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22 Cards in this Set

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Briefly explain the three main types of memory.
The first type of memory is sensory memory, which is very short, and results from sensory input such as a visual auditory, olfactory or touch. The second type of memory is short-term memory, which allows us to recall information such as a phone number just long enough to use it. Finally, long-term memory consists of important information that can be kept from years up to for the rest of our lives.
What part of the brain is responsible for short-term memory and how do we know that this is the case?
The portion of the brain responsible for short-term memory is the hippocampus. We know that this portion of the brain is responsible because people that have damage to their hippocampi tend to loose some of all of their short-term memory while other types of memory remain unchanged. Therefore, the short-term memory must reside in the hippocampus.
Explain how long-term memories are formed.
Long-term memories are formed through a process called long-term potentiation. Repeated input of knowledge resluts in repeated stimulation of neurons, which, in turn, causes two cutological changes in those neurons taht result in the formation of memory. Those changes that occur are an increase in the rate and magnitude of firing in those neurons along with an increase in neuronal connections among the neurons involved in the long-term memory.
What is declarative memory and list the two types of declarative memory.
Declarative memory, also known as explicit memory, is memory that is familiar to us. We have a conscious awareness of accessing this type of memory. This memory is used in a wide variety of information including names, places, factual information, ideas and can also be tied to emotion. The two types of declarative memory are semantic memory and episodic memory, which is also known as autobiographical memory.
Explain the characteristics of semantic memory and for what type of information is it used?
Semantic memory is memory that is associated with words and numbers. It is therefore heavily reliant on language. Because it is reliant on language and words, this type of memory can be independent of context and thus assume and abstract quality.
Explain episodic memory, its characteristics and what part of the brain is responsible for the effectiveness of this type of memory?
Episodic memory is a type of memory that is associated with the senses and emotion. This type of memory is very powerful because of the emotional attachment with the memory. This emotional attachment results from the amygdala, the portion of the brain responsible for emotional memory.
Memory that allows to remember a phone number just long enough to make a call is known as _____ memory.
As seen in Jeremy's case, the portion of the brain responsible for short-term memory is the _____.
The type of memory that results from visual, auditory, or olfactory input is known as _____.
Long-term memory results from a process known as LTP, which stands for _____.
Long-term potentiation
Long-term memory is stored in the columns of neurons found in the _____ _____.
Cerebral Cortex
The part of the brain responsible for integrating short-term and long-term memory is the _____ lobe.
The type of memory that we have conscious awareness of accessing is known as _____ memory.
The type of declarative memory that is associated with words and numbers is known as _____ memory.
The type of declarative memory that is associated with emotions and sensation is known as _____ memory.
The type of memory that is acquired and recalled subconsciously is known as _____ memory.
Procedural memory is usually associated with mental illness were given a treatment where their frontal lobes were destroyed, a procedure known as prefrontal _____.
The large hippocampi found in London cab drivers are indicators of better than average _____ memory.
As seen in the case of Bill the lawyer, the ability to think ahead and predict consequences of one's actions exists in the _____ lobe of the brain.
The adding to animal brains during evolution has resulted in the _____ nature of human brain.
Sensory memory generally lasts for less than _____.
1 second
If not processed further into long-term memory, short-term memory only lasts for a few _____.