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58 Cards in this Set

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The capacity to do work, or the capacity to change or move something


The study of the changes in energy that accompany events in the universe


Conservation of energy - can neither be created nor destroyed

First law of thermodynamics

Conversion of energy from one form to another


Reactions that gain heat


Reactions that lose heat


Events in the universe tend to proceed from a state of higher energy to a state of lower energy

Second law of thermodynamics

Without the input of external energy


A measure of randomness or disorder

Energy not available to do additional work


Catalysts that speed up chemical reactions


inorganic enzyme conjugates


organic enzyme conjugates


First and Second laws of thermodynamics equation

(Delta)H = (Delta)G+T(Delta)S

DeltaG=free energy

Spontaneity depends on both

entropy and enthalpy

Particular reactants of an enzyme


Properties of enzymes

Present in cells in small amounts

not permanently altered during reaction

cannot affect the thermodynamics

highly specific to their substrates

produce only appropriate metabolic products

can be regulated to meet cell needs

energy input required for chemical transformation

activation energy (E(sub)A)

Reactant molecules that reach the activation energy are in the...

transition state

formed when an enzyme interacts with its substrate

enzyme-substrate (ES) complex

Portion of the enzyme where the substrate binds

active site

multiple substrates brought together in correct orientation to catalyze reaction

substrate orientation

substrate influenced by amino acid side chains at active sites that alter chemical properties (ex. charge) of substrate

changing substrate reactivity

enzyme changes conformation of substrate to bring closer to conformation of transition state

inducing strain in the substrate

The study of rates of enzymatic reactions under various experimental conditions


velocity at saturation

maximal velocity (V(sub)max)

number of substrate molecules converted to product per minute per enzyme molecule at Vmax

Turnover number

substrate concentration at one half of Vmax

Michaelis constant (K(sub)M)
(units are concentration units)

The KM may reflect...

the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate

-bind to sites other than active sites and inactivate the enzyme

-Vmax cannot be reached

-cannot be overcome with high substrate/inhibitor ratios

Noncompetitive inhibitors

slow the rates for enzymatic reactions

Enzyme inhibitors

bind tightly to the enzyme

Irreversible inhibitors

Bind loosely to enzyme

reversible inhibitors

-compete with the enzyme for active sites

-usually resemble substrate structure

-can be overcome with high substrate/inhibitor ratios

Competitive inhibitors

collection of biochemical reactions that occur within a cell


sequences of chemical reactions, each catalyzed by a specific enzyme, confined to specific locations

metabolic pathways

pathways convert substrates into end products via a series of

metabolic intermediates

break down complex substrates into simple end products - provide raw materials and chemical energy for the cell

catabolic pathways

synthesize complex end products from simple substrates - require energy and use ATP and NADPH from catabolic pathways

anabolic pathways

When a substrate gains electrons, it is


When a substrate loses electrons, it is


The substrate that donates electrons

Reducing agent

The substrate that gains electrons

Oxidizing agent

The first stage in the catabolism of glucose

Occurs in


soluble portion of cytoplasm

Second stage of glucose catabolism

Occurs in

Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle

Mitochondria of eukaryotic cells

enzymes oxidize and reduce cofactors


-nonprotein cofactor associated with glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase

-can undergo oxidation and reduction at different places in the cell


Donates electrons to the electron transport chain in the mitochondria


enzymes transfer phosphate groups in ATP formation


occurs when ATP is formed by a kinase enzyme

Substrate-level phosphorylation

ATP is formed when...

1,3-biphosphoglycerate is converted to 3-phosphoglycerate by 3-phosphoglycerate kinase

Compared with other phosphate transfer in cells, ATP formation is

moderately endergonic

shown when molecules higher on the scale have less affinity for the group being transferred than are the ones lower on the scale

The less affinity, the better the donor

Transfer potential

covalent modification of enzymes regulated by phosphorylation such as

protein kinases

Enzymes are controlled by

alteration in active sites

enzymes regulated by compounds binding to allosteric sites

Allosteric modulation

the product of the pathway allosterically inhibits one of the first enzymes of the pathway

Feedback inhibition

High-energy phosphate compounds




Low-energy phosphate compounds

Glucose 6-phosphate

Glucose 3-phosphate