FADH2, GTP) x2

- 32-38 ATP
______ takes place in the cytoplasm & _____ in the Mito matrix. ______ is the molecule of glycolysis transported from the cytosol into the mito matrix
- glycolysis


- pyruvate
what is the active site on acetyl CoA (ie where is the acetyl group added)
- SH group on beta-mercapto ethylamine which is where the acetyl group is added
PDH: E1 is ________. E2 is ________. E3 is ________. what is the mechanism? Remember how to regenerate FAD.
- E1: pyruvate dehydrogenase

- E2: dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase

- E3: dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase

- 1) decarboxylate the pyruvate --> 2) transfer to thioester on lipoate --> condense w/ HSCoA --> 3) regenerate lipoate using FAD --> FADH2 --> need to change NAD+ --> NADH to regenerate FAD
_______ is the coenzyme on E1 of PDH. What does it do? Where is it derived from?
- thiamine pyrophosphate

- decarboxylates pyruvate

- derived from vitamin B1 (thiamine)
wernicke's encepalopathy (wernicke-korsakoff) & beri beri are derived from what deficiencies? difference b/w wet & dry beri beri?
- thiamine (b1)

- wet beri beri - CVD complications

- dry beri beri has involuntary eye movements

- happens where white rice is predominant
_____ is the active arm on E2 of pyruvate dehydrogenase. This is a target for what kind of poisoning? what does it have to hold the acetyl group? where does it transfer the acetyl group? the electrons?
- lipoate

- trivalent arsenic (any enzyme with lipoate is a target for this)

- has a thioester (S-S)

- acetyl group transferred to CoA

- electrons to FAD on E3
where does E3 of pyruvate dehydrogenase transfer its electrons? where is FAD derived from?
- transfers them from FADH2 --> NAD+ to make it NADH

- FAD is derived from vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
how is PDH regulated by phosphorylation?
- when it is phosphorylated it is inactive --> ATP, acetyl CoA, NADH all turn on kinase that turns OFF PDH2 (aka negative feedback inhibition)

- when it is unphosphorylated it is active --> insulin, ADP, Ca2+, pyruvate, CoASH, NAD+ all turn on phosphatase that ACTIVATES PDH
Leigh's disease & how do you treat?
- deficiency in PDH

- seizures, lactic acidosis

- poor prognosis

- treat by giving thiamine (vitamin B1), high-fat, low-carb diet recommended
Acetyl CoA can be made from what 3 things? what are it's 4 fates?
- made from: pyruvate, fatty acids, amino acids

- made into: energy, fatty acids, cholesterol/steroids, ketone bodies
Citrate is made from ______ & _____ by ______. Then converted to isocitrate by ______. Then converted to alpha-ketoglutarate by ______. What is made here? Then converted to Succinyl coA by _____, what is made here? Then converted to succinate by ______, what is made here? Then converted to Fumarate by ______, what is made here? Then converted to malate by _______, then converted to oxaloacetate by _________, what is made here?.
- oxaloacetate & acetyl CoA by citrate synthase

- aconitase

- isocitrate dehydrogenase., makes CO2 & NADH

- alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogease, makes CO2 & NADH

- succinyl CoA synthetase, makes GTP

- succinic acid dehydrogease, makes FADH2

- fumarase

- malate dehydrogenase
what enzymes in the krebs cycle make NADH? GTP? FADH2?
- NADH: isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase

- GTP: succinyl-CoA synthetase

- FADH2: succinic acid dehydrogenase
trivalent arsenic targets what enzymes?
- G3P Dehydrogenase


- alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
_____ is exported from the mitochondria to allow fat synthesis & inhibit glycolysis. what enzyme in glyoclysis is it targeting?
- citrate

- targeting PFK1
what enzymes in the TCA cycle are stereospecific?
- aconitase

- fumarase
Citrate can turn into _______ & _____. Alpha-ketoglutarate can turn into _______. Succinyl-CoA turns into ______. Oxaloacetate can turn into _________.
- Fatty acids & sterols

- glutamate & amino acids

- heme

- aspartate
Pyruvate can be made into malate by _________. pyruvate can be made into oxalacetate by _____. PEP can be made into oxaloacetate by _________. Glutamate can be turned into alpha-ketoglutarate by _________.
- malic enzyme

