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61 Cards in this Set

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the process of breaking down food into molecules that the body can use
long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach; no digestion takes place here; acts as a descending escalator, moving food down to the stomach
passage where back of throat triggers a swallowing reflex
peristaltic contractions
successive ryhthmic waves of smooth muscle contraction in the esophagus; move food toward stomach
muscular valve that helps food enter the stomach; prevents acids from going back to esophagus
saclike organ that stores food and machanically breaks down food and chemically unravels and breaks down proteins
cuts single protein strands into smaller chains of amino acids. Only effective in acidic environment
produces digestive enzymes and delivers them to the small intestines ducts
small intestines
coiled tubular organ about 6 m long that is continuos with stomach and functions mainly in digestions
lining of the small intestines that is covered with fine fingerlike projections; increases the area available for absorption of nutrients
large intestines
colon is made of three relatively straight segments;mineral ions and water are absorbed through the wall of this
presses upward against the diaphragm and occupies the upper right side of abdominal cavity; maintains proper levels of blood suger and it converts extra sugar into glycogen
must be digested into simple sugars
major part of fiber, but does not provide energy beacause of the lack of enzymes we have to digest them; stimulates the walls of digestive tract to secrete mucus
broken down into glucose when body needs energy; rest becomes fatty tissue
organic compound that is insoluble in water; make steroid hormones and cell membranes to store energy
skeletal muscle
muscle that helps you to move
cardiac muscle
muscle that helps pump blood into and out of the heart
smooth muscle
contracts hollow organs
individual parts of the skeleton; made up of bone tisue
bone marrow
thick jelly that makes blood cells
supports stuctures; used as cushioning between bones to keep them from scraping together
connective tissue whcih joins muscle tissue to the bone
connects muscle to the bones
extensor and flexor
your two opposing methods
conducts electrochemical impulses called nerve impulses or action potentials
sensory neurons
take care of the functions such as touch, odor, taste, sound, and vision
motor neurons
transmit impulses from the central nervous systm to muscles and gands
grow out of the cell body and are sometimes huge in length; cytoplasmic extensions that impulses act on
nerve impulses
generated in short fibers called dendrites and brought to the cell body and then transferred to the axons to carry out away from the cell body
small gap in between neurons
central nervous system
made up of spinal cord and brain
spinal cord
uses sensory information from the peripheral nervous system to the brain, conducting motor info from the brain to different effectors such as skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, glands, and even a reflex center
recieves sensory info from the spinal cord and conducts the necessary motor outputs
perpheral nervous sstem
sensory neurons running from receptors and motor neurons running from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands
reflex reaction
sudden involuntary reaction in repsonse to the stimulas
perception, imagination, thought, judgement, and decisions are made here
located in the back of the brain well protected from trauma is involved in the motor functions like balance and muscle tone
brain stem
pathway for all the fibers from peripheral nerves and the spinal cord to the highest parts of the brain
medulla oblongata
sends nerve signals from the spinal cord to the brain
circulatory system
connects the muscles and organs of the body through an extensive system of blood vessels that transport blood, a mixture of a specialized cells and fluid.
hold blood returning to the heart, empties it into the right and left ventricles
pulmonary circulation
short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again
systematic circulation
sends blood from the hear to all the other parts of our bodies and back again
fluid that is pumped by the heart to other parts of the body
red blood cells
cells in blood that carry oxygen
white blood cells
cless whose primary job is to defend the body against disease
liquid portion of blood
blood clots to help stop bleeding
capillary wall
Red blood cells inside here release their waste and it then passes through the wall and into the red blood cells
pass oxygen rich blood to the capillaries which allow the exchange of gases within the tissue.
capillaries pass their waste rich blood to the veins for transport back to the heart
filter harmful substances from the blood and maintain a proper level
take harmful substances out of the blood
procces blood and sift it out to seperate waste from water
respiratory system
supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body
air enters through the nose and is warmed, flitered, an passed through the navel caivty
hollow structure at the beginning of the trachea
windpipe; bony tube that connects the nose and mouth to the lungs
internal, baglike respiratory organ of a vertebrate that eables gas exchange between the air and the blood
mechanics of breathing in and out