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70 Cards in this Set

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Compare the three kinds of microscopes and know which microscope you would use based on
the size of a sample.

Dissecting Microscope: Variant of an optical microscope designed for low magnification using light reflected off the surface of an object rather than through it. Used to look at or dissect tissue sample or small organisms, such as earthworms.

Compound: Uses a lens close to the object being viewed to collect light which focuses a real image of the object inside the microscope, the image is magnified by a second group of lenses, the eyepiece. The higher magnification power is used to look at tissue samples and cells.

Electron: Uses accelerated electrons as a source of illumination to reveal the structure of smaller objects. Creates a computer-generated image of small samples such as viruses or molecules.

Organization of prokaryotic cell

Little cellular organization. No membrane-bound nucleus and organelles. Bacteria like Clostridium tetani are prokaryotic cells.

Organization of eukaryotic cell

Relatively more complex, has a membrane bound nucleus and organelles. Higher degree of internal organization allows the cell to carry out more complex cellular activities. Human body cells, plant cells, and fungi all have a eukaryotic structure.

Organization of a virus

Relatively more simple, contains genetic information stored in a protein coat with a lipid envelope. Cannot carry out any cell functions without being inside a host cell

Characteristic common to prokaryotic, eukaryotic and virus cells

They all contain genetic information in the form of nucleic acids

3 shapes of bacteria and an example of each

Coccus (Cocci): sphere or round-shaped (Staphylococcus -> grape-like cluster of spheres)

Bacillus (Bacilli): rod-shaped (Streptobacillus -> chain of rods)

Spiral: helix or curvy shaped (Vibrio -> comma-shaped)

Process and chemicals used in a Gram Stain

Crystal Violet: Dye used to stain gram and cells

Iodine: Creates a crystal violet and iodine complex that causes the crystal violet to stick to the cell walls of gram and cells

Alcohol: Decolourizer that removes crystal violet from the gram-cells

Safranin: Used to stain the gram-cells red.

Plasma (Cell) Membrane

this is the outermost layer in the animal cell. It is a boundary
between the internal environment and external environment. It regulates what can enter and
leave the cell. It is the site of important chemical reactions.


this is the internal environment of the cell. It is an aqueous (water-based) solution
where structures, molecules, gases and organelles are found. Molecules, structures and
organelles move through the cytoplasm, as needed.


This is the largest organelle inside the animal cell. It contains the genetic information
for the cell and the organism, the DNA. It is also the site of important chemical reactions, such
as replication, transcription, and translation

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

this is a membrane with smaller structures
(ribosomes) embedded on it and is the site of protein synthesis. It is located very close to the
nucleus because it works very closely with the nucleus to produce the proteins cells need to
carry out their functions.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

: this is part of the same membrane as the Rough
ER, but it lacks the ribosomes. Important chemical reactions occur on the membrane of the
Smooth ER, including making hormones (testosterone), detoxification (removing drugs from the
blood), and making phospholipids for the plasma membrane.


these are small structures that are either attached to the Rough ER (making it look
bumpy or rough) or floating free in the cytoplasm. Protein synthesis occurs inside of the
ribosome. Cells that produce a lot of proteins, such as beta cells in the pancreas, have a lot of
ribosomes. Ribosomes have two parts, a large subunit and a small subunit, that snap together
when the ribosome is making a protein

Golgi apparatus

a set of flat saccules (small sacs) sitting beside each other. The Golgi apparatus
receives molecules at one end, modifies them, packages them, and sends them out the other
end. Proteins produced on the Rough ER are sent to the Golgi apparatus for finishing and
packaging before being transported out of the body.


: relatively small structures that are highly specialized to carry out the chemical
reactions that convert sugar into ATP. Cells that require more ATP, such as muscle cells, have
more mitochondria


: a set of protein fibres of varying sizes that criss-cross through the cytoplasm.
Larger fibres, the microtubules, help maintain the shape of the cell and act as tracks for
organelles and other structures to move along. Smaller fibres, the actin filaments, occur in
bundles and are part of structures that create movement. Sperm cells have long tails made of
actin filaments. Respiratory cells have small projections of short actin filaments that move
debris out of the airway.


: small, thick-walled vesicles that contain powerful digestive enzymes. These enzymes
are used to destroy damaged or unnecessary cell parts or invading bacteria or viruses.


a macromolecule made of a hydrophilic phosphate head and hydrophobic lipid
tail. The majority of the plasma membrane is made up of a phospholipid bilayer.

Protein Channel

a large, tunnel-shaped protein that allows molecules to pass from one side of
the plasma membrane to the other

Smaller Proteins

proteins that are found throughout the plasma membrane close to the inner
and outer surfaces. These proteins serve as anchors for carbohydrates, lipids, other proteins,
and cytoskeleton fibres. One other important function of these proteins is they connect with
molecules on the outside of the cell and then trigger a series of chemical reactions through to
the inside of the cell. This is how cells receive environmental signals.