- pyruvate carboxylase

- PEP carboxykinase

- glutamate dehydrogenase
The PPS has two important products: _____ used for nucleotide synthesis, ______ used to reduce glutathione, synthesize FA, NO, steroids/sterols, detoxify drugs
- ribose-5-phosphate

What are the oxidative steps of the PPS? Which steps make NADPH?
1) G6P --> 6phosphoglucono-alpha-lactone via G6P dehydrogenase --> 6 phosphogluconate via lactonase

2) 6 phosphogluconate --> ribulose-5-phosphate via 6-6-gluconate dehydrogenase

- G6P dehydrogenase makes NADPH (oxidation)

- 6-p-gluconate dehydrogenase makes NADPH (oxidation & decarboxylation)
difference b/w NAD+ & NADP+? what are the relative ratios in the cell?
- there is a phosphate at bottome of NADP+ which makes it recognized by different enzymes

- NAD+ & NADPH are kept high in cells vs. NADH & NADP+
______ is needed when making fatty acids to saturate the double bonds. It is also needed in arginine conversion to citrulline & NO
what happens in the second non-oxidative phase of PPS? ie what are the carbon skeletons arranged into?
1) ribulose-5-phosphate is converted to either ribose-5-phosphate via isomerase

OR converted to xyulose-5-phosphate via epimerase
How can xyulose-5-P be converted to G3P & ribose-5-P to sedoheptulose-7-P? What cofactor is used?
- transketolase transfers 2 carbon units using thiamine
Sedoheptulose-7-P can be converted to Erythrose-4-P & G3P to Fructose-6-Pusing what?
- transaldolase transferring 3 carbon units
Ribulose-5-P --> Ribose-5-P via _____. Ribose-5-P --> Sedoheptulose-7-P via ________. Sedoheptulose-7-P --> Erythrose-4-P via _____.
- iosmerase

- transketolase

- transaldolase
Ribulose-5-P --> Xyulose-5-P via ________. Xyulose-5-P --> G3P via ______. G3P --> Fructose-6-P via _______.
- epimerase

- transketolase

- transaldolase
The end products of the PPS are ____ pentose-phosphates & __ triode-phosphate & ___ hexose-phosphate
- 3-pentose-phosphate (2 xyulose-5-P & 1 ribose-5-P)

- 1 triose-P (G3P) & 2 hexose-P (2 fructose-6-P)
what do you do if: NADPH=ribose? Ribose > NADPH? NADPH >>> Ribose? NADPH > ribose?
- NADPH=ribose: run the shunt normally

- ribose > NADPH: run non-oxidative portion of shunt via rearrangement of C skeletons from glycolysis

- NADPH >>> ribose: run pathway to glycolytic intermediates --> gluconeogenesis --> G6P

- NADPH > ribose: run pathway normally
____________, the first committed step, is rate limiting of the PPS. how is it inducible by insulin? what is the allosteric negative feedback?
- Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase

- inducible by insulin b/c insulin wants to stimulate fat production so need NADPH

- NADPH is neg. allosteric inhibition
how does actual V vs. Vmax compare with G6P dehydrogenase?
- high Km for substrate when low [ ]

- low Ki for inhibitor when high [ ]

- therefore reaction is VERY SLOW under biological conditions
__________ uses NADPH to reduce Met Hb 3+ back to 2+
- Met Hb reductase

- when Hb goes from 2+ --> 3+ it releases an O2-
O2- + H2O = ________. Haber-weiss reaction? Fenton reaction? Both of these processes generate _________.
- H2O2

- Haber weis = H2O2 + O2- = OH- + H2O + O2

- fenton reaction: H202 + O2- (from oxidation of Hb) = OH- + OH-

- hydroxy radicals
chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
- defect in NADPH oxidase - therefore can't generate H2O2 to kill bacteria
NADPH produced by _________ maintains the supply of reduced glutathione needed to destroy peroxide._____ is also responsible for maintaining the intracellular environment in a reduced state so that disulfide bonds in proteins stay reduced.
- glucose-6-P dehydrogenase

