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214 Cards in this Set

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All blood cells come from ________ which are
stem cells; juvenile cells not yet gone through full development
Stem cells are _________ cells found in the __________and can become either _____ or ______ cells
pluripotent; bone marrow; red,white
any irregular molecular shape that provokes an immune response is an
What happens when a B cell docks on to microbe
B cell is stimulated into making many clones of itself
Secreter cells are B cells that do not have ________ amino acids because
hydrophobic; they want to secrete antibodies into the system in order to fight off microbes
The purpose of _________ B cells is to stick around and fight off the microbe a second time around speeding up immune response
When an antibodies cover microbe, restricting its activities
When a microbe is covered with antibodies allowing macrophages to gobble up and digest it
Microbe covered with antibody binds with the _________ system in which _______ proteins build up causing a pore to open in the microbe causing it to blow up due to __________
complement; complement; osmotic pressure
disulfide bonds are part of the structure of a(n)
antibody, t-cell receptor, MHC molecules
an epitope is a
precise molecular structure found on the end of an antigen
Antibodies grabbing ends on their antibodies vary at the ____ grabbing end. Light chains contain ___ and ____ sections while heavy chains have ___ ___ and ___. These sections are randomly chosen through a process called ___ __________
V; V,J; V,J,D; DNA rearrangement
Innate immunity is seen when....
a simple cut and inflammatory response occurs
Damage to tissue activates ______ cells which release _______ to dilate nearby blood vessels
mast; histamine
White blood cells have (independent, dependent) movement
independent (ameboid)
_________ and other phagocytic white cells have receptors for molecules commonly found on the surface of a pathogen
When innate immunity doesn't work out, an infection may occur and microbes will accumulate in ____ _____ where ______ _______ slows down circulation
lymph nodes; low pressure
A phagocytic white cell that operates much like a macrophage which will digest microbe and migrate to lymph system where they.....
dendritic cell; interacts with other cells of the immune system
A lymph valve is _____ way towards heart and has ____ pressure
one; high
110 amino acid exon is part of the structure of the
CD8, CD4, MHC, antibody
What has alpha helix of hydrophobic amino acids to help anchor it into a cell's plasma membrane
T cell receptor, memory Y cell receptors (antibody), MHC, CD4 and CD8
______ and _______ receptors are unique per person
antibody; t cell
Class 1 MHC can be found on (immune, every) and class 2 are found on (immune, every) cell and are (the same, different) for each cell in a persons body but _______ to every person
every; immune; the same; unique
Antibody receptor is made up of _____ and ______ chains while the T cell receptor is made up of ____ and ___ chains
heavey, light; alpha, beta
MHC self markers are G__________
if a cell is displaying a piece of microbe on its class 1 MHC that means
kill this cell because a virus is multiplying inside
If a cell is displaying a piece of microbe onto its class 2 MHC then....
a macrophage has ingested it and is using it to make a regiment of B cells and T cells
Cytotoxic T cells will find a cell displaying a piece of microbe on its _________ MHC and will then
class 1; dock using its CD8 to anchor, then release preforins to make holes into the cell then send out granzymes into those pores which will initiate apoptosis
Helper T cells will find a macrophage displaying a piece of microbe on its _________ MHC and then
latch onto the class 2 MHC with is CD4 and it is then stimulated through cytokines sent from cell to form a large clone of itself.
MHC are produced by a variety of genes that are highly ________ meaning they are many forms of alleles
Once a helper T cell is signaled to form a large clone of itself it will then send signals to ______ cells and _______ T cells to form large clones of themselves. Without this stimulation by Th then
B; cytotoxic; there would be a more sluggish immune response
Explain how B cells interact with Helper T cells
Binds to antigen with its antibody, then does endocytosis of bound antigen, will then digest the microbe inside, then puts a microbe out onto its CLASS 2 MHC, then it will display its microbe on its class 2 MHC in order for a matching helper T cell to come along
Ways Helper T cell will interact with a B cell to get it to form a clone
Finds B cell with matching antigen receptor, will then dock on using CD4, and then send cytokines to stimulate B cell to form clone
After an infection, clones of ______ ____ and _____ cells will be left over
B cells, Helper T cells, and Cytotoxic T cells
B cells mature in the _______ _______ while T cells mature in the _______
bone marrow; thymus
Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies of.... and are custom made antibodies to a particular antigen
just one shape
How are monoclonal antibodies made?
