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10 Cards in this Set

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Describe the rules for correctly writing a scientific name.
A scientific name is written genus first and specific epithet second. The genus is capitialized and both names are underlined when handwritten.
List three ways scientific names are derived.
Scientific names can be descriptive, named after someone or a mythical character, or have a humorous name.
List three reasons why an organism needs a Latin, scientific name.
Organisms need a Latin name because common names vary from country to country, people who speak the same language use different common names, and Latin is a universal language known by many scholars.
List the classifcation categories, or taxa, from most specific to very general.
Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, and Domain.
Describe humans utilizing major "characters" as outlined in table 20.1
Humans are in the Domain Eukarya because they have membrane-bound nucleus. They are in Kingdom Animalia because they are motile and multicellular. They are in the Phylum Chordata because they at one time have a dorsal hollow nerve cord and a notochord. They are in the Class Mammalia because they are warm-blooded vertebrates that have mammary glands. They are in the Order Primates becaue they have good brain development and an opposable thumb. They are in the Family Hominidae because their limb anatomy is suitable for upright stance. They are in the Genus Homo because they have maximum brain development in particular areas. They are of the Species Homo sapiens because their body proportions are that of moder humans and their speech centers are well developed.
Describe the major goal of systematics.
The major goal of systematics is to determine the phylogeny, or evolutionary history of a group of organisms.
Describe three types of data used to construct phylogenetic trees.
Phylogeny is constructed using fossil records, homology, and molecular data.
Differentiate between the three schools of systematics.
In cladistic systematics, shared derived characteristics are used to classify organisms and arrange taxa in a cladogram. In phenetic systematics, species are classified according to their number of similarities. In traditional systematics, organisms are classified using anatomical data and evolutionary principles.
List the three domains and describe the seven major characteristics of each domain.
Bacteria are unicellular, have phospholipid membranes, have cell walls, no nuclear envelopes, no membrane-bound organelles, have ribosomes, and no introns. Archaea are unicellular, have varied membrane lipids, have cell walls, no nuclear envelope or membrane-bound organelles, have ribosomes and some have introns.
Eukarya are usually multicellular but some are unicellular, they have phospholipid membranes, some have cell walls, and all have nuclear envelopes, membrane-bound organelles, ribosomes and introns.
List the 4 kingdoms of Eukarya and describe/contrast six basic criteria for classification.
The four kingdoms of Eukarya are Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. The six criteria for classifcation are type of cells, complexity, nutrition type, motility, life cycle, and internal protection of zygote.