- Glutathione
_______ converts superoxide --> hydrogen peroxide. ______ converts H2O2 to water turning G-SH into ______. how does it become reduced again?
- superoxide dismustase (SOD)

- Glutathione (GSH) peroxidase

- G6P dehydrogenase generates NADPH


- GSSG reductase takes GSSG --> GSH by oxidizing NADPH --> NADP
how do glucose meters use peroxidase & glucose oxidase?
- glucose --> gluconic acid via glucose oxidase

- in this process reduces hydrogen peroxide --> water
what are heinz bodies in G6PDH deficiency? what else do you see with this condition?
- precipitated Hb b/c can't reduce disulfide bonds formed b/w molecules

- see dark urine, low RBC count, RBC w/ inclusion bodies, elevated reticulocyte count, low Hb, elevated bilirubin
why do you get dark urine in G6PDH deficiency? why low count RBC? why high bilirubin? reticulcytes indicate what? This helps with what parasite?
- b/c excreting Hb

- b/c hemolysis

- b/c bilirubin is breakdown product of heme

- indicate there is active erythropoiesis in the bone marrow

- helps fight malaria
Blood entering the liver is ____ [glucose] in the portal vein whereas exiting the liver is _____ [glucose] in the hepatic vein.
- low

- high
________ sustains blood glucose for a few hours after a meal. _______ sustains blood glucose for many days in the absence of carbohydrate intake.
- Glycogen

- Gluconeogenesis
What are the different steps in gluconeogenesis vs. glycolysis?
- pyruvate --> oxaloacetate (via pyruvate carboxylase)

- oxaloacetate --> PEP (via PEPCK)

- F16BP --> F6P (via F6BPhosphatase)

- G6P --> Glucose (via G6Phosphatase)
precursors for gluconeogenesis: _______ via pyruvate, ______ via pyruvate, ______ via glycolytic intermediates
- lactate

- amino acids (alanine)

- glycerol
transamination reactions: _______ to alanine. _____ to aspartate. ______ to glutamate.
- pyruvate

- oxaloacetate

- alpha-ketoglutarate
Where does glycerol enter the gluconeogenesis pathway? What does this mean if you have a defect in PEPCK?

- you could use glycerol instead of pyruvate & alanine b/c those would not produce an increase in glucose
Which tissues do glucogenesis?
- liver and kidneys
What are 2 ways that gluconeogenesis deals with the mito location of pyruvate & pyruvate carboxylase (ie how do you get oxaloacetate into cytoplasm)?
- oxaloacetate --> malate using NADH --> malate then transported out of mito --> oxaloacetate using NAD+ generating NADH

- oxaloacetate --> aspartate (using alpha-ketoglutarate & glutamate) - aspartate shunted out of mito --> oxaloacetate (regenerating glutamate)
what coenzyme does the pyruvate carboxylase enzyme use? what does it do?
- biotin

- adds a CO2
Where is G6Phosphatase located? how do you get G6P in? glucose/Pi out?
- located in the ER

- transporters get them in and out
Gluneogenesis is expensive process: Pyruvate carboxylase uses _____, PEPCK uses _______, 3PG kinase uses ________, G3P dehydrogenase uses _______
- 2 ATP

- 2 GTP

- 2 ATP

What activates pyruvate carboxylase? What inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase?
- Pyruvate carboxylase: activated by Acetyl CoA

- PDH: inhibited by NADH, ATP
How does F16BPhosphatase help to regulate gluconeogenesis?
- turned on by low AMP, decreased F26BP, increased citrate
In general, ______ inhibits most gluconeogenesis pathways, where as _______ activates them.
- insulin

- glucagon
glucagon has no receptors in _______ therefore it cannot do what?
- muscle

- stimulate glycogen breakdown in muscle
How does glucagon act on PFK2? how does insulin work?
- glucagon --> cAMP --> PKA --> phosphorylate PFK2 --> becomes a phosphatase & turns F26BP --> F6P = TURNS OFF GLYCOLYSIS & ON GLUCOGENESIS