Immunization of target antigen is done triggering an immune response. Hybridomas are created through fusion of B cell with cancerous B cell. A selective medium will only allow hybridomas to grow. Fused cells that lived are picked and put into wells where antigen was added to see which react. The well that produces antibodies contains the immortal B cell unique to that antigen
reverse transcriptase can
take RNA and use as template for DNA
Steps as HIV enters cell
RNA is transcribed using reverse transcriptase, the viral DNA then enters the host nucleus where the provirus is integrated into host DNA but inactive. The mRNA copy will the be translated into the parts of the virus. The mRNA will be translated at the RER to form the outer lipid cover of the virus.
The first opening of the sea urchin gastrula will become the ________ therefore it is a ________
anus; deuterostome
In the formation of the sea urchin gastrula, the first cells that detach from their neighbors become part of the
Skin, nervous system brain, hair, lens of eye are all part of the
Inner lining of the organs (digestive tract, lungs, bladder) come from
Muscle blood bone and sex organs are all derived from
Mesoderm compact to form N_________ which sends signals to E_________ above it. In response, cells start changing their shape into wedge like shapes which loop around and close in on itself to form _________
Notochord; ectoderm; central nervous system
Mesoderm around the neural tube condense to ________ to form _________
somites; muscle and various bones
Notochord becomes the
disk between vertebrea
Microfilaments use _________ to pinch inwards to form wedge
Cell elongates while forming a wedge using _________
_________ is a signal sent from one group of cells to another group of cells to alter their pathway of development. This signal goes to __ of recipient cells and changes their pattern of __________
Induction; DNA; gene expression
In formation of eye the first step is:
neural ectoderm sends signal to surface ectoderm to change shape and become lens of eye which chucks its nucleus to become clear and crystaline.
Second signal in eye formation is
developing lens will signal neural ectoderm to form a cup which becomes the retina
In formation of eye, the last signal is
lens signals ectoderm above it to become clear, the cornea
What tissue becomes depends on _______ _______ it receives
inductive signal
Every cell body has full genetic information of first cell
genomic equivalence
Early embrionic cells have _______ which means they can become anything
Transcrpition factors distributed unequally will result in
an undeterminate shape
The _________ of the RNA is where RNA polymerase binds
the ________ _________ of the RNA is the gene switch that regulates transcribed genes
regulatory region
_____ polymerase has a poor affinity for DNA.
The accumulation of __________ ________ at a particular place on DNA decides whether RNA polymerase will bind there often, sometimes, or not at all
Transcription Factors
Enhancer region on RNA is composed of
regulatory transcription factors
Activators are
unique transcription factors
Mediator proteins are important because
They help to position RNA polymerase at the promoter region
the outer layer of the blastula is the _______ which will become the placenta
The embryo is formed from the ________ (inner cell mass)
If blastula splits in half then...
identical twins form with individual placentas
If inner cell mass splits then...
identical twins will form that will share a placenta
A neuron at rest is about _____ mV due to
-70; large molecules inside cell (predominantly neg.), differential pump, differential leakage by ungated ion channels
Ungated ion channels are (specific, unspecific) and let (less, more) K+ out then Na+ in. The are also composed of ______ amino acids to allow positive charge pass through
specific; more; polar
A neuron has (low,high) concentration of K+ at rest
ungated ion channels are (unspecific,specific) and let (more,less) K+ out than Na+ in
specific, more
ungated ion channels are composed of _______ amino acids in order to allow positive charge flow through
the purpose of leaky channels in neurons is to
keep differential maintained
sodium potasium pump is powered by ATP and lets 3 ____ out for every 2 ____ in
Na+; K+
Voltage gated ion channels are (alpha, beta) helix channels that go through _______ change depending on
alpha; allosteric; electrical environment
_______ channels open and close depending on chemical signal
chemically gated ion
If interior of neuron reaches -50 mV then.... until interior ________ at 40 mV
Na+ Channels open up; depolarizes
At 40 mV _____ channels open up as ____ channels get closed off by loop due to....
k+; Na+; attraction due to action potential
When Na channels close, so much K+ rushes out that.... and at this time Na + channels....
neuron becomes hyperpolarized; doubly close making them unresponsive
Why does depolarization not travel backwards?
