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58 Cards in this Set

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Folate and s-adenosylmethionine (SAM) are needed for:
transfer of one-carbon groups
Folate structure
Pteridine ring + PABA + glutamate; usually has chain of glutamates attached
T/F: Folate can be synthesized in the body.
False; synthesized by bacteria and higher plants
In the intsestine, all _____ residues on folate except one are cleaved off.
Folic acid found in supplements is in the _____ form.
What steps in folate activation does dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) take part?
Folate → FH2 (dihydrofolate) → FH4 (tetrahydrofolate)
What happens to FH4 (tetrhydrofolate) follwing the 2nd reduction by DHFR?
gets reconjugated to polyglutamae form in the liver (for storage) or in other tissues
Which form of folate can accept one-carbon groups?
the conjugated, polyglutamate tetrahydrofolate (FH4) form
Name 3 synthetic processes that require folate one-carbon transfers:
-Purine and dTMP synthesis
-Serine synthesis
-Methylcobalamin synthesis
What two processes what be directly impaired by folate deficiency?
DNA synthesis and cell division
What happens to folate after it hands of its one-carbon group?
gets recycled to accept a new carbon
What is the most stable form of folate and therefore the form which tends to accumulate?
How is N5-methyl-FH4 recycled?
transfers its carbon to vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is also called _____.
cobalamin; corrin ring + cobalt
How is cobalamin synthesized? What are the major sources for humans?
synthesized by bacteria only; human sources are meat, eggs, dairy, and seafood... the sources get it from ingested bacteria
What form of B12 is found in most supplements?
cyanocobalamin; does not occur naturally
What is B12 converted to following ingestion?
methyl cobalamin or deoxyadenosylcobalamin
B12 absorption requires _____ carriers.
B12 absorption (1):
B12 absorption (2):
What two reactions require B12?
-Transfer of methyl group from N5-methyl-FH4 to homocysteine to form methionine
-Conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to Succinyl CoA
Methionine/Succinyl CoA pathway
Conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA requires _____.
What molecules builds up in the absence of adenosyl B12?
methylmalonic acid diagnostic
Remethylation of homocysteine to form methionine requires _____.
methylcobalamin (methyl B12)
You need _____ to make methyl-B12.
_____ accumulates in methyl-B12 deficiency.
SAM donates a _____ group in several important reactions.
Where does SAM come from?
methionine metabolism
What processes require methyl donation by SAM?
-creatine synthesis
-neurotransmitter synthesis
-DNA methylation
-histone synthesis
What diseases ricks are associated with hyperhomocysteinemia?
-CV disease
-neurological disorders
Would homocysteine go up or down: MTHFR deficiency
Would homocysteine go up or down: B12 deficiency
Would homocysteine go up or down: Folate deficiency
Would homocysteine go up or down: B6 deficiency
Would homocysteine go up or down: Cystathionine synthase deficiency
Would homocysteine go up or down: Excess SAM supplementation
What supplements may be able to reduce homocysteine levels?
B12, B6, folate, betaine & choline
Betaine & Choline
B12 or folate deficiencies can lead to _____ anemia.
Why does B12 deficiency cause macrocytic anemia if i is not needed for replication?
methyl trap hypothesis
How does the methyl trap hypothesis explain how B12 affects DNA replication?
The most stable form of folate is the n5-methyl form.
The methyl can only be removed in one rxn (donation to B12).
If B12 or met synthase are deficient, N5-methyl-FH4 will build up resulting in a functional folate deficiency (plenty of folate is around but in a form that can’t be used).
Folate deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of _____ defects.
neural tube defects:
-Primary mechanism believed to be through effects on DNA replication
-B12 deficiency may also be associated with neural tube defects
Causes of B12 and folate deficiency:
-Dietary insufficiency
-Chronic alcoholism
-Abdominal surgery can cause a decrease in IF production
-GI Disease (Crohn’s, celiac disease, Whipple disease)
-Intestinal parasites
-Certain drugs
-Intrinsic factor deficiency (called pernicious anemia)
** the first two are assoc. w/ both, the rest primarily assoc. w/ B12
What 4 diagnostic tests can indicate B12 and folate deficiency?
-serum B12 and folate levels
-CBC/Diff: MCV (mean corpuscular volume)= packed cell volunme/rbc count; elevated MCV suggests macrocytic anemia
-serum homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels
-Schilling test
Why is B12 deficiency more commonly seen in the elderly?
-Malabsorption caused by gastric atrophy, long term use of certain drugs, H. pylori infection
--Reduced acid or pepsin secretion results in less B12 freed from haptocorrin
--Decreased IF production
-Inadequate diet
-May see neurological symptoms in the absence of anemia
How must B12 and folate supplements be administered in pernicious anemia?
via injection, nasal spray or high oral dosing
Schilling test
absorption of chrystaliline 12
Why is DNA methylation important?
-Genetic imprinting
-X-chromosome inactivation
-Retrotransposon silencing
-Dynamic regulatin of gene expression
Maintenance methylation:
addition of methyl groups to the daughter strand of hemi-methylated DNA
De novo methylation
addition of new methyl groups where there previously were none
DNA and histone methyltransferases require _____ as the methyl donor.
Several studies have suggested that _____ may be associated with changes in DNA methylation patterns.
an epigenetic trait is a heritable phenotype resulting from changes in a chromosome without alterations in the DNA sequence
active demethylation
enzymatic removal of methyl groups and its existence in mammals has only recently been demonstrated
passive demthylation
replication in the absence of the maintenance methyltransferase that adds methyl groups to hemi-methylated DNA