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165 Cards in this Set

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Growth Hormone
A hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland, in childhood and adolescence it stimulates whole body growth
Guard Cell
Cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata on plant leaves
The protein found in red blood cells that can bind oxygen
Molecules produced by endocrine glands and released into the bloodstream
Hydrochloric Acid
The acid produced by the stomach to initiate breakdown of food
The movement of a plant toward water
A change in membrane potential of a cell so that it becomes more negative on the inside with respect to the outside
The deepest layer of skin, mostly made of fat tissue
Region in the brain that controls homeostasis, primarily through control of the pituitary gland
A behavior in which a young animal will recognize an object as "mother" if exposed to it during a critical time period shortly after birth
Inferior vena cava
one of two large veins that return deoxygenated blood from the body to the right atrium
the ability to approach a new situation or problem and know how to deal with it
behaviour that is inborn in an organism
pancreatic hormone, decreases blood glucose levels by stimulating uptake of glucose by cells
a neuron found only in the central nervous system that acts as a bridge between sensory neurons and motor neurons
organ that filters blood to produce urine, regulates blood pressure, regulates body water balance, and regulates ph balance
left atrium
chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins
left ventricle
chamber of the heart that pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta and out to the body
luteinizing hormone, released by anterior pituitary gland, causes ovulation and development of a corpus luteum in females, release of testosterone in males
somewhat elastic structures that connect bones to bones
organ that filters blood to produce urine, regulates blood pressure, regulates body water balance, and regulates ph balance
left atrium
chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins
left ventricle
chamber of the heart that pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta and out to the body
luteinizing hormone, released by anterior pituitary gland, causes ovulation and development of a corpus luteum in females, release of testosterone in males
somewhat elastic structures that connect bones to bones
largest abdominal organ, produces bile for fat emulsification
loop of henle
the portion of the nephron that dips downward, involved in urine concentration
organs of respiration, contain aur tubes for ventilation and alveoli for gas exchange
leutal phase
the phase of the ovarian cycle dominated by the corpus luteum. day 15-28
lymph node
concentrated regions of white blood cells found along lymphatic vessels
lymphatic system
a system of vessels that runs along side the veins; it filters excess tissue fluid through lymph nodes
Medula oblongata
region of brain that controls respiratory rate, heart beat, blood pressure.
the "ovum" of a plant, cell that is fertilized by microspores in pollen
The phase of the uterine cycle during which the endometrium is shed off, day 15 to day 28
The primary germ layer that ultimately forms “middle level” structures, such as the heart, bones, blood vessels, muscle, and some abdominal organs
“Sperm” of the plant, cells that fertilize the megaspores, produced by the anther of a flower
hormones released by the adrenal cortex that help to regulate body ionic balance
motor neuron
a type of neuron that carries commands from the brain to various organs in the body
a symbiotic relationship in which both members benefit from the association
myelin sheath
protective, insulating covering found on axons of most neurons, produced by schwann cells
long fibrous structure inside a muscle cell, made up of sarcomeres laid end to end
a contractile protein found in muscle tissue; the "thick" filament
Na+/K+ ATPase
active transporter (ion pump) in plasma membranes of all cells, uses 1 ATP to pump 3 Na+ ions out, 2K+ ions in
negative geotropism
the growth of a plant away from the earth
the functional unit of the kidney, where urine production takes place
nerve impulse
an action potential that travels along the length of the axon
highly specialized cells of the nervous system, designed to propagate action potential
a chemical released at the axon terminal of a neuron (synapse) that can excite or inhibit the next neuron
nodes of ranvier
the gaps between schwann cells on myelinated axons
a neurotransmitter released by the sympathetic nervous system to mediate the "fight or flight" response, chemically similar to epinephrine
haploid cell in females that develops into an ovum
ovarian cycle
the 28 days of the menstrual cycle, as they apply to the ovaries specifically
female gonad, site where follicles containing oocytes develop
the release of an oocyte from an ovary, occurs on or about day 14 of cycle
the structure inside the ovary of a flower that produces the megasporse
mature female gamete, haploid cell that is fertilized by sperm
hormone released by the posterior pituitary gland, causes contraction of reproductive smooth muscle, especially important in stimulating contractions of the uterus during childbirth
abdominal organ, part of digestive and endocrine systems, produces many different enzymes for digestion
symbiotic relationship, one member is helped by the association and the other member is harmed
parasympathetic division
division of the ANS that mediates "resting and digesting" response, tends to reduce body activity, heart rate, blood pressure
hormone produced by the parathyroid glands
parathyroid gland
small gland on posterior side of thyroid gland in neck, produces parathormone
peripheral nervous system
portion of nervous system that is not brain and spinal cord, connects CNS with body organs
wavelike contractions of smooth muscle in hollow organs designed to move things along the tube
a measure of hydrogen ion concentration (acidity) decreasing values indicate increasing acidity
chemicals released into the environment by one member of a species that can influence the behaviour of other members within that species
tissue in a plant involved in the transport of carbohydrates
movement of a plant towards light
the female component of a plant, contains the stigma, style, ovule, and ovary
liquid portion of whole blood (50%) contains proteins, dissolved gases
small cells in the bloodstream that are important for blood clotting
a condition in which one side of a neuron membrane is positive and other side is negative
contains microspores of a flowering plant
pollen tube
a tube produced during germination of a flower, that grows downward through the style of the flower to meet up with the ovary
positive geotropism
the growth of a plant toward the earth
posterior pituitary gland
