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33 Cards in this Set

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organisms such as plants that make their own food
organisms like animals that obtain energy from the foods they consume
adenosine triphosphate ATP
principal chemical compound that cells use to store and release energy, consists of adenine,ribose, and 3 phosphate groups
process in which plants use enery of sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into high-enery carbohydrates(sugars and starches) and oxygen(waste)
light absorbing molecules
prinicpal pigment
saclike photosynthetic membranes in a chloroplast
proteins in the thlakoid membrane which organize pigments into clusters
the region outside the tylakoid membranes
carrier molecule which accepts and golds 2 high-energy electrons along with a hydrogen ion. This converts the NADPH+ into NADPH
light dependant reactions
reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH
ATP synthase
protein that spans the membrane and aloows H+ ions to pass through it
calvin cycle
reactions in photosynthesis in which ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugars
where does energy for living things come from?
food, plants and some other organisms make light energy from the sun in order to produce food
what is energy?
the ability to do work
how does this work? give example.
energy is released in sugar and other compounds. the suns gives energy to plants, cows eat the plains and recieve energy, humans eat cows and recieve energy
what are 4 forms of energy
light, heat, electricity,chemical compounds(stored)
ADP has 2 phosphates and has a partially charged battery, ATP has 3 phospates and has a fully charged battery
What is Van Helmont's experiment and conclusion?when did it take place?
1643 Do plants take away from the soil they are planted in, mass of plant increased, mass of soil stayed the same, therefore the increase in mass came from H2O
What is Joseph Priesly's experiment and conclusion? when did it take place?
1771 what is needed in the air in order for a candle to stay lit, a live plant in a jar will relight a candle and releasesubstance needed to keep the candle lit (oxygen)
What is Jan Ingenhousz's experiment? When did it take place?
1779 showed that light must be present for oxygen to be produced
what is the chemical formula?
6COtwo+6HtwoO arrowCsixHtwelveOsix+6Otwo
what does photosynthesis require?
light and chlorophyll
how do people see wavelengths?
as colors, we see the color that is being reflected
What about Chlorophyll A
absorbs light from blue to violet, red regions
What about Chlorophyll B
absorbs most light from blue and red regions
what makes plants appear green?
plants don't absord green wavelengths so the color green is reflected by the leaves
where is energy directly transferred?
to electrons in molecules of chlorophyll
what helps make phosynthesis work?
high energy in electrons
2 parts of photosystems
light dependant reactions which take place in the thylakoid membranes and light independant reactions which takes place in the storma
what is a carrier molecule?
compound that can accept a pair of high-energy electrons and transfer them w/ their high energy to another molecule
3 jobs of NADP
holds 2 high-energy electrons along with a hydrogen ion, carries high enery electrons from light absorption in chylorophyll to chemical reactions elsewhere, used to build molecules the cell needs carbohydrates
light dependant reactions
converts ADP to ATP and NADP to NADPH, produces O2