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48 Cards in this Set

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base pairing
hydrogen bonds
three parts of a nucleotide
phosphate group
pentose sugar
nitrogenous base
has ribose sugar
OH on 2nd carbon
uracil instead of thymine
has deoxyribose sugar
H on 2nd carbon
phosphodiester bonds
forms when two nucleotides are joined by dehydration synthesis
forms sugar phosphate backbone (nitrogenous base hangs off)
prokaryotic DNA replication
single origin of replication
DNA replication
polymerase adds nucleotides to 3' end
two strands are antiparallel
leading strands made in direction that bubble is opening
lagging strands made in pieces (okazaki fragments)
^^synthesized simultaneously but opposite directions
central dogma
DNA - RNA - protein
contains info to build protein
not stable
messages interrupted by introns
includes 5' guanine cap and poly-A tail
alternative splicing
exon shuffling
can create multiple proteins from a single message
often code for different functional domains in the protein
shuttle amino acids to ribosome
folds back onto itself to create base pairing and complex 3-D shapes
nucleotides read in groups of 3 (codon)
decodes the message
transcription (w/ 3 steps)
produces RNA
copy of gene is made in same nucleotide language
base pairing between DNA template & growing RNA strand
RNA polymerase makes RNA copy of DNA
initiation: RNA binds to certain sequence on DNA (promoter) and begins synthesis
elongation: DNA is unwound and RNA polymerase adds nucleotides to growing RNA
termination: when RNA polymerase reaches the terminator sequence, transcription stops & RNA is released
*transcription factors required
produces protein
info translated to amino acid language
ribosomes slide along mRNA adding amino acids to the protein through base pairing on the mRNA and anticodons on the tRNA
initiation of translation begins at first AUG on the message (sets reading frame)
elongation: codon recognition-tRNA flys in with amino acid, peptide bond forms-dehydration synthesis to form protein's peptide bond, translocation-ribosomes move from A-P-E positions
termination: translation terminates when ribosome hits a stop codon, all subunits come apart
the genetic code is
universal and redundant
thymine dimers
block DNA polymerase when DNA is damaged
minimum requirements for a cell
plasma membrane
genetic material
cytoplasm with ribosomes
prokaryotic cell
no membrane-bound organelles
just the three min requirements
phospholipid bilayer
in soln, lipid sandwich is spontaneously formed
proteins are embedded in and associated with the surface of it
fluid mosaic-lipids move laterally but rarely flip
impermeable to large, polar, or charged molecules
spontaneous net movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to low concentration
passive transport
a diffusion of molecules through a membrane
an organism or cell's ability to maintain an internal environment separate from the external environment (b/c of selectively permeable membrane)
facilitated diffusion
movement of molecules down their concentration gradient with the help of protein channels or carriers in the membrane
the diffusion of water thorough a selectively permeable membrane
lower concentration of solute, higher concentration of water
animal cells will explode (lysed)
normal (turgid) for plant cells
higher concentration solute, lower concentration water
animal cells shrivel
plant cells also shrivel (plazmolyzed), pull away from cell wall
same concentration of solute
animal cells normal
plant cells flaccid (shrunken)
active transport
uses energy to move molecules against concentration gradient
use energy in H+ to move sucrose against concentration gradient
moves material into cells in bulk
bulk flow of material out of cells
enclosed by double membrane
holds genetic material
appears as dark spot in nucleus where ribosomal RNA is made
not membrane-bound compartment
structures on which proteins are made
some free in cytoplasm, some bound to rough ER
have large and small subunit
smooth ER
lipid synthesis
carbohydrate metabolism
detoxification of drugs/poisons
storage of Ca ions
rough ER
has ribosomes attached to surface that make proteins to be inserted into the membrane, some destined for lysosomes or export
source of new membranes, makes phospholipids (like SER)
proteins on RER contain a signal sequence that docks the ribosome onto the ER
pinch off of ER, often travel to golgi
golgi apparatus
packaging and distribution
molecules are modified by the addition of sugars, etc. as they pass through
materials oriented to the "inside" of the ER end up on the "outside of the cell
contents produced in RER and processed in golgi
function in digestion
*not present in prokaryotes
membrane bound compartments w/ different functions
central vacuoles in plants
contractile vacuoles in protists (pump out excess h2o)
carry out rxns that produce h2o2 as byproduct
h2o2 = toxic so peroxisomes have enzyme to convert it to h2o
convert light energy to chemical energy through photosynthesis
harvest food energy through cellular respiration
present in all cells
scaffolding that organizes cytoplasm
three different elements (microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments)
cells change shape with this
~25 nm, tube-like
organelles can move by "walking" on these
make up cilia, flagella, and mitotic spindles
~7 nm
involved in muscular movement, pseudopodia
move chloroplasts around outside of plant cell
intermediate filaments
~8-12 nm
strong unchanging connectors
channels between plant cells through which cells can interact
animal cells have... (as far as between their cells)
tight junctions to seal them together
extracellular matrix involved in cell structure, adhesion, and communication
allow for free flow of materials through cells
some have gap junctions for rapid communication