- insulin stimulates phosphatase takes phosphate off of PFK2 --> turns into kinase --> makes F26BP = TURNS ON GLYCOLYSIS AND OFF GLUCOGENESIS
Cori cycle
- lactate made in RBC & muscle is transported in blood to liver where it turns it back into glucose to send out to muscles
Cahill (alanine) cycle
- pyruvate made in muscle is transaminated to alanine --> tranported to liver --> made back into glucose to send out
How does high NADH/NAD+ inhibit gluconeogenesis? how does it cause acidosis?
- NADH inhibits malate --> oxaloacetate therefore interferes w/ gluconeogenesis

- causes acidosis b/c want to convert back to NAD+ by making pyruvate into lactate

- alcohol also deprives liver of gluconeogenic substrates
Which is more percentage of glycogen: liver or muscle? which has more weight by mass?
- liver has higher percentage but muscle has more total weight
glycogen synthesis: G6P --> G1P via _________. G1P --> UDP-glucose via __________. UDP-glucose to Glycogen alpha 1-4 via ________. Glycogen 1-4 to 1-6 via __________. The beginning are the same steps used to activate glucose.
- phosphoglucomutase

- UDP-glucose pyrophosphoryase

- glycogen synthase

- branching enzyme
what is the regulated step of glycogen synthesis? How is it regulated? It adds molecules 1 at a time.
- glycogen synthase

- increased by increase in G6P, UNphosphorylated
What happens when there is no glycogen primer?
- glycogen is build on a glycogenin protein
What is the regulated step of glycogen breakdown? What is its product? What happens when you reach a branch? What is it's product? What is the mechanism of each of their cleaving?
- glycogen phosphorylase, product is G1P

- debranching enzyme (transfers 3C residues to different chain), product is free glucose

- glycogen phosphorylase cleaves by phosphorolysis, debranching enzyme cleaves by hydrolysis
In liver, there is lack of _________ during glycogen breakdown, therefore the product is ______. What is the difference in muscle?
- F26BP

- therefore once get to G6P use G6P bisphosphatase to make free glucose for other cells

- in muscle there is no G6Phosphatase therefore CANNOT get free glucose as a product --> G6P has to go through glycolysis
How does glycogen synthesis autoregulate? What does cortisol do?
- increased glycogen content slows synthesis

- cortisol chronically stimulates glycogenolysis slowly
Which form of phosphorylase is more active: a or b? How do you change b/w the two?
- A is more active

- B is converted to A when phosphorylated
what is the glucagon cAMP cascade?
- glucagon --> G protein --> adenylate cyclase --> cAMP --> PKA
Glucagon cascades to activate cAMP. cAMP activates PKA how? PKA can they phosphorylate _________ making it active to phosphorylate __________ turning it from form _______ which makes more glycogen breakdown. PKA will also phosphorylate _______ which makes less glycogen synthesis.
- by causing dissociation of the regulatory subunits

- phosphorylase kinase

- phosphorylase

- b -->a

- glycogen synthase
Insulin stimulates _________ to turn phosphorylase a --> b. Glucagon stimulates _______ to turn phosphorylase b -->a. Insulin stimulates ________ to dephosphorylate glycogen synthase and make it active. Glucagon stimulates ________ to phosphorylate glycogen synthase.
- phosphorylase phosphatase

- phosphorylase kinase

- protein phosphatase

- protein kinase
Epinephrine & nerve stimulation aka Ca2+ (only epinephrine in liver) in muscle stimulate __________
- glycogen breakdown
Glucose-6-phosphate stimulates glycogen______
& decreases_________.
- synthesis

- breakdown
Type I glycogen storage disease Von Gierke Disease
- glucose-6-phosphatase defect: Von Gierke Disease

- hypoglycemia, affects liver/kidney/intestine, decreased mobilization of glycogen (hepatomegaly), increased glycolysis, decreased gluconeogenesis
Type II glycogen storage disease Pompe Disease
- Lysosomal alpha 1-4 glucosidase defect: Pompe Disease

-normal glycogen structure, can't mobilize polysaccharides
Type III glycogen storage disease Cori's Disease
- Debranching enzyme defect: Cori's Disease

- hepatomegaly, glycogen increased but deposits have shorter outer branches (abnormal structure)
Type IV glycogen storage disease Andersen's Disease
- Branching enzyme defect (Andersen's Disease)

