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25 Cards in this Set

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In humans, the haploid number equals:


How many chromosomes in a human gamete?


From an evolutionary perspective, behavior can be viewed best as:

a trait that can satisfy the three conditions required for evolution by natural selection

What is the explanation for modern human preference for fatty foods?

Ancestral humans who preferred fatty foods were less likely to starve, leaving more offspring to the next generation.

An animal will preferentially feed on the:

prey that provides the most energy relative to effort

Behaviors that are learned easily and by all individuals in a species are called

prepared learning

Assume that you carry an allele which causes you to help individuals who you aren't related to. This help increases their fitness and decreases yours. The frequency of the allele may still increase in the population:

if individuals you help are likely to return the favor and help you at some point

When scientists displace an adult female Belding's ground squirrel to a new group for an experiment, she still risks her life by alarm calling, although she is not saving any of her kin. Why does this behavior still persist now that it is harmful to her fitness?

The squirrel is acting on instinct and still calls because she possesses no instincts suited to this evolutionarily novel situation.

Kin selection theory would lead us to predict that:

children in stepfamilies are injured more frequently than those living with their biological families

Gestational diabetes is thought to be the consequence of:

conflict between the mother and fetus with respect to use of nutrients and how much food the fetus should be given. It is explained by kin selection.

The genetic contribution of an individual to subsequent generations through its own offspring and through its influence on the survival of other relatives

inclusive fitness

The basic definition of life is:

ability to replicate and carry out metabolism

In a set of classic experiments performed in early 1950's, Urey and Miller subjected an experimental system composes of H2, CH4, and NH3, to electrical sparks. A few days later, they found ___ in their system.

amino acids

What is the approx age of earth?

4.6 billion years

According to the biological species concept, species are natural populations of organisms that have the potential to interbreed and are ___ isolated from other such populations.


In animals, it is believed that the most common mode of speciation is:


Speciation without geographic isolation is called:

sympatric speciation

Two populations of organisms belong to the same biological species when they:

encounter each other, mate and produce viable and fertile offspring under natural conditions

The mass extinction that occurred on earth 65 million years ago was immediately followed by:

the rapid divergence and radiation of modern mammals

You are part of a paleontological expedition to Mongolia, and are given the job of sorting the newly discovered fossils into species. Which species concept will you use?


Uplift and formation of a mountain range divides a freshwater snail species into two isolated populations. Erosion eventually lowers the mountain ranges and brings the two populations together again, but when they mate, the resulting hybrids all produce sterile young. This is an example of:

allopatric speciation

____ produces new species and _____ takes them away

speciation and extinction

The causes of background and mass extinction differ in that BE is a normal evolutionary process where species go extinct as a result of microevolutionary processes whereas ME result from external catastrophic factors such as volcanoes.


The Cretaceous period ended with the impact of a meteor in Yucatan 65 million years ago.


Polyploidy can NEVER lead to the development of instantaneous reproductive isolation.