Because the back part of the neuron is hyperpolarized, and Na+ channels are unresponsive
Why is the way the depolarization spike travels down the neuron beneficial?
because the last signal is just as strong as the first
Axon Hillcock has high number of
voltage gated Na+ channels
At the synapse, depolarization causes
voltage gated Ca2+ channels to open
When the Ca++ channels open up in the neuron, what happens?
Ca++ rushes in and signals vesicles of neurotransmitters to fuse with the end of the neuron (Synapse)
Neuro transmitters will bind to ______ gated ion channels in the _____-_____ membrane
ligand; post-synaptic
If an excititory transmitter binds to ligand gate ion channels it will open up ____ channels of _____ allowing....
Na+; dendrite; threshold to be reached
If an inhibitory transmitter binds to ligand gated ion channels it will...
let K+ out, which will never allow neuron to fire due to negative charge
Temporal Sumation is when
Firings from same source are close enough in time to cause threshold to be reaches
When two sources release enough Na+ to reach threshold
Spatial Sumation
Schwann cells insulate neurons with ___ ____ and (slow down, Speed up) signal conduction
myelin sheaths; speed up
Gaps in the Myelin sheaths of certain axons where an action potential may be generated
node of ranvier
In Saltatory conduction of neurons depolarization takes place at _____ __ _______ but no depolarization occurs in areas of ________
node of Ranvier; schwann cells
Touch and Pain have ____ sensitive ion channels
pressure; deforming the plasma membrane opens ion channels and starts depolarization
eyes have ____ sensitive ion channels
Nose has _____ gated ion channels where...
chemically; molecule binding causes allosteric change
Intensity of pain is conveyed through
frequency of firing
Less than __ % of total ions inside and outside neuron move during depolarization
wiring by firing
neuronal selection
Young neurons that dont get stimulated undergo
if stimulated, brain neurons release _______ ______ to eye neurons it responded to
growth factors
Connection between neuronal selection and clonal selection
experience influences connections, excess is made at first by random (blind process), and cells that work are kept
Skeletal muscle is formed by fusion of stem cells to form muscle called _______
myoblasts get together and pull ___________ membrane and _______. This happens through a change in genes by master control gene which sends out _____ ______ to regulatory region of other genes
myoblasts; plasma; nuclei; transcription factors
T Tubules are
indentations of plasma membrane in myoblasts that run into the interior of the muscle fiber
E.R combine to form the __.__ of myoblasts which is
S.R; a bag of Ca++
_____ and ____ combine into regular arrays of subunits called sarcomeres
actin; myosin
All muscle action is a
_____ molecules are globular proteins that combine to form microfilaments
holds ATP and goes through allosteric change and then cuts ATP to ADP + P to go through another allosteric change
How does contraction occur
1. ATP bounded to ATPase causes myosin head to be unbound from actin
2. ATPase splits ATP to ADP and P which makes it bind to the actin in a different spot (high energy state)
3.ADP + P is released causing "power stroke"
4. ATP binds to myosin head again to release it
hard wiring is where
growth of neurons towards each other happens
soft wiring is where
rest of learning occurs changes in ion channels between neurons causes this
Ca++ acts on _______ to make it move _______ to allow myosin to contact actin binding sites
toponin; tropomyosin
ACh(Acetylcholine) is a neuro transmitter from nerves to _________ _____
skeletal tissue
ACh will bind to ____ channels causing an allosteric change allowing ____ to flow in causing depolarization of muscle
Na+ for both
Depolarization will travel along motor fiber into interior via _-____ to allow positive charge to get near S.R
Depolarization in muscle near SR causes ___ to flow down its concentration gradient and attach to ______
Ca++; troponin
Ca++ pump are present to bring ____ ____ back to rest to get ready for another muscle contraction
motor fiber
Someone who has a defect not allowing them to pump Ca++ back into SR will have
muscles that continually contract
temporal summation in muscles
Depolarizations happen close together in time allowing more Ca++ to be released longer
Spatial Summation in muscles
Activates several muscle fibers to contract
The ____ is the largest blood vessel FROM Heart
_______ are smallest in diameter (delivery vessels)
_____ is the largest vessel BACK to heart
Atrium is the ____ chamber of the heart
______ is the main pump (puts high pressure)
Order from heart to lungs to heart rest of body and then back to heart
Right ventricle (O2 poor) through pulmonary artery to lungs back through pulmonary vein (O2 rich) into left atrium then through left ventricle aorta to body back through vana cava (O2 poor) back into right atrium
vana Cava
largest vein returning to heart
Fish hearts have ___ chambers an ____ and ____. What is wrong with this style?