- normal amount of glycogen but with longer outer branches (abnormal structure)
Type V glycogen storage disease McArdle Disease
- Skeletal Muscle glycogen phosphorylase defect: McArdle Disease

- sketelal muscle affected, but liver normal, fatigue fast on exercise, no rise in lactic acid after strenuous exercise, increased level of glycogen
Type VI glycogen storage disease Hers Disease
- Liver glycogen phsophorylase defect: Hers Disease

- liver affected, skeletal muscle normal, following glucagon there is no rise in blood glucose, hepatomegaly
Type VII glycogen storage disease Tauri's Disease
- Phosphofructokinase defect: Tauri's Disease

- glycogen normal structure but increased in amount, fructose helps
• The _______ mito membrane is about 50% protein and permeable to small molecules through ______ channels. The ______ membrane is about 80% protein and contains the _______ complexes & _____ synthase, _____ transporters. Is it permeable?
o Outer
o Porin
o Inner
o Ox phos (I-IV complexes), ATP synthase, ANT transporters
o No
• Does Mito DNA have any introns? What does it look like? How many compartments of the mitochondria are there?
o No
o Bacteria – it is circular
o Four compartments
• ______ on the outer mitochondrial membrane recognizes internal sequences. ________ on the outer mitochondrial membrane recognizes N-terminal sequences for target to _____ channels on the inner membrane.
o TOM 70
o TOM 20
o TIM (translocases of the inner membrane)
• Mitochondrial protein import is a ______ dependent process
• Complex I: _________, oxidizes _____ and generates _____ ATP
o NADH dehydrogenase
o 3 ATP
• Complex II: ___________, oxidizes ______ and generates _____ ATP
o Succinate, acetyl CoA, glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (3 different enzymes)
o 2 ATP
what are the 3 steps in ox phos?
1) electron transfer from NADH (succinate, etc) to O2 --> respiratory chain (Complexes I-IV)

2) generation of electrochemical proton transmembrane potential - respiratory chain (Complexes I, III, IV, NOT II)

3) use proton motive force to synthesize ATP - ATP synthase (Complex V)
In the mitochondrial OXPHOS system electrons flow to complexes of a ____ reduction potential to an oxidized molecule of_______ reduction potential.___ is a final acceptor of electrons.
- lower

- higher

- O2
What are the 5 prosthetic groups of Ox Phos?
1) NADH - 2e
2) Flavin group (FAD, FMN) - 2e
3) CoQ (ubiquinone) - 2e
4) Heme (cyt b, c1, c, a, a3) - each carry 1e
5) Fe-S clusters
What are the names of the different complexes?
- Complex I: NADH: CoQ Reductase

- Complex II: Succinate: CoQ reductase

- Complex III: cyt c reductase

- Complex IV: cytochrome oxidase
What prosthetic groups do each of the complexes contain? Who is the only one without an Fe-S cluster? Who shuttles between complex I/II & III? III & IV?
- Complex I: FMN, Fe-S

- Complex II: FAD, Fe-S

- Complex III: cyt b, cyt c1, Fe-S

- Complex IV: cyt a, cyt a3, Cu

- b/w I/II & III = CoQ

- b/w III & IV = cyt c
For the heme prosthetic groups, what oxidation state are they in? How many electrons can they hold? How is cyt a3 an exception?
- in Fe3+

- can hold 1e

- cyt 3a has 1 axial ligand - can bind oxygen & transfer e-s directly to oxygen
What do rotenone, amytal, piericidin A inhibit? Antimycin? CO, cyanide, azide?
- Complex I

- Complex III

- Complex IV
NADH generates ____ hydrogens. FADH2 generates ___ hydrogens.
- 10 H

- 6 H

- b/c NADH feeds in w/ 4 H+ pumped at complex I whereas complex II doesn't pump (III does 4, IV does 2)
____ subunit of ATP synthase has 5 subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon), whereas the _____ subunit forms the transmembrane channel. Which portion has the catalytic subunits? where are they? How many ATPs can subunit generate?
- F1

- F0

- F1 has catalytic subunits at interface b/w alpha & beta

- 3 ATPs per F1 subunit
- inhibitor of ATP synthase
What prosthetic groups do each of the complexes contain? Who is the only one without an Fe-S cluster? Who shuttles between complex I/II & III? III & IV?
- Complex I: FMN, Fe-S

