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64 Cards in this Set

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endoparasite lives where?
inside host
ectoparasite lives where?
outside host
competitive exclusion hypothesis involves what?
two species that need similiar things and can't live in the same niche
resource partitioning involves?
differentiation of niches, both in space and time, enable similiar species to COEXISt in communitiy
5 warblers
1. myrtle warbler
2. bay-breasted warbler
3. black-throated green warbler
4. blackburnian warbler
5. cape may warbler
character displacement
two species diverge in morphology and resource use due to competition
allopatric involves living where?
separate habitats
sympatric involves living where?
same habitats
what are the 4 kinds of competition
intraspecific. interspecific. resource. interference.
intraspecific competition is?
between individuals of the same species
interspecific competition is?
between different species
resource competition is?
organisms that compete because they both eat a limited resource
interference competition?
individuals interact directly w/one another by physical force or intimidation
antipredator strategies...list them
chemical, cryptic coloration and displays of intimidation
mullerian mimicry is?
when noxious species use similiar things to warn they are deadly so predator only eats a few to learn
batsian mimicry
palatable mimicking noxious (b,C) the species must occur in low #
Ecosystem ecology
concerned with energy flow through organisms
what is the avg transfer rate of energy from one trophic level to another?
10% converted to biomass between each tier of pyramid. producers at base
energy flow
mov't of energy through ecosystem as sunlight
# organisms x weight
what are chemoautrophs?
produce chemical energy not sunlight
coprophagous means the animals...
eats feces so like maggots or pigs
hematophagous feeds on...
detritrovore feeds on
detrius...decaying food. ex: sea stars, sea cucumbers, milipeeds
explain primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer..
pp: uses photosynthesis
pc: eats producer
sc: eats herbivore
tc: eats carnivore
dead organic material being composed
tropic level involveds
a specific feeding level
# organisms x weight
pyramid of numbers
top carnivores to carnivores to herbivores to producers
tell me about agnatha
jawless fish: hagfish/lampreys (neither have fins)
hagfish have no vertebrae and produce slim for defense.
lampreys have a cartilangious vertebrae.
they have 3 hearts and breath through gills . they change sex yearly.
tell me about chondrichthyes
they are sharks, rays, skates that are cartilagnous fish. with 2 parts to their heart. they do reproduction by vivapous and invipaous internal fertilization (mermaid purse) vivapous include placenta. they have a good sense of smell and vision. heterocercal tails used to help float and oil filled liver for bouncy
are bony fish with a 2 chamber heart. they have swim bladders for buoyancy. coelacanth are from this class and are the missing link fossil fish .
chordate characteristics
48000. rigid internal skeleton, anterior skull, internal organs suspended in a coelom, well-developed closed circulatory system w/ 2,3,4 chamber hearts
amphibia has what 3 orders
order anura: frogs/toads
order caudata: salamander and newts
order gymnophiona: caecilians (wormlike limbless tropical burrowing)
gas exchange how?
through skin, gills, and lungs
reproduction and extras of amphibia
larvae develop in water (metamorphosis)
salamander/newts regenerate limbs
class reptilia have what 3 orders
order crocodilia
order squamata: snake/lizard
order testudines: turtles/tortoises
class reptilia res & rep
gas exchange through lungs.
lay leathery eggs
crocodilia: eggs gender through temp
features of squamata
snakes and lizards: no eyelids, ear canals, carnivorous, hinged jaws
aves ...
have 4 chamber hearts
migration, mating rituals, extensive care of young
constant temp
retains metabolic body heat
two subclass to class mammalia
subclass metatheria: marsupials (kangaroo)
subclass eutheria: placental mammals (bats/rodents)
mammalia order...
order monotremata : eggs stored in pouch
scale of ecology
organismal: individual
population: group of individuals of same species
community: species live at same place
ecosystem: considers trophic levels, food chains and food webs
two important factors that limit species distribuitoin
water availibility and temp
coriolis effect
north hem bend right south hem. bend left
wind cells are how many degree latitude?
30 degrees
3 cells in each hem...names/location?
hadley (equator), polar (poles), ferrell (middle)
rain shadow
windward side gets rain, dry side is leeward
vegetation consisting chiefly of tangled shrubs and thorny bushes
deserts are what?
30 degree n & s . with less than 30 cm rainfall
biome tropical rainforest...
25-30 degree
have epiphytes (plants that grow on plants)
temperate deciduous forest
eastern north america, europe, eastern asia
-well defined season/winters
-75-200 cm
-animals: squirrels, rabbits, turkey, bears
northern part of n. america, eurasia .
-5 to 5.
-pine, spruce
-bear, moose
africa, south america, n. australia
-50-175 cm
hot desert
cacti, sagebrush
-large animals or very small burrowing to avoid heat
artic circle
-32 to 12
-lichens, grasses, dwarf shrubs
-reindeer, wolves, polar bears
what's behavioral ecology
studies how behavior contributes to differential survival and reproduction of organisms
proximate cause
how does the behavior work (birds migrate)
ultimate cause
why is this best (migration improves survival)
innate behavior
spider builds webs...sterotypic things animals do
fixed action pattern
fap. once initated behavior must be completed
sign stimulus
stimulus to begin a specific behavior (squirrel bury nut w/out soil)