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62 Cards in this Set

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Central Nervous system(CNS)
consists of the brain and spinal cord and is encased in bone
Peripheral Nervous System(PNS)
the nervous tissue outside of the CNS, consists of sensory receptors, nerves, ganglia, and plexuses
Sensory Division(PNS)
transmits action potentials to the CNS and usually consists of single neurons that have their cell bodies in ganglia
Motor Division(PNS)
carries action potentials away from the CNS in cranial or spinal nerves
Somatic Nervous System(MD of PNS)
innervates skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control; consists of single neurons that have their cell bodies located within the CNS
Autonomic Nervous System(MD of PSN)
innervates cardiac mucle, smooth muscles and glands. has two sets of neurons between CNS and effector organs: 1st set of cell bodies in CNS, 2nd set in autonomic ganglia.
Sympathetic Division(ANS)
most active during physical activity
Parasympathetic Division(ANS)
regulates resting functions
Enteric Nervous System
controls digestive system;
plexuses within the wall of the digestive tract. Can control the digestive tract independently of the CNS, but still considered part of ANS because of the parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons that contribute to the plexi.
detects stimuli and transmits info to and receives info from CNS
processes, integrates, stores and responds to info from PNS
receive stimuli and transmit action potentials
Neuron Cell Body(Soma)
primary site of protein synthesis
short, branched cytoplasmic extensions of the cell body tha conduct electrical signals toward the cell body; input
cytoplasmic extension of the cell body that transmits action potentials to other cells; output
Multipolar Neurons
have several dendrites and one axon; most neurons in CNS; motor neurons
Bipolar Neurons
single axon and dendrite; components of sensory organs; sensory in retina of the eye and nose
Pseudo Unipolar neurons
single axon; most sensory neurons are pseudo unipolar; single process that divides into two branches. Part that extends to the periphery has dendrite-like sensory receptors
nonneural cells that support and aid the neurons of the CNS and PNS
provides structural support for neurons and blood vessels, influences blood brain barrier and processes substances that pass through it, isolates damaged tissue and limits spread of inflammation and maintains synaptic function
Components of NS
Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors
Sensory receptors
ending of neurons or separate, specialized cells that detect such things as temperature, pain, touch, pressure, light, sound, odors
a bundle of axons and their sheaths that connects CNS to sensory receptors, muscles, and glands
Cranial nerves
originate from the brain; 12 pairs
Spinal nerves
originate from spinal cord; 31 pairs
collection of neuron cell bodies outside CNS
extensive network of axons, and sometimes neuron cell bodies, located outside CNS
Sensory (afferent)
transmits action potentials from receptors to CNS.
Motor (efferent)
transmits action potentials from CNS to effectors (muscles, glands)
junction of a nerve cell with another cell.
Dendritic spines
little protuberance where axons synapse with dendrite.
Trigger zone
site where action potentials are generated; axon hillock and part of axon nearest cell body
moved from cell body toward terminals. Supply for growth, repair, renewal. Can move cytoskeletal proteins, organelles away from cell body toward axon terminals.
Interneurons or association neurons
within CNS from one neuron to another
Blood-brain barrier
protects neurons from toxic substances, allows the exchange of nutrients and waste products between neurons and blood, prevents fluctuations in the composition of the blood from affecting the functions of the brain.
Ependymal Cells
Line brain ventricles and spinal cord central canal. Specialized versions of ependymal form choroid plexuses.
Choroid plexus
within certain regions of ventricles. Secrete cerebrospinal fluid. Cilia help move fluid thru the cavities of the brain. Have long processes on basal surface that extend within the brain tissue, may have astrocyte-like functions.
specialized macrophages. Respond to inflammation, phagocytize necrotic tissue, microorganisms, and foreign substances that invade the CNS.
form myelin sheaths if surrounding axon. Single oligodendrocytes can form myelin sheaths around portions of several axons.
Schwann cells or neurolemmocytes
wrap around portion of only one axon to form myelin sheath. Wrap around many times. During development, as cells grow around axon, cytoplasm is squeezed out and multiple layers of cell membrane wrap the axon. Cell membrane primarily phospholipid.
Satellite cells
surround neuron cell bodies in sensory ganglia, provide support and nutrients
Myelinated axons
Myelin protects and insulates axons from one another, speeds transmission, functions in repair of axons.
Not continuous
Nodes of Ranvier
Completion of development of myelin sheaths at 1 yr.
Degeneration of myelin sheaths occurs in multiple sclerosis and some cases of diabetes mellitus.
Unmyelinated axons
rest in invaginations of Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes. Not wrapped around the axon; gray matter.
Gray matter
unmyelinated axons, cell bodies, dendrites, neuroglia. Integrative functions
White matter
myelinated axons. Nerve tracts propagate actin potentials from one area in the CNS to another
Brain Matter
gray is outer cortex as well as inner nuclei; white is deeper
Spinal Cord Matter
white is outer, gray is deeper.
PNS gray matter
is groups of cell bodies called ganglia
Gated ion channels
open and close because of some sort of stimulus. When they open, they change the permeability of the cell membrane.
molecule that binds to a receptor; protein or glycoprotein
Resting Membrane Potential
Number of charged molecules and ions inside and outside cell nearly equal
Concentration of K+ higher inside than outside cell, Na+ higher outside than inside
Potential difference
unequal distribution of charge exists between the immediate inside and immediate outside of the plasma membrane: -70 to -90 mV
Potential difference becomes smaller or less polar
Potential difference becomes greater or more polar
All-or-none principle
No matter how strong the stimulus, as long as it is greater than threshold, then action potential will occur.
Threshold stimulus
causes a graded potential that is great enough to initiate an action potential.
Subthreshold stimulus
does not cause a graded potential that is great enough to initiate an action potential
Maximal stimulus
just strong enough to produce a maximum frequency of action potentials
Submaximal stimulus
all stimuli between threshold and the maximal stimulus strength
Supramaximal stimulus
any stimulus stronger than a maximal stimulus. These stimuli cannot produce a greater frequency of action potentials than a maximal stimulus
protein tubes in cell membrane.
Electrical Synapses
Gap junctions that allow graded current to flow between adjacent cells. Found in cardiac muscle and many types of smooth muscle. Action potential of one cell causes action potential in next cell, almost as if the tissue were one cell.