two; ventricle, atria; low blood pressure not a hard enough pump for a large body
Frogs have a ____ chambered heart with 2_____ and 1 _____ . Why is this system not good?
3; atria; ventricle; Because oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are not separate
Why is a four chambered heart good?
allows for animals with fast metabolisms, and who use energy at a fast rate to get sufficient amount of energy
Where are the four valves located in heart and why are they there?
One between left atria and ventricle and one between right atria and ventricle to prevent back flow into atria. 2 between each ventricle and arterie to prevent back flow into ventricle.
Lowest blood pressure is found in
A _____ is a group of specialized cells in right atrium. These cells are _____ _____ due to leaky ion channels
pace maker; self depolarizing
Depolarization from pacemaker flows down cells of _____ via ______ junctions causing it to contract pumping blood
atria; gap
Electrical signal converges at the _________ which holds it back .1 s and sends signal to ventricles via _____ _____ (plasma membrane that can depolarize)
AV Node; purkanje fibers
Since the cells of the ventricles are linked via ____ junctions, both ventricles will contract at the same time
Sympathetic neurons will ______ pace maker depolarization rate
parasympathetic neurons ______ heart rate
___ and ____ input affect rate of depolarization in pacemaker
nerve; hormone
valves are needed in veins and lymph vessels due to
low pressure
put in order from heart and back to heart : Aorta, capillary, venule, vena cava, arteriole
1 aorta, 2 arteriole, 3 capillary, 4 venule, 5 vena cava
osmotic pressure is greater than blood pressure within _________ causing interstitial fluid to ______ (and opposite)
capillary; enter
Air comes into lungs via
Bohr shift is due to high levels of _____ which occur around ____ metabolizing tissue
CO2; actively
Equation by which CO2 travels in blood to lungs
H2O +CO2 ---->H2CO3--->HCO3- + H+
Why does CO2 turn back to pure CO2 at lungs?
due to low CO2 concentration at lungs, the equation will be reversed
high CO2 concentrations causes blood to become _____ which causes heavier breathing to dump CO2
Valves located in digestive tract:
Between esophagus and stomach. Between stomach and small intestine. Between small intestin and large intestine. Betw large intestine and rectum. Between rectum and anus
Live produces ____ while gall bladder stores it
Pancrease produces ________ which digests fats
cells in pits of stomache secrete _____ to protect stomach, _______ which is cleaved by HCL into ______ which breaks down long chains of _______
mucous; pepsinogen; pepsin; amino acids
________ released through saliva in mouth is what first begins to digest _______
amylase; carbohydrates
Pancrease releases ________ that returns acid chyme to bodily pH
Last step of digestion occurs in _________ through the Villi
_____ located within villi is part of the lymph system
Bile _______ fats
once fats enter into epithelial cell, it gets put back together and coated with _________ to form a _______. This is so...
polar proteins; chlyomicron; it can enter into blood system
chlyomicron will enter into _______ which takes it to ____ _____
lacteal; vana cava
Large intestine...
