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18 Cards in this Set

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Founder Effect

A few individuals colonise a new region carrying a small amount of the alleles of the larger population

Few Colonise

Genetic Bottleneck

A drop in allele variety due to a large decrease in population size

Evolutionary event reduces population size

Affinity for Oxygen

Hb with high aff takes up O2 easily and releases it less readily(at GES) left

Hb with low aff takes up O2 less easily but releases it more readily(at resp tissues) right

GES - left

Resp tissues- right

Associating + Disassociating

A- process which Hb combines with O2 in the lungs

D- process which Hb releases O2 in the tissues

Oxy diss curve- S shape ... First molecule is hard to load the next 3 load easily


Storage molecule in plants



Can be hydrolysed to form alpha glucose


Storage molecule in animals

Short chains

Readily hydrolysed into alpha glucose


Parrallel chains of B- glucose joined by hydrogen bonds forms microfibrils for strength


Cell division where 2 daughter cells are produced that have the same number of chromosomes as the parent

Semi conservative replication

DNA helicase breaks Hbonds linking base pairs, double helix seperates into two strands unwinds each exposed polynucleotide strand acts as a template complementry nucleotides attracted to and are joint by enzyme dna polymerase to form missing strand

Now one new and one original strand


I- cell dna replicication

P- chromosomes shorten and thicken to become visible, nuclear envelope disappears

M- chromosomes align at the equator of cell, Spindle Fibres form

A- sister chromatids move to opp poles

T- nuclear envelope reforms so two new identical cells


Pores on the body surface of insects that open and close to allow gases to diffuse in and out

Gill lamellae

Parts of the fishes gill that inc surface area and where blood flows through for gas exchange

Countercurrent exchange

Blood and water flow in opposite directions to maintain a diffusion gradient


Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart

✳small lumen

✳thick muscle

✳elastic layers


Pulm Artery- deoxy to lungs


Blood vessel that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart

Large lumen

Thin muscle

Elastic layers

Have valves to stop backflow

Vena cava

Pulm Vein- oxy blood back to heart from lungs

Tissue fluid

Fluid that surrounds the cells of the body it supplies nutrients to the cells and removes waste products

Apoplastic pathway + Symplastic

A- Route through the cell walls which water and minerals are transported into the plant.

Most water as its simpler

Stopped by casperian strip which blocks the endodermis

S- route through the cytoplasm and plasmodesmata of plant cells by which water and minerals are transported


Water molecules stick together by hydrogen bonds

Cohesion- tension= transpiration pull on the water puts the xylem under pressure