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25 Cards in this Set

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functions of muscle contraction
movement of substances thru body
generating heat to maintain body temp
function of synergistic muscles
assist agonist by stabilizing the origin bone or positioning the insertion bone during mvmt
bones and muscles as levers
most lever systems of body act to increase required force of muscle contraction (more than mg to lift m) = because shorter lever arm decreases body bulk and increases range of motion
muscle contraction steps
1. tropomysoin covers active site on actin (myosin head can't bind)
2. Ca2+ and troponin - pulls tropomyosin back, myosin can bind to actin
3. myosin expels P and ADP into low E position, bend and drag action = contraction
4. ATP attaches to myosin head = release from active site; tropomyosin covers
5. ATP splits; head cocked into high E
sarcomere parts
sarcomere=smallest unit; many end to end = myofibril
thick filament- myosin
thin filamen - actin
sarcoplasmic reticulum covers myofibrils = filled with Ca2+ ions
sarcolemma wraps myofibrils together
muscle contraction steps
AP at neuromuscular jn
Ach into cleft
activates ion channels in sarcolemma = AP
AP moves in via t-tubules ** uniform contraction!
- transferrred to sarcoplasmic reticulum - permeable to Ca2+ ions

at end of contraction, Ca2+ pumped back into SR
motor unit
neuron and muscle fibers it innervates (2 -2000 fibers)

units are independent of each other

force of contraction depends on # and size units and frequency of AP

typically smaller recruited first, larger as needed = smoothhhh
Type I muscle fibers
- slow oxidative
- red (myoglobin)
- lots mito
- slow ATP split
= slow to fatigue
= slow contraction velocity

postural muscles
type II muscle fibers
- fast oxidative
- red (myoglobin)
- split ATP fast
= contract rapidly
= med. fatigue

(upper legs)
type III muscle fibers
- fast glycotic
- white (no myoglobin)
- contract rapidly
- lots of glycogen

upper arm
excercise changes...
- increse muscle fiber diameter
- increase # sarcomeres
- increase # mitochondria
- increase length of sarcomeres

(not hyperplasia = mitosis; lost ability, v rare does split)
cardiac vs skeletal muscle
- both striated (sarcomeres!)
- cardiac is mononucleated
- gap junctions at intercalated discs (vs t tubules in skeletal)
- larger and more mito in cardiac
- supported by a "net"; pulls in on itself (instead of bone)
- involuntary
- both grow by hypertrophy
smooth muscle
- involuntary
- innervated by autonomic NS
- mononucleated
- thick, thin and intermediate filaments, attached to dense bodies spread thru cell - pulled together during contraction (shrink lengthwise)

2 types: single and multi unit

also contract or relax in presence of hormones, changes in pH, O2, CO2, temp, ion concentrations
types of smooth muscle
- visceral
- most common
- connected by gap junctions - spread AP thru large group of cells
- eg small arteries and veins, stomach, uterus, urinary bladder

attached directly to neuron
- can contract independently of other muscle fibers in the same location
- eg large arteries, bronchioles, pili muscles of hair follecs, iris
bone cell types
-osteoblasts (secrete collagen and inorganic comps upon which bone is formed; eventually enveloped and diff into osteocytes)
- osteocytes (exchange nutrients and waste w blood)
- osteoclasts (resorb bone matrix)
spongy bone vs compact
red marrow (RBC production) vs yellow marrow (adipose)
flat bones
provide large areas for muscle attachment and organ protection (skull, sternum, ribs...)
bone and mineral homeostasis
free [Ca2+] in blood important physiologically (most Ca is bound up by proteins and phosphates etc)

too much free Ca = hypo-excitable membranes; too little = cramps, convulsions

most stored in bone matrix as HYDROXYAPATITE - lie along collagen fibers (tensile) to give compressive strength

Calcium salts CaHPO4 buffer plasma levels
bone modelling process
osteoclasts burrow into compact bone = Haversian central canals
osteoblasts follow laying down new matrix = lamellae
trapped osteocytes exchange via canaliculi
blood and lymph thru haversian canals and volkmanns canals (connectors)

composed primarily of collagen = tensile strength

no blood vessels or nerves except outside membrane (perichondrium)
hyaline most common - friction and shock decrease in joints
types of joints
fibrous - little/no mvmt, held together w fibrous tissue (skull, teeth)
cartilaginous - little/no mvmt, held together with cartilage - ribs and sternum
synovial - not bound, seperated by synovial fluid (lub and nutrients)
Functions of skin
themoregulation (sweat, radiation, vasodilation, hair)
environ sensory input
excretion (water and salts; diffusion independent of sweating)
blood reservoir (10% in dermis)
vit D synthesis
integumentary system
skin, hair, nails, glands, some nerve endings

hair = column keratinized cells
+ sebaceous oil gland + arrector pili muscles

nails = keratinized as well

sudoriferous sweat glands

ceruminous glands (ear wax)
1. 90% keratinocytes (waterproof)
2. melanocytes = transfer pigment to kerts
3. langerhans - interact w helper t cells
4. merkel cells - attach to sensory neurons, touch

5 strata; deepest = Merkel and stem cells
connective tissue derived from mesodermal cells

embedded w blood vessels, nerves, glands, hair follicles

collagen, elastic fibers = strength, extensibility, elasticity

below = subcutaneous layer = hypodermis - fat