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56 Cards in this Set

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31.3 Use a diagram to identify the parts of a typical plant: root system (taproot and root hairs) and shoot system (leaves, stem, buds, and flower) and state the functions of each part
Plant roots
Anchor plant
Absorb water and nutrients
Store food
Plant shoots
Stems, leaves, and reproductive structures
Stems provide support
Leaves carry out photosynthesis
Root modifications
Food storage
Large taproots store starches
Examples include carrots, turnips, sugar beets, sweet potatoes
31.3 Explain how pruning fruit trees and “pinching back” a plant helps make the plant bushier
31.4 Distinguish among the following: large taproots that store sugar, horizontal stems called runners and rhizomes, enlarged rhizomes called tubers, and modified leaves called tendrils and spines
31.4 State common examples of modified roots, stems, and leaves from a vegetable garden, i.e. carrot is a taproot
Food storage
Large taproots store starches
Examples include carrots, turnips, sugar beets, sweet potatoes
31.5 Identify and describe the functions of the three tissue systems (dermal, ground, and vascular) that form roots, stems, and leaves
Dermal tissue
Layer of tightly packed cells called the epidermis
First line of defense against damage and infection
Waxy layer called cuticle reduces water loss
Vascular tissue
Composed of xylem and phloem
Arranged in bundles
Ground tissue
Lies between dermal and vascular tissue
Eudicot stem ground tissue is divided into pith and cortex
Leaf ground tissue is called mesophyll
31.7 Define meristem cells
are regions of active cell division
31.7 Explain the indeterminate growth of plants compared to the determinate growth of animals
Plant growth is indeterminate
Growth occurs throughout a plant’s life
Plants are categorized based on how long they live
Annuals complete their life cycle in one year
Biennials complete their life cycle in two years
Perennials live for many years determinate
Growth stops after a certain size is reached
31.7 Contrast annuals, biennials, and perennials and give examples
Annuals complete their life cycle in one year
Biennials complete their life cycle in two years
Perennials live for many years
31.7 Describe and compare primary and secondary growth in woody plants
Primary growth allows roots to push downward through the soil and shoots to grow upward toward the sun Secondary growth increases the girth of woody plants
31.8 Use a diagram of a woody stem in cross section to identify the following parts: growth rings, heartwood, sapwood, vascular cambium, and bark
31.8 Describe the tissues that make up “wood” and “bark”
Secondary xylem produces wood toward the interior of the stem
Secondary phloem produces the inner bark toward the exterior of the stem
31.9 Use a diagram to identify the parts of a flower and explain the function of each
Sepals—enclose and protect flower bud
Petals—showy; attract pollinators
Stamens—male reproductive structures
Carpels—female reproductive structures
31.9 Use a diagram to identify the stages (embryo within seed, seedling, mature plant) of the life cycle of an angiosperm.
Fertilization occurs in the ovule; the fertilized egg develops into an embryo encased in a seed
The ovary develops into a fruit, which protects the seed and aids in dispersal
The seed germinates under suitable conditions to produce a seedling, which grows into a mature plant
31.9 Distinguish between pollination and fertilization
31.11 Explain how fertilization results in the formation of an embryo within a seed coat
Fertilization occurs in the ovule; the fertilized egg develops into an embryo encased in a seed
31.12 Explain how the ovary develops into a fruit
Hormonal changes induced by fertilization trigger the ovary to develop into a fruit
31.12 Explain the roles of fruit in seed protection and dispersion
it is to protect the seed and delever it to the ground or to be carried off by an animal to be taken off to another place to germinate
31.13 Describe the contents of a seed
Eudicot seeds
Two cotyledons
Apical meristems lack protective sheaths
Endosperm absorbed by cotyledons
Monocot seeds
Single cotyledon
Apical meristems have a protective sheaths
Endosperm is present
31.13 Define germination
Germination breaks seed dormancy
Germination begins when water is taken up
Eudicot seedling shoots emerge from the soil with the apical meristem “hooked” downward to protect it
Monocot seedling shoots are covered by a protective sheath and emerge straight from the soil
31.14 Explain how asexual reproduction produces plant clones and reduces genetic diversity
Production of clones via bulbs, root sprouts, and runners is common
Plants are often propagated by taking cuttings, which can produce roots
Plants can be cultured on specialized media in tubes
Asexual reproduction can be advantageous in very stable environments
32.1 Explain how plants take up nutrients from the air and soil
Plants take up carbon dioxide from the air to produce sugars via photosynthesis; oxygen is produced as a product of photosynthesis
Plants obtain water, minerals, and some oxygen from the soil
Using simple sugars as an energy source and as building blocks, plants convert the inorganic molecules they take up into the organic molecules of living plant tissue
32.2 Describe the routes of water and solutes from soil to root xylem
Intracellular route—water and solutes are selectively taken up by a root epidermal cell, usually a root hair, and transported from cell to cell through plasmodesmata
Extracellular route—water and solutes pass into the root in the porous cell walls of root cells; they do not enter any cell plasma membrane until they reach the root endodermis
32.2 Identify root hairs and their function in water and solute uptake
32.3 Define transpiration
Evaporation of water from the surface of leaves,
32.3 Explain the ascent of xylem sap by transpiration due to the cohesive and adhesive properties of water
is the solution carried up through a plant in tracheids and vessel elements
Xylem sap is pulled up through roots and shoots to the leaves
32.4 Draw and label the guard cells forming an open stoma and a closed stoma
32.5 Define phloem sap
transports the products of photosynthesis throughout the plant
32.5 Explain the movement of phloem sap from a sugar source to a sugar sink. Give examples of sugar source and sugar sink.