- Complex II: FAD, Fe-S

- Complex III: cyt b, cyt c1, Fe-S

- Complex IV: cyt a, cyt a3, Cu

- b/w I/II & III = CoQ

- b/w III & IV = cyt c
In the glycerol phosphate shunt: _______ --> glycerol-3-phosphate, generating _____. glycerol-3-phosphate transfers it's electrons to ______ in the _____. ____ transfers the electrons to ____. Thus, no compounds move through the IMM. Is it reversible? Where does it enter?

- NADH --> NAD+

- FAD --> FADH2


- FADH2 --> CoQ --> CoQH2

- enters at Complex II
For the heme prosthetic groups, what oxidation state are they in? How many electrons can they hold? How is cyt a3 an exception?
- in Fe3+

- can hold 1e

- cyt 3a has 1 axial ligand - can bind oxygen & transfer e-s directly to oxygen
In the malate-aspartate shuttle: oxaloacetate --> malate generating ______. Goes in through transporter then it is oxidized back to oxaloacetate generating ____ in the matrix. Is it reversible? What complex is it used for?
- NADH --> NAD+

- NAD+ --> NADH

- yes reversible

- used for complex I
What do rotenone, amytal, piericidin A inhibit? Antimycin? CO, cyanide, azide?
- Complex I

- Complex III

- Complex IV
The rate limiting factors in ATP synthesis are ______ (rate of ATP synthesis) & _____ (rate of respiratory chain)

NADH generates ____ hydrogens. FADH2 generates ___ hydrogens.
- 10 H

- 6 H

- b/c NADH feeds in w/ 4 H+ pumped at complex I whereas complex II doesn't pump (III does 4, IV does 2)
As a result of_______ respiration occurs at a maximal rate (no longer constrained by___ concentration) but no____ is synthesized
- uncoupling


____ subunit of ATP synthase has 5 subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon), whereas the _____ subunit forms the transmembrane channel. Which portion has the catalytic subunits? where are they? How many ATPs can subunit generate?
- F1

- F0

- F1 has catalytic subunits at interface b/w alpha & beta

- 3 ATPs per F1 subunit
- inhibitor of ATP synthase
In the glycerol phosphate shunt: _______ --> glycerol-3-phosphate, generating _____. glycerol-3-phosphate transfers it's electrons to ______ in the _____. ____ transfers the electrons to ____. Thus, no compounds move through the IMM. Is it reversible? Where does it enter?

- NADH --> NAD+

- FAD --> FADH2


- FADH2 --> CoQ --> CoQH2

- enters at Complex II
In the malate-aspartate shuttle: oxaloacetate --> malate generating ______. Goes in through transporter then it is oxidized back to oxaloacetate generating ____ in the matrix. Is it reversible? What complex is it used for?
- NADH --> NAD+

- NAD+ --> NADH

- yes reversible

- used for complex I
The rate limiting factors in ATP synthesis are ______ (rate of ATP synthesis) & _____ (rate of respiratory chain)

As a result of_______ respiration occurs at a maximal rate (no longer constrained by___ concentration) but no____ is synthesized
- uncoupling


In_____ mitochondria inhibition of ATP synthesis, e.g.______, will not change the rate of respiration. Where does the energy go? What are some examples of uncouplers?
- uncoupled

- oligomycin

- energy goes to heat

- FCCP, dinitrophenol, thermogenin, UCP1 (brown fat)
atractyloside & bongkrekic acid
- inhibit ANT (adenonucleotide transporters)?
how does ATP get out & ADP/Pi get into matrix?
- ANT transporters/translocases
what happens in mitochondria loss of impermeability of IMM? How can CsA help? When is this relevant?
- Cyp D opens the ANT/PT pore in response to calcium

- CsA can stop CypD from opening pore even in response to calcium
What is the pathway of loss of IMM impermeability in stroke?
- decreased O2 --> glutamate --> Glut-R --> Calcium --> MPT --> Cell death

- osmotic gradient makes water rush in & mito swell, inner membrane expands & rips apart outer membrane