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10 Cards in this Set

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Differences between osmosis and active transport?

Osmosis: The process whereby water diffuses across a membrane due to a difference in conc. gradient. The membrane has to be permeable to water.

Diffussion: The diffusion of any other compounds a cross a membrane. Both require no energy.

Explain absorbtionsprectrum ?

The absorbion spectrum shows the wavelengths which a mediate which light was passed through absorbed the most. The result will depend on what light wavelengths the compound didnt absorb.

Why areplants darker in colder climates?

Because a darker colour absorbs more of the suns energy. Hence the plant can be slightly warmer. Ex pine trees.

Draw a the mitochondra and mark where glycolisis, krebs cycle and ETP occur

Glycolysis: Occurs in cytoplasm

Krebs Cycle: occurs in inside the mitochondrial matrix

The ETP: Occurs inbetween the intermembrane space and inner mitochondrial matrix.

Draw a chloroplast and mark where the light reactions and the carbon fixation cycle occur

The light reactions occur in the granas. The carbon fixation cycle occurs in the stroma.

Explain glycolysis

Glycolysis starts with a glycose. During the investment phase 2 ATP:s are used. During the payoff phase we end upp with 2 pyruvates 4 ATP and 2 NADH. Net: 2 pyruvates + 2 ATP + 2 NADH

Explain krebs cycle

In the krebs cycle (of 1 glucose) we start with two pyruvates. These are processed before entering the cycle in the following way: 2 CO2 are removed through oxidation and 2NAD+ turns to NADH. Additionally we get 2 ATP and CoA is added.

Now one pyruvate at a time enters the krebs cycle by fusing with oxatataelic acid. Through a series of steps we end up with a Net of 2 FADH, 10 NADH, 6 ADP per glucose and 2 CO2 per glucose (including prepatory step).

Explain ETC

The ETC uses the principle of diffusion across a membrane to harness energy of a conc gradient. The conc gradient is due to high conc of H+ ions in the intermembrane space. THe gradiont is kept by elecrons shuttles dropping of electrons at a first electron carrier. At the end of the chain there is a 1/2O2 which exerts a strong pulling force on the electron in the chain. To get there the electron has to do "work" it does this by ttravelling through a series of protein coplexes which in turn then pump H+ ions to and increasing the conc gradient. When the electron reaches the 1/2 O2 the turn to H2O

Explain the light reactions

1) the absorbtion of light energy

2) the excitation of electrons

3) the synthesis of NADH and ATP by those

The process starts with the exctient of H2O and the excitattion of 2 electrons in photosystem II. The H2O turns into H+ and O2. The two electrons then travelsthrough a series of electron carriers and photosystem I, where more energy is added. In the end the 2 elextrons meet an electron carrier. On the way protein complexes pumps H+ ions into the thylakoid compartment. A conc gradient builds up. Atp synthases use this gradient to synthesize ATP.

Explain the carbon fixation cycle

The chain uses the ATP and NADPH from the light reactions to fixate Carbon and to store significant amounts of energy.

6 CO2 + 18 ATP + 12 NADP -> 2 G3P -> Glucose etc

The cycle incorporates one CO2 at a time.