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127 Cards in this Set

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4 major stimulating beverages
coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks
Effects of caffeine on the CNS (7)
increases heartbeat, increases blood pressure, stimulates respiration, constricts blood vessels, results in feelings of energy and alertness, improves athletic performance, and enhances effect of aspirin/acetaminophen
Negative effects of caffeine (6)
insomnia, nervousness, irritability, rapid heartbeat, birth defects/infertility, addictive - withdrawal symptoms
Coffee is native to...
Initially,the ____ and ____ of coffee tree were chewed to dispel fatigue
leaves and berries
Coffee spread to Europe in _____
____ dipped coffee seed in _____ ______ to prevent ____ from growing them, but _____ eventually got hold of them and planted them in the East _____ and then they spread to Brazil
Arabs, boiling water, Europeans, Dutch, Indies
Processing coffee: Roast seeds at ____ degrees C for light and ____ degrees C for dark, causing ____ _____ to surface before ____ and ____
215, 240, essential oils, grinding, brewing,
the ____ you grind, the stronger the coffee because it increases ____ ____
finer, surface area
Instant Coffee Process: Developed in 1901 in ____. Coarsely ground beans brewed under ____ over and over again, sits in hot ____, sprayed from building so ____ evaporates, beans at the bottom
Japan, pressure, water, water
Decaffeinated Coffee methods (3), developed in 1906 in ____
Solvent extraction, wet extraction, supercritical carbon dioxide, Germany
Supercritical CO2 process: In supercritical state, CO2 acts as both ____ and ____, beans soaked in water so ___ comes out in bean tissue, placed in CO2 and caffeine comes out in liquid, ___ diffuses between columns and takes caffeine with it, takes between ____ and ____ % caffeine out
liquid, gas, caffeine, gas, 97, 99
Tea is native to...
Green tea process: leaves ____ 45 - 60 sec, ____ and ____ around 2 hours, very ____ processed
steamed, rolled, dried, lightly
Black tea process: leaves spread out to ____ for 24 hr, rolled to ___ cells to help in ____ process , ____ for several hours, dried
wilt, crush, fermentation, ferment
Oolong tea process: taste between ____ and ____ teas because ____ time is shorter
green, black, fermentation
Green tea linked to lower ___ rates, black tea linked to lower ___ rates
cancer, cholesterol
tea brought to Europe in ___, coffee was more prevalent in Europe at this time, but ____ destroyed all coffee plantations in ____ _____ in 1800s because it was a ____
1600s, rust, Sri Lanka, monoculture
Iced tea invented at World's Fair in ___ ____ in 1904; tea bags also invented because tea importer sent samples in silk bags
St. Louis
____ tree produces Cocoa, native to tropical _____, pods form on ____
Cacao, Americas, trunk
____ was the last Aztec ruler, drank hot chocolate made of ground ____ seeds, ground ____ seeds, ____ ____ and ____ in boiling water
Montezume, cacao, annatto, chili pepper, and vanillaC
Cortes brought drink back to Spain; ___ deleted, ___ and ____ added
spices, sugar, cinnamon
processing of chocolate: ___ harvested and split open, ____ seeds removed, piled up, ___ for 4-7 days, seeds ___ and ____, cracked open to release ___, ground into ____, melted, poured into molds to make chocolate ____
pods, moist, ferment, dried, roasted, cotyledons, paste, liquor
cocoa powder
liquor with cocoa butter removed
bittersweet chocolate (4 ingredients)
chocolate liquor + cocoa butter + sugar + vanilla
milk chocolate (5 ingredients)
bittersweet chocolate + milk
white chocolate (4 ingredients)
no chocolate liquor, only cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla, milk
Psychoactive drugs (3 types)
stimulants, hallucinogens, depressants
Effects of stimulants (4)
enhance alertness and activity, reduce fatigue and hunger
Effects of hallucinogens (4)
alter perception, thought, and mood; can induce dreamlike state
Effects of depressants (3)
dull awareness, reduce physical performance, can induce dreamlike state
Definition of narcotic
any psychoactive compound that is addictive --- psychological dependence, physiological dependence, and tolerance...increase dopamine levels in brain
Opiates are native to...
Middle East
Opiate flower scientific name and family
Papaver Somniferum, family Papaveraceae
Morphine is a very effective ____. Effect wears off if taken ____, so ____ was used for soldiers
analgesic, orally, injection
___ has a slightly altered chemical structure from morphine. It is ____ times more addictive and is ___ more rapidly
heroin, 6, absorbed
Scientific name and family of marijuana
Cannabis sativa (cannabaceae)
Marijuana is native to...
Asia (China max fiber production, India max resin product ...for THC)
The highest concentration of THC is on the ____ on leaves surrounding ____ flowers. Not ____ addictive. ___ for your lungs, ____ soluble so it accumulates in tissues, and ____ sperm count.
resin, female, physiologically, bad, fat, lower
____ states allow marijuana for medical purposes
Medical uses of marijuana (4)
Cancer, AIDS (nausea suppressant, appetite stimulant, pain reliever)
Glaucoma (relieves pressure in eye from fluid buildup)
Multiple Sclerosis (decrease in pain, muscle tremors)
Scientific name and family of cocaine
Erythroxylum coca, family: erythroxylacae
Cocaine is native to...
South America
___ explorers brought cocaine back to Europe, was not popular when chewed like Andeans, more popular when ____ from leaves in 1855
Spanish, isolated
Processing of coke and crack: cocaine is isolated from ____ leaves, ____ acid is added, precipitate is ____, heating coke in boiling water with baking soda is ____
coca, hydrochloric, coke, crack
cocaine is extremely ____ addicting, rapidly absorbed into _____, produces short-lived ____, loss of ____, insomnia, risk of _____ _____.
physiologically, bloodstream, euphoria, appetite, heart attack
Scientific name and family of tobacco
Nicotiana tabacum, family: solanaceae
Tobacco is native to....
Tobacco production: apply a lot of ____ fertilizer for large, pliable leaves of cigar wrappers, limit ___, increase ____ and ____ for small brittle leaves of cigarettes. Cut top of plant off (___), don't want bushy plants so cut off lateral branches, promote ___ production; when mature plants are picked and ____, (slow drying, moisture reduced 80%-20%, and fermenting to develop flavor), then age several months - years
Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, flower, leaf, cured
these "leaders" had private rather than collective interests, aim isn't to build state.