made out of nervous tissue, stores and secretes two hormones produced by the hypothalamus
female sex hormone produced by the corpus luteum during the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle
proximal convoluted tubule
fist part of nephron after bowmans capsule
pulmonary artery
blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from right ventricle of heart to the lungs
pulmonary vein
blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart
red blood cells
anucleate cells in the blood that are packed with hemoglobin and can carry oxygen around the body
refractory period
the short period of time after an action potential during which that region of the membrane is unable to fire a second action potential
renal reabsorption
the removal of a substance from the filtrate to return it to the bloodstream
renal secretion
the addition of a substance to the filtrate to remove it from the blood stream
a substance secreted by the kidney when blood pressure decreases, initiates a series of reactions that lead to the production of angiotensin II
a return to the normal resting polarized state after depolarization
respiratory zone
region of the respiratory system that includes the alveoli, where gas exchange takes place
right atrium
chamber of heart that receives deoxygenated blood from superior and inferior vena cava
right ventricle
chamber of heart that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs via the pulmonary artery
portion of a plant that anchors it to the ground and takes up water and nutrients from the soil
secreted by salivary glands into mouth, contains amylase to digest starch
saltatory conduction
impulse conduction down a myelinated axon, appears to jump from node to node
the functional unit of contraction in skeletal muscle
schwann cells
cells in the PNS that produce the myelin sheaths found on axons
seasonal rhythm
a pattern of activity that occurs on a seasonal basis
semilunar valves
heart valves found between the ventricles and arteries on both sides of heart
seminiferous tubules
small tubules in the testes where sperm production takes place
sensory neuron
a type of neuron that carries information about sensation to the CNS
sieve tube cells
cells in the phloem of a plant that transports carbohydrates
skeletal muscle
muscle tissue attached to bones under conscious, voluntary control
small intestine
longest part of the alimentary canal where most digestion and absorption takes place
smooth muscle
muscle tissue found in the walls of all hollow organs
somatic nervous system
the branch of the ANS that deals with voluntary contraction of skeletal muscles
mature male gamete, haploid cell that fertilizes an ovum
spinal cord
portion of the CNS that deals primarily with reflex activity
male component of a plant, consists of the anther and the filament
part of the female component of a plant, sticky to attract pollen
the portion of the alimentary canal in which food is stored and ground
openings on the underside of a leaf that allow gases in and out
part of the female component of a plant, it is a tube that connects the stigma to the ovary
superior vena cava
one of two large veins that return deoxygenated blood from the body to the right atrium
a close relationship between two different species
sympathetic division
the division of the autonomic nervous system that mediates the "fight or flight" response, increases heart rate, blood pressure
a neuron to neuron or neuron to organ junction
cells of the immune system that help to eliminate infection, especially by a virus
elastic structures that connect muscles to bones
male gonads, site of spermatogenesis and testosterone production
primary male sex hormone, stimulates the production of sperm, maintains male secondary sex characteristics
thoracic cavity
anterior body cavity enclosed by the ribs, bounded by the neck superiorly and the diaphragm inferiorly
threshold potential
the potential at which voltage gated ion channels open
thyroid gland
endocrine gland in the anterior neck, secretes thyroxin and calcitonin
hormone released from the thyroid gland, increses body metabolism
largest tube leading into the respiratory system
cells in the xylem of a plant that transports water
thyroid stimulating hormone, released by anterior pituitary, stimulates thyroid to release thyroxin
the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
tube that carries urine from bladder to outside of body
uterine cycle
the 28 days of the menstrual cycle, as they apply to the uterus specifically
female organ that sustains a pregnancy
vasa recta
the network of blood vessels that surrounds the nephron
vitamin A
necessary for production of retinal, a chemical involved in vision
vitamin C
necessary for production of collagen, a necessary tissue fiber
vitamin D
necessary for absorption of calcium from the diet
vitamin K
necessary for blood clotting
vitamins B
group of vitamins necessary for several body functions, especially rapid cell division
White blood cells
leukocytes, cells in the blood that are involved in disease defence
the plant tissue involved in the transport of water
yolk sac
provides food for the chick embryo, site of red blood cell production in human embryo
diploid cell formed by the fusion of an ovum and a sperm
Action potential
localized change in the membrane potential that can travel along axon
adrenal cortex
gland on outer layer of adrenal gland, produces steroids
adrenal medulla
inner gland, produces adrenaline
alimentary canal
muscular tube of the digestive tract from mouth to anus
extra embryonic membrane ends up forming umbilical cord
portion of respiratory system where gas exchange occurs
fluid filled embryonic membrane that surrounds uterus
enzyme in mouth and pancreas designed to digest starch
reduced ability of blood cells to carry oxygen
angiotensin II
strong vaso-constrictor produced by renin when blood pressure falls
anterior pituitary gland
made out of glandular tissue, produces 6 hormones, acth, growth, prolactn, fsh, lh, tsh
plants production of pollen
antidiuretic hormone
produced by posterior pituitary gland, increases reabsorption of water
directly connected to left ventricle carrying oxygenated blood
antrioventricular valves
heart valve found on both sides of heart
autonomic nervous system
branch of nervous system that controls involuntary activities
plant hormones
filament carries action potential away from body
b cells
cells of immune system, produces antibodies to help protect health
liquid produced by liver and gall bladder released in duodenum
stage of embryonic development, zygotes appear as hollow ball of cells
bowman's capsule
glomerulus, first part of nephron
hormone released by thyroid gland reduces calcium in blood
cardiac muscle
muscle tissue found in the heart, involuntary control
smalles blood vessels in body, site of exchange between blood and body tissue
substance found in skeletal system, shock absorber for bones