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95 Cards in this Set

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A change in the number of electrons in an atom changes the electrical charge of the atom such charged atoms are called:
What is the most abundant type of lipid in cells membranes?
What isn't an element?
Carbon has 6 protons. How many covalent bonds can it form?
A triglyceride is formed from glycerol and ____ fatty acids
___ are long-chain fatty acids attached to long-chain alcohols
Hydolysis is a ___ reaction.
The control group in an experiment
allows a standard of comparison for the experimental group
Animals store their excess carbohydrates in the form of
This bug can stand on water due to
-surface tension
-hydrogen bonding
-(all of these)
The validity of scientific discoveries cannot be based on
-(any of these)
The smallest organizational unit having a capacity to survive and reproduce on its own is
a cell
which gas contributes to your intestinal fortitude?
water molecules tend to stick to each other because of:
hydrogen bonds
using the octet rule, figure out how many electrons chlorine (atomic number = 17, atomic weight = 35) has in its outer most orbit?
glycogen, cellulose, and starch are composed entirely of ____ subunits
the nucleus of an atom usually contains:
protons and neutrons
which type of lipid is most important in biological membranes?
the hereditary material that is present in all cells is
in the intro class, we stressed attention to word roots. what is the english word for these word roots; pod, ped, pus?
in unsaturated fats, fatty acid tails have one or more
double covalent bonds
copernicus, galileo, and darwin found that ____ caused their science to be controversial.
prevailing belief
during the intro class, you were asked to watch the news media for topics related to biology such as
-stem cells
-(all of these)
what bonds is easily disrupted or broken apart in aqueous (water) solutions?
an example of a steroid is
of the four main atoms that make up your body (or living bodies) which of the following contributes the most (highest percentage) to your mass or weight?
plants retrieve or draw glucose from stored ____ when sugar is in short supply with in plant cells
Which of the following would be the least reactive
an atom with a filled outer energy level
H-O-H represents that this molecule is
polar bonded
science is based on
glycine and cysteine are two amino acids. at which part of the molecule do they differ?
at their r group
which type of molecule below helps keep cellular fluid and blood pH near a value of 7
all ____ have a rigid backbone of four fused-together carbon rings
the word evolution means ____.
to turn or change
which of the following is not an organic molecule?
when two atoms combine with the sharing of a pair of electrons, the bond is termed
lactose is a disaccharide of glucose and galactose, and its digestion requires the actions of the enzyme lactase. if the lactose is taken in as part of the diet, but not digested by lactase, this sugar is then metabolized by bacteria in the intestine, leading to symptoms of lactose intolerance. lactose intolerance, therefore, results from
a lack of hydrolysis of lactose
the functional group of an organic acid may be called the
radioactive isotopes are useful biological tools that are often used in PET scans to
detect brain tumors
the term "macro-" is in macromolecule means:
organic compounds always contain
which of the following is not a key characteristic of "life."
inability to change
a --COOH group is a(n) ___ group
which of the following is NOT used in the development of science?
personal conviction
what kind of reaction produces large molecules by linking small molecules?
which of these components of a tossed salad will pass through the human digestive tract with the least digestion?
cellulose (in lettuce leave)
dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis are accomplished or speed up in cells by
the action of enzymes
large biological molecules are synthesized by removed
sucrose is formed from fructose and glucose by
dehydration synthesis
atoms joined together by chemical bonds are called
when glucose is in short supply, plants wll quickly hydrolyze
oils are
liquid at room temperature and unsaturated fats
people who use sterol creams or lotions should not touch children or the opposite sex partner while that lotion is freshly applied
these compounds can pass easily through skin
which represents the highest degree of certainty?
atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons (different mass numbers) are called
of the following, which is the first explanation of a problem in thinking of scientists?
polyunsaturated fats
have less hydrogen atoms than do saturated fats
which of the following are lipds
-(all of these)
which functional group is found in glucose?
hydroxyl (alcohol) group
You go to the store and buy some lard or margerine for cooking. you notice when you get home that the lard or margerine is solid at room temperature. what does this tell you about the fats in them?
the lard is composed of saturated fats
which of the following includes all of the others?
ions are produced when atoms gain or lose ___.
four of the five answers listed below are acidic (pH below 7). select the exception
when a bond mark like this (-) show between to atoms in a chemical molecule, the (-) indicates
a pair of shared electrons
any macromolecule may be composed of smaller units called
four of the five terms listed below are associated with the scientific method. select the exception
in elements which of the following may not change or vary in number?
the largest, most massive (weighs most) organ system of the human is the ______system
the breakdown of large molecules by the enzymatic addition of water is what kind of reaction?
an --OH group is a _____ group
when you see this molecule: H-H figure in a test, the - in the figure represents a
pair of electrons
what determines how a protein functions?
-its order of amino acids
-manner in which the chain is bending, sprialing or pleating
-the folding or winding into a knot of the entire chain
-(all of the above)
a pure substance made up of only one kind of atom is
an element
many names for sugars in the suffix
a triglyceride is formed from glycerol and fatty acids by
dehydration reactions
chitin is a polysaccaharide with ____ atoms attached to the glucose backbone
all scientific facts are
based on changeable evidence
a compound that readily or easily releases H+ or protons is an
a compound that readily releases
-OH is a
which of the following types of chemical bonds joins tow molecules of water?
what element is common in the earth's crust but rare in organisms
the bond in table salt (NaCl) is
which of the following will be the most reactive?
an atom with an unfilled outer energy level
the bonds that hold atoms together do so through the sharing or transfer of
bonds which result from a complete transfer of electrons are called
ionic bonds
atoms react with other atoms in specific, predictable fashions determined directly by their
number of electrons in the outer-most orbit
if a substance measures 7 on the pH scale, that substance
has equal concentration of H+ and OH- ions
elements are substances which consist of only one kind of
electrons are shared in a ____ bond
long change of amino acids
glycerol plus three fatty acids
one or more sugar monomers
glycerol, fatty acids and a phosphate
long chain of nucleotides
H-O-H represents a molecules of