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100 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is true regarding cell membrane proteins?
all are free to float laterally through the bilayer
the organelle that pinches off portions of its membrane to form a compartment used for storage or transport is the
the fluid filled sac that may store food, acids, vitamins, ions, or water in plant cells and is involved in fluid
central vacuole
the golgi apparatus packages materials into _______ for transport or export
the stacks of coin shaped (mint-like) double membranes found in chloroplasts are
proteins function in the cell for
-energy storage
what is the meaning of the term "prokaryotic"?
before the nucleus
_____ can readily diffuse across a lipid bilayer
oxygen and carbon dioxide
what happened to your dads mitochondria that kept you from getting some of them?
they fell off with the flagellum
the phospholipds and cholesterol that are used to form membranes are synthesized in the:
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Which organelle below is capable of producing its own protein since it has its own ribosomes?
when a protein permanently loses its characteristic three-dimensional structure, it is said to be
if lysosomes bursts inside a cell, the immediate result is likely to be:
the cell will be digested from within
four of the five items listed below are organelles found in eukaryotic cells. select the exception
the largest double-membrane bound organelle is called the:
the system of canals, tubes, and sacs that transports molecules inside the cytoplasm is the
endoplasmic reticulum
the RNA in the nucleus leaves through
nuclear pores
resolution (the smallest detail it can see or resolve) by the best light microscope is ultimately limited by:
the wavelength of the light
not all substances can cross the cell membrane, for this reason, the cell membrane is said to be
selectively permeable
modern cell theory states that
-all cells arise from preexisting cells
-all living things are made of cells
-cells are the basic units of life
-(all of the above)
the cell wall:
provides physical support for plant cells
what is the fate of defective or malfunctioning organelles in cells?
the are broken down by lysosomal digestive enzymes
organelles involved in the synthesis of steroids and other lipids in gland cells are
smoothe e.r.
four of the five structures listed below are composed of membranes. select the exception
which of the following is / are not required for cell function since prokaryotes do not have them?
the segment of DNA molecule describing one particular protein is referred to as a
which of these is not found in the nucleus?
functioning ribosomes
which of the following structures is not associated with chloroplasts?
organelle that transfers energy from organic compounds (sugar) to ATP:
organelles ______.
-are membranes
-are typical of eukaryotic cells, not prokaryotic cells
-separate chemical reactions in time and space
-are descrete, recognizable bodies in cytoplasm
-(all of the above are features of organelles)
nucleotides can contain any one of _____ nitrogenous bases.
which is the organelle with cristae?
vesicles pinched off from the ER most likely are on their way to the
golgi body
the fluid behavior of the plasma membrane as we saw in the class video clip results primarily from the ______.
flexibility of the lipid components.
inside the nuclear envelope the DNA maybe found in the form of fine diffuse strands is called
a human liver cell and a parenchyma cell from the cortex of a root are both put in a beaker of distilled water. what will probably happen?
the liver cell will swell and may even burst; the parenchyma cell will become very turgid
viruses, bacteria, and old organelles that a cell ingests are broken down by enzymes transported in:
microfilaments and microtubules
function in cell structure and movement
nucleic acids confined to the nucleus or nucleoid indirectly
direct protein synthesis out in the cytoplasm
which of the following would NOT be found in one of your liver cells?
central vacuole
for diffusion to occur in a given direction, there must be
a gradient
in eukaryotic cells the cytoskeleton
extends between the nucleus and the plasma membrane
the part of the cell that regulates movement of substances into and out of the cell is the
cell membrane
all cell membranes and organelle membranes consist of two phospholipid layers called a
lipid bilayer
what is a role of proteins found in eukaryotic plasma membranes:
regulating the flow of materials through the membrane
which of the following organelles is correctly matched with its function?
gogi bodies: packaging
which is the correct sequence of polypeptide transport in the secretory (releasing secretions) pathway?
ribosome >> ER >> golgi bodies >> plasma membrane
cell turgor pressure is increased when the cell is transferred to an external medium having:
a higher concentration of water than the cell
the capacity of a cell to exhibit movement or mobility is generally attributed to which cellular component?
cystic fibrosis:
is the most common fatal genetic disorder in the united states
which of the following structures would probably be least damaged by a fat- or lipid- dissolving solvent?
cell wall
plants need these resources to carry on phtosynthesis
carbon dioxide and water
cyclic phtophosphorylation is called because
an electron leaving a chlorophyll molecule returns to it
which is the best general description of photosynthesis?
it uses light, carbon dioxide, and water to make sugars.
the oxygen released during photosynthesis come from:
a leaf looks green because
leaf pigments reflect green light
the end products of noncyclic photophosphorylation are:
the main function of cyclic photophosphoylation (photosystem 1) in photosynthesis is to:
produce ATP
the net movement of molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration is described by which of the following?
photolysis is best described as the
splitting of water molecules
what is the source of the chemical energy that most cells on earth rely on?
in what form do plants store the energy captured by photosynthesis
ATP is made during movement of electrons through the electron transport chain via a process called
where in the process of photosynthesis is oxygen gas produced?
during light capture
the type of chlorophyll usually most abundant in the chloroplasts of higher plants is
chlorophyll a
the end products of the electron transport chains of photosynthesis light reactions are
most carbon enters the web of life through
the light dependent (photophosphorylation) reactions occur in the:
oxygen produced during photosynthesis:
escapes as a gas into the atmosphere
most of the photosynthesis in the world takes place
in the waters of the earth
the secondary cell wall in plants adds
rigidity to the cell
those proteins which act as catalysts for biochemical reactions are called
which of the following consists of a nonliving substance?
cell wall
protein fibers in the cytoplasm maintain the three-dimensional structure of animal cells
cilia and flagella are most similar in
their internal composistion and structure
water constantly moves into the freshwater protistan paramecium because the cell is ______ relative to its environment
a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of ______.
which organelle releases oxygen?
movement of a molecule against a concentration gradient is:
active transport
the cell theory state
all living things consist of cells
which of the following is directly involved with the process of cellular repiration?
organisms whose cells always or usually contain a nucleus or nuclei are called
a gap juntion
connects the cytoplasm of two cells
in reference to diffusion. "passive" really means;
no ATP energy is required
cells with high energy requirements, such as muscle (as in a hummingbird), tend to have many
a prokaryote has
a cell membrane
what are cilia?
short, eyelash-like projections from the cell membrane that provide for a locomotion
plasmodesmata are cell juntions that are similar in function to:
gap junctions in animal cells
nuclear pores occur
both in eukaryotic plant and animal cells
a major difference between plant cell mitosis and animal cell mitosis is the absence in plant cells of:
a cell functions to make fingure nailes, claws, horns, and hair would be filled with
intermediate filaments
what cellular process is involved in inward sinking of a small patch of membrane to form a cytoplasmic vesicle?
plasma membranes incorporate ____.
-transport proteins
-recognition proteiins
-adhesion proteins
-receptor proteins
-(all of the above)
which of the following organelles contains its (their) own DNA, which suggests they were once independent prokaryotes?
mitochondria and chloroplasts
which membrane component is involved in cystic fibrosis?
transport protein