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94 Cards in this Set

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The blood vessels that drain capillaries are


The two components of the cardiovascular system are

The heart which pumps the blood and the blood vessels which carry the blood

The use of blood for exchange

Blood removes waste products

Blood brings oxygen to tissues

Blood carries nutrients

Functions of the cardiovascular system


Regulate blood flow in accordance with needs of the body

Exchange nutrients, gases, and wastes in the capillariesRegulate blood flow in accordance with needs of the bodyMove blood throughout the blood vessels and back to the heart Generate blood pressure

Move blood throughout the blood vessels and back to the heart

Generate blood pressure

The lymphatic system works with the cardiovascular system by

Collecting excess tissue fluid

Strong-willed blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called


Arteries feed directly into smaller blood vessels called


Capillary walls are made of

A single layer of epithelial cells

The blood vessels that drain capillaries are


The heart is located between the lungs and is tilted with the apex pointing to the


The structure that moves blood directly from an arteriole to a venue when a capillary bed is closed is an

Arteriovenous shunt

All of the following are found in veins



Connective tissue

Veins have one-way valves which

Prevent the backward flow of blood to the heart

The major layer of the heart is the

Myocardium and is composed of cardiac muscle tissue

The heart is located in a tough membranous sacks called

The pericardium

Gap junction aid in

Simultaneous contractions of cardiac fibers

How many chambers does the heart have?


A ventricle is a lower chamber of the heart that

Pumps blood out of the heart into blood vessels such as the aorta

The upper chambers of the heart that receive blood from systematic and pulmonary veins are called the


Ventricles are

Thick-walled, pumping chambers of the heart

The valves that lie between the atria and the ventricles are called the

Atrioventricular valves

The heart valves that prevent blood in the arteries from re-entering the ventricles are

Semilunar valves

The first branches off the aorta serve the heart muscle itself and are called the

Coronary arteries

Where is blood located within the human body?

Within blood vessels

The middle layer of an arteriole contains mostly

Smooth muscle

Venules are small veins that drain blood from smaller blood vessels called


What tightly joins myocardial muscle fibers together?

Intercalated disks

Semilunar valves separate

The ventricle and its associated blood vessels

Why is the heart referred to as a double pump?

The two sides of the heart pump to different areas of the body

Phases of the cardiac cycle



The working phase of the heart is known as


The working phase of the heart is known as


The resting or relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is called


What is the function of the atrioventricular node?

It conducts the electrical stimulus from the atria into the ventricles

Ventricular fibrillation

Refers to uncontrolled irregular activity of the ventricles

A resting pulse rate is typically in the range of

60-80 beats per minute

The highest arterial pressure reached as blood is ejected from the heart is called

Systolic pressure

Blood moves slowest in


The circulatory vessels involved with blood flow to and from the lungs make up the

Pulmonary circuit

Another name for the pacemaker of the heart is the

Sinoatrial node

Uncoordinated irregular activity of the ventricles is referred to as

Ventricular fibrillation

The circulatory vessels involved with blood flow to and from the lungs make up the

Pulmonary circuit

Blood leaving the heart to travel the pulmonary circuit leaves which chamber of the heart?

Right ventricle

The vascular pathway which serves the needs of body tissues is the

Systemic circuit

Blood vessels in order of blood route as it leaves the left ventricle, goes to the legs, and returns to the heart


Femoral artery


Femoral vein

Inferior vena cavae

Blood vessels in order of blood route as it leaves the left ventricle, goes to the legs, and returns to the heart


Femoral artery


Femoral vein

Inferior vena cava

The following control the movement of fluid through the capillary wall

Blood pressure

Osmotic pressure

The fluid contained within lymphatic vessels is called


Atherosclerosis occurs when what form on the inside of blood vessel walls?

Lesions, or atherosclerotic plaques

A clot that is moving through the bloodstream is called an


The technical term for a stroke is

A cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

What are types of cardiovascular disease, which are associated with risk factors such as hypertension, smoking, obesity, and high cholesterol?


Heart attack


A myocardial infarction is also called a

Heart attack

Few heart patients near death may be a recipient for a

Total artificial heart

The following are external controls regulating the heartbeat

Medulla oblongata



Sympathetic nervous system

The following are external controls regulating the heartbeat

Medulla oblongata



Sympathetic nervous system

Hypertension refers to

High blood pressure

Coronary bypass and angioplasty can be used to treat

A clogged coronary artery

Valves are needed in veins for the return of blood because

Blood pressure in veins is low

Main blood vessels that carry blood immediately away from the heart


Pulmonary arteries

Heart failure

The condition in which the heart is no longer able to pump as it should

Precapillary sphincters

Rings of muscle that control blood flow through a capillary bed

What does the hepatic portal vein acquire during circulation before travelling to the liver?


The liver

Manufactures blood proteins

Involved with fat transport

Removes toxins

The left ventricle has

The thickest wall

Blood flow in veins

Blood pressure tends to be low

Veins have valves that prevent the backward flow of blood

Contraction of skeletal muscles surrounding veins helps move blood back towards the heart

The septum is

An internal wall that separates the right and left side of the heart


Ballooning of a blood vessel


Is the build up of fatty acids in the arteries

QRS Waves

ECG waves that indicate the ventricles are about to contract

Return of venous blood is dependent on

Respiratory pump

Skeletal muscle pump

Valves in veins

The blood in the pulmonary arterial is oxygen



The procedure during which a plastic tube is inserted into a blood vessel and a balloon is then used to inflate a blocked vessel

t-PA works by

Producing the enzyme thrombin

In a coronary bump operation, a surgeon uses

A blood vessel to move blood past am area of blockage

The first heart sound (lib) occurs when

Increasing pressure of blood inside a ventricle forces the cusps of the AV valves to close

Atherosclerosis is the build up of fatty acids in the arteries. These masses are typically called

Atherosclerotic plaques

A normal value for adult blood pressure


Angina pectoris

The feeling of pressure, squeezing, and pain in the chest, left arm, and shoulder that is caused by a partial blockage of a coronary artery

Blood leaves the lungs and returns to the heart via the

Pull veins and fills the left atrium

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

An alternative to a heart transplant that involves a tube passing from the left ventricle to the aorta

Aspirin may be prescribed

To lower the possibility of clot formation in a perfect who has shown symptoms of angina or stroke

On an ECG, the P waves indicates

The atria are about to contract

What forces control the exchange of materials across the walls of capillaries?

Osmotic and blood pressure

The first wave (P waves) of am ECG occurs prior to

Atrial contraction

In the pulmonary circuit, blood flowing to the lungs leaves the heart via the

Pulmonary arteries and returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins

The major portion of the cardiovascular system is called the

Systemic circuit

Which of these correctly traces the path of blood from the left ventricle to the head?

Left ventricle


Carotid artery


When excess tissue fluid enters lymphatic vessels, it becomes


The chamber of the heart that receives blood from the pulmonary is the

Left atrium

The right atrium receives highly oxygenated blood from

The pulmonary veins

What is the function of the heart valves?

Prevent backward flow of blood

And keep it moving in one direction through the heart

How does excess tissue fluid return to the blood vessels?

It returns as lymph in lymphatic capillaries

Lymphatic capillaries are later drained into blood vessels

What is the system that assists the cardiovascular system by collecting excess tissue fluid and returning it to the cardiovascular system?

Lymphatic system