transports the products of photosynthesis throughout the plant
Phloem is composed of long tubes of sieve tube members stacked end to end
Phloem sap moves through sieve plates in sieve tube members
Phloem sap is composed of sucrose and other solutes such as ions, amino acids, and hormones
Sugars are carried through phloem from sources to sinks
32.6 Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients and recognize examples of each
Macronutrients—plants require relatively large amounts of these elements
Micronutrients—plants require relatively small amounts of these elements
32.7 Describe and recognize the signs of nitrogen deficiency in plants
32.7 Define compost and explain its value as a fertilizer.
32.13 Define mycorrhiza
Mycorrhizae act like extensions of plant roots, increasing the area for absorption of water and minerals from soil
Mycorrhizae produce enzymes that release phosphorus from soil, making it available to plant hosts
Mycorrhizae release growth factors and antibiotics into the soil
Mycorrhizal symbioses have evolved with plants and were important to plants successfully invading land
32.13 Explain how fungi help most plants absorb nutrients from the soil
32.14 Give examples of parasitic and carnivorous plants and explain the significance of these lifestyles in nitrogen-deficient environments
Grow anchored on other plants
Absorb water and minerals from rain
Roots tap into the host plant’s vascular system
Incapable of photosynthesis
Absorb organic molecules from host plant
Trap and digest small animals such as insects
Absorb inorganic elements from prey
Found in nutrient poor environments
34.1 Define and distinguish the different levels (hierarchy of life) within ecosystems
34.1 Contrast abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem
Ecosystem interactions involve living (biotic) communities and nonliving (abiotic) components
Biotic components include all organisms
Abiotic components include atmospheric gases, energy, nutrients, and water
Organisms are affected by both components of their environment
Their presence and activities often change the environment they inhabit
34.2 Discuss the contributions of Rachel Carson and her book, Silent Spring, to the environmental movement
Rachel Carson was one of the first to perceive the global dangers of pesticide abuse
Carson documented her concerns in the 1962 book Silent Spring
This book played a key role in the awakening of environmental awareness
34.3 List some abiotic factors such as solar energy, water and temperature
nutrients, other aquatic factors and other terrestrial factors
34.6 Define wetlands, estuaries, and coral reefs and explain their importance
Estuaries are productive areas where rivers meet the ocean
34.6 Distinguish photic and aphotic zones of the ocean
The photic zone is the portion of the ocean into which light penetrates
Photosynthesis occurs here
The aphotic zone is a vast, dark region of the ocean
34.6 Explain the importance of phytoplankton
34.7 List examples of freshwater biomes such as
lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and wetlands
34.7 Explain the influence of current, sunlight and nutrients (i.e. large inputs of nitrogen, phosphorous) on freshwater biomes
they are important abiotic factors in fresh water ecosystems
34.8 Define terrestrial biome
regional variations in climate
36.1 Define a population and describe several examples of populations
A group of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area
36.4 Use a diagram to describe and compare the exponential growth model and the logistic growth model and give examples of populations that exhibit each type of growth
Exponential growth model
The rate of population increases under ideal conditions
Calculated using the equation G = rN
G is the growth rate of the population
N is the population size
r is the per capita rate of increase
Logistic growth model
This growth model takes into account limiting factors
Limiting factors are environmental factors that restrict population growth
Explain the concept of an “ecological footprint”
is the measure of resource consumption
Define the term community and describe several examples of communities
An assemblage of populations living close enough together for potential interaction
Described by its species composition
Describe the four properties of a community: biodiversity, predominant vegetation, response to disturbance, and trophic
Define and describe examples of interspecific competition and interspecific interactions such as mutualism (37.4) and predation
Interspecific interactions
Relationships with other species in the community
Interspecific competition
Two different species compete for the same limited resource
Squirrels and black bears
Compete for acorns
Define predation and distinguish predator from prey
hunter vs hunded
Define trophic level and food chain
A pattern of feeding relationships consisting of several different levels
Food chain
Sequence of food transfer up the trophic levels
Define the terms producer and consumer and describe examples
Support all other trophic levels
Photosynthetic producers
Plants on land
Cyanobacteria in water
37.14 Contrast the movement (pathways) of energy and chemicals in an ecosystem
Energy flow
Passage of energy through the ecosystem
Chemical cycling
Transfer of materials within the ecosystem
37.18 Explain biogeochemical cycles
Cycle chemicals between organisms and the Earth
Can be local or global
Decomposers play a central role in biogeochemical cycles
37.19 Describe the carbon cycle and the roles of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration in the carbon cycle
Carbon is the major ingredient of all organic molecules
The return of CO2 to the atmosphere by respiration closely balances its removal by photosynthesis
The carbon cycle is affected by burning wood and fossil fuels