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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the chi- square equation?
x^2= SUM of (O-e)^2 / e
To determine "e" what must we assumer?
"e" values are based upon what?
null hypothesis
What does the null hypothesis mean?

What does it provide?
expected, randomness, chance prevails

It provides a reference for comparison
What is the direct relationship in Chi-square?
As (O-e) increases, x^2 increases
If you reject the null hypothesis, your data is what?
statistically significant
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (or theorm) addresses what?
Addresses allele frequency changes (with time) within a population
Give an example of a null hypothesis
Hardy Weinberg theorm
For the Hardy Weinberg to hold, the following assumptions must be true:
random mating
no mutation
no migration
infinite population size
no natural selection

(this is all respect to alleles at the locus in question)
Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
no change in allele frequencies over time

(can also be used to calculate expected genotype frequencies)
What are the consequences of the Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium?
1. no evolution will take place (i.e. no allele frequency changes)

2. can predict the abundance of each genotype

Allele A & a are at the same locus.

freq (A) = p = .7
freq (a) = q = .3


allow random mating.

what are the genotype frequencies?
AA Aa aa
1=p^2 + 2pq + q^2

Given at a particular locus a population has 3 alleles: a,b,c
frequencies are a(.5) b(.3) and c(.2)

assume HW model applies

1. what will be the freq of ac genotype in the next generation?

2. "...." of the b allele in the fourth generation
1. 2ac= 2(.5)(.2)=.2

2. .3 because frequencies do not change
What are the five mechanisms of Microevolution
1. non-random mating
2. genetic drift
3. migration gene flow
4. mutation
5. natural selection
Two types of non-random mating
1. assortative

2. inbreeding
What is assortative (a type of non-random mating)
when similar phenotypes (within a population) tend to mate with eachother
What is inbreeding (a type of non-random mating?)

give examples (2)
mating with relatives

ex. among siblings- some parasitic wasps

plant species inbreed (have both male and female parts)
if inbreeding is deleterious, then what occurs?
reduction in fitness
inbreeding/selfing promotes what?
When is homozygosity a problem?
if a is a deleterious
allele-> aa
Give an example of an outbreeding depression
the ibex

when czech ibex became extinct they brought some ibex from Austria which thrived. Then the got ibex from Turkey which had an earlier mating and breeding season than the Austrian ibex. population died out
Small populations get random effected gene frequencies due to what 2 things?
1. genetic drift
2. population bottlenecks
what happens in population bottlenecks?

give two examples
loose genetic diversity

ex. cheetahs, and fragmented populations
Three founder effects
zoo populations
Genetic drift

more likely where?
random change in allele frequencies

more likely in places with small populations
When one allele remains at a locus

(an emergent property of a population)
How do populations effect changes in allele frequency
very large population- the freq of allele wont change much
Inbreeding leads to what?
a change in GENOTYPE frequency
genetic drift leads to what?

give example of genetic drift
change in ALLELE frequency

ex of genetic drift- scurvy in humans

genetic drift leads to -> evolution, not necessarily adaptation