Carbohydrate Chain

attaches to proteins on the outside of the plasma membrane. These
carbohydrates act as receptors for molecules that pass by the c ell and identify the cell type.


: small, dense structures dispersed throughout the plasma membrane. These
molecules maintain the integrity of the membrane as the temperature in the environment of
the cell changes. As the temperature increases, the cholesterol prevents the membrane
molecules from spreading apart too much. As the temperature decreases, the cholesterol
prevents the membrane molecules from compacting together into a solid mass

3 parts specific to plant cells and their functions

Cell Wall - protection and support

Chloroplast - photosynthesis

Central Vacuole - water storage and site of chemical reactions

Describe Transcripton

You need to know the complementary base pairing
rules between DNA and RNA and be able to pair DNA bases and RNA bases to produce a
molecule of mRNA.

Describe Translation

You need to know what codons, anticodons, mRNA,
tRNA, and ribosomes are and what their roles are during translation.

Study cracking the code of life

Do it

Oral cavity

entrance to the digestive system, site of starch digestion


physical digestion of food

Salivary glands

secretion of saliva and amylase


flap of tissue that closes over the trachea to direct food into the esophagus


– the tube that connects the oral cavity and the stomach


storage organ, beginning of protein digestion, acid environment to activate protein enzyme
and destroy pathogens in the food


accessory organ that produces bile for fat digestion

Gall Bladder

accessory organ that concentrates bile for fat digestion


accessory organ that produces sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach contents, produces
and secretes enzymes for all food groups

Small Intestine

– the site of digestion of all food groups, absorption of all nutrients

Large Intestine

the site of absorption of water, vitamins, habitat for bacteria


– formation and storage of feces


opening that eliminates feces

Nasal Cavity

– air intake, air is warmed, filtered, and moistened


the flap of tissue that closes the trachea when there is food in the oral cavity


– cartilage-ringed tube that delivers air to the bronchi


– cartilage-ringed tubes that deliver air to the lungs


– cartilage-ringed tubes that deliver air to the alveoli


the organs of gas exchange


thin walled chambers where gas exchange occurs by diffusion


– the pump of the cardiovascular system, contracts to move the blood throughout the body

Right Atrium

receives the blood from the vena cavae returning blood to the heart from the body

Left Atrium

– receives blood from the pulmonary vein returning blood to the heart from the lungs

Right Ventricle

pumps deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary artery to go the lungs to be oxygenated

Left Ventricle

pumps oxygenated blood to the aorta to go to the body

Superior and inferior vena cavae

– returns blood to the heart from the head/arms and body

Pulmonary artery

carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs

Pulmonary vein

carries oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs


– carries oxygenated blood to the body


smallest veins leading into the capillary bed

Capillary bed

– smallest, thinnest vessels where diffusion with cells takes place


smallest vessels leading from the capillary bed to the heart

Hepatic Portal Vein

vessel carrying blood from the digestive system to the liver

Steps of the scientific method

1. Observation and/or question: what have you noticed or what do you want to know?
2. Hypothesis: your initial explanation
3. Experiment or study: what you are going to do try to determine if your hypothesis is correct
4. Results: what did you find out?
5. Conclusion: what do your results mean? Do they support your hypothesis?
6. What question arises from this work?


the study of how these genes and traits are passed from one generation to the next,
including predicting the outcomes of genetic crosses.


allele is an alternative form of a gene

Sex chromosomes

Sex chromosomes contain genes that have instructions for building and operating the sex organs that
determine the sex (male or female) of a person.


Autosomes are the chromosomes that contain genes that do not control the sex of the individual.


If the alleles are the same, the pair is called homozygous.


If the alleles are different, the
pair is called heterozygous

Single-gene cross

A single-gene cross is when we look at one trait at a time to determine the possible outcomes of a cross
between two individuals.


A hybrid is another way to describe the heterozygote


e. A dihybrid is
the situation where a person is heterozygous for two traits. A dihybrid cross is a cross between two
individuals that are both heterozygous for two traits (TtAa and TtAa).


A karyotype is a picture of the chromosomes from a cell. A karyotype is created when cells are sampled
from an area of the body that is undergoing division. Recall that cells that are actively dividing have
chromosomes that are condensed and visible under a light microscope. The cells are treated to release
the condensed chromosomes from the nucleus and the chromosomes are photographed. The
chromosomes are organized in homologous pairs from largest to smallest, with the sex chromosomes
set at the end. Doctors use the karyotype to determine if a person has a genetic abnormality related to
chromosome structure or number.