takes back water
Cecum contains
prokaryotes that help breakdown cellulose
renal medula is
interior of kidneys
renal cortex is
surface of kidney
there is ____ blood pressure at kidneys
Most nutrients and water enter _______ _______ by diffusion and active transport. Most useful molecules are returned to blood
proximal tubule
Bowman's capsule is
cluster of capillaries
____ blood pressure causes H2O and small particles into Bowman's capsule
Highest osmolarity of fluid inside nephron can be found at the
Loop of henle
Highest osmolarity of the fluid OUTSIDE nephron is at
inner medula area below loop of henle
Active transport of most NaCl in nephron occurs are the
thick part of the ascending limb
Most NaCl diffusing out of nephron occurs at
thin part of ascending limb
Urea can leave nephron at _______ and can be taken up again at _____
lower part of collecting duct; thin part of ascending limb
Alchohol affects ______ function which interferes with ____ production from ___ pituitary. Without it _____ in walls of collecting ducts become few therefore ____ water is sent to bladder
hypothalamus; ADH; post.; aquaporins; more
___ cells on pancrease release insulin into blood when stimulated when blood sugar level is ____. This causes...
beta; high; body cells to take up glucose for energy or liver to uptake it and store it as glycogen
when sugar level is ___, ____ cells are stimulated to release ____ which causes liver to breakdown glycogen into glucose
low; alpha; glucagon
Hypothalamus is part of the
Posterior pituitary has grown out from the
hypothalamus itself
Anterior pituitary has grown from the
roof of the mouth
posterior pituitary secretes two hormones that are made by the ____ ___ of hypothalamus. ADH and Oxytocin
neurosecretory cells
kidney dilution of urine
Milk release, contractions
Two hormones from ant. pituitary that has a direct affect on body
Growth hormone and Prolactin which is responsible for milk synthesis and breast development
______ controls release of hormone from Ant. Pituitary through ______. Hormone from ant. pituitary control hormones from other glands
hypothalamus; blood vessel
FSH, LH, and GnRH can be found... and affect...
in both males and females; steroid production in gonads
Adrenal glands are involved in
both quick and long term response to stress
Adrenal ____ releases epinephrine to boost metabolic rates which is a _____ response to stress
medulla; quick
Adrenal _____ releases steroid for breakdown of fats and proteins and increasing blood pressure. This is part of a ______ term response to stress
cortex; long
Adrenal cortex is signaled via ____ vessel by ______ released from the hypothalamus
blood; ACTH
Adrenal medulla is signaled via neurons of the
sympathetic nervous system
Enzymatic head of sperm was derived from
golgi body
The middle piece of sperm is composed of
Follicle cells will become _____ which produces ____
corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone
Endometrium is the
cells lining the uterus
the _____ sac is a fluid filled sac around the embryo
Somatic cells produce
nutrients and steroid hormones
Follicle cells in the ovary come from____ and has the ability to act as a ______
somatic cells; gland
Ovum is produced in meiosis (1 or 2)
____ signals corpus luteum to produce estrogen and progesterone
Sertoli cells are
somatic cells that provide nutrients and hormones for the sperm
The chorion is
the outer most layer of the embryo and will be part of the placenta
Locus is
a place on a chromosome in which a gene is located
Testcross is always
homozygous recessive
metaphase of Meiosis one differs from that of meiosis two how?
It has homologous pairs lined up side by side, while meiosis two has the chromosomes lined up single file
in G1 of interphase
chromosomes lengthen and proteins for synthesis are produced
in S phase
DNA is replicated
G2 phase
protein are produced and chromosome begins to condense while MTOC's duplicate
in prophase
MTOC's travel to opposite sides, cell envelope breaks down, DNA condenses to visible chromosomes
is the opposite of prophase
im plantation occurs, outer cells of blastula will make a new hormone ____ which acts like LH maintaining ______
HCG; endometrium through keeping corpus luteum which produces estrogen and progesterone to maintain endometrium
Independent law of assortment states
homologous chromosomes pairs sort out independently
Law of segregation states
get only one chromosome containing one allele of a gene
Monohybrid cross
(RrxRr) always result in phenotype thats 3/4 dominant and 1'4 recessive
Dihybrid cross
(RrYy x RrYy)