charles taylor is like this

affects authority in other states b/c this type of "leader" will ignore borders if they block markets. (reason why people say soveriegnty is fake, borders ignored)
Scientific name and family of Peyote
lophophora williamsii (Cactaceae)
Peyote is native to...
Peyote's active ingredient is ____. It is eaten fresh or ____, taste is ____. Its symptoms include ____ and 1 - 2 hrs later it produces _____. There is no evidence of _____ but tolerance can develop.
mescaline, rehydrated, bitter, nausea, hallucinations, addictiveness
____ _____is the "Smurf mushroom" that produces _____ and a deep, dream-filled sleep, then hallucinations and mild euphoria.
Amanita muscaria, dizziness,
____ _____ is a mushroom whose active ingredient is psilocybin. It produces severe ___ for several hours.
Psilocybe spp., hallucinations
___ _____ is a fungus that infects ____ grains. Its active ingredient is LSD and may be response for the Salem ____ ____.
Claviceps purpurea, rye, witch trials
Alcohol is made by the _____ of yeast, which is ____ because they respire without oxygen and produce ____ and CO2
fermentation, anaerobic, ethanol
Yeast breaks down _____ into ____ and CO2. It produces ____ until the level becomes toxic (about ___%)
glucose, ethanol, ethanol, 18-19%
Wine is fermented ____
fruit juice, usually grape
First evidence of wine 8,000 - 9,000 years ago in....
In 1860, grapevines in France were infested with a ___ ____. The U.S. sent over root stocks, and the Europeans ____ the healthy branches onto the U.S. stocks. The U.S. stocks were healthy because they ____ with the ___ ___.
root aphid, grafted, evolved, root aphid
To make wine, grapes are crushed for juice. ___ ____ is added to kill the bacteria on grapes, because you want fungi, not bacteria. For __ wine, the skins are removed, but for ___ wine the skins stay on until fermentation. ___ is added to ferment the juice and produce ___. The fermentation continues until sugar runs out. ___ is the act of straining to remove the yeast and other particles; the flavor blends after years of aging.
sulfur dioxide, white, red, yeast, ethanol, clarification,
For _____, wine is bottled and more ___ and ___ is added. ___ is trapped in the bottle (from fermentation) and it is tilted so sediment collects in neck. Neck is frozen in ____ ____ and then the cap and frozen sediment is removed before corking. This can also be called: _____
champagne, yeast, sugar, CO2, liquid nitrogen, disgorgement
ingredients of beer (3)
water, barley malt, hops
malt is sprouted ___ grains that have been dried. To make them, soak them in water, let them sprout because ___ is broken down into ___ to form an embryo and make it sweeter. The sprouted grains are heated to ___ degrees Celsius to ____ and sterilize them before they are ground into malt powder.
barley, starch, sugars, 200, kill,
Hops is a vine in the ____ family (cannabaceae) but do not contain ___. The ___ are in clusters, and each is covered by leaf with ___ on it. Provides a ___ flavoring to the beer to counteract malt.
marijuana, THC, flowers, glands, bitter
To brew beer, add ___ to water and grain to make ____. This reactivates the __ in the grains. It sits for 2 - 6 hr to break down the ___. The liquid is drained and filtered to produce ___. This is boiled with ___ stop ____ breakdown and sterilize.
malt, mash, enzymes, starch, wort, hops, starch
To ferment beer, ___ is added to wort to break down ___ and make ___ and CO2. Goes to about ___%, so sugars are left. Most U.S. beer is ____ to kill yeast, ___ is re-added before bottling.
yeast, sugars, ethanol, 6, pasteurized, CO2
To make LIGHT beer, change amount of time and temp for making ___, results in carbs that are easily broken down by ___. More carbs converted to ethanol, so diluted before bottling
mash, yeast
Distillation: water - alcohol mixture heated up until ___ boils (lower than 100 degrees C), its then ___ to make pure alcohol.
alcohol, condensed
Whiskey: ferment malted barley grain to produce ___, then ____ to produce pure alcohol. Dilute to ____%.
beer, distill, 80 - 95%
2x concentration of alcohol
Scotch is ___ malt heated over ___
barley malt heated over peat moss
Made from corn, aged in new barrels
Tennessee sour mash whiskey
made from corn, some old mash mixed with new (Jack Daniels)
Irish whiskey is made from ___ with ___ added.
barley malt with wheat or rye added
Vodka is made from ...
grain or potatoes
gin is flavored with ...
rum is from...
tequila is from..
agave plants
absinthe is made from ___ (scientific name too)
wormwood, artemisia
Absinthe is made by adding ___ for 1/2 day, then adding ___ and distilling, then adding more ___.
ethanol, water, wormwood
absinthe is served with a ___ ___ on a slotted spoon above glass. You pour ___ water over the ___, which dilutes the absinthe and changes the color from ___ to ___.
sugar cube, cool, sugar, green, yellow
absinthe contains ___ which causes tremors, convulsions and was once thought to cause ___. It was outlawed in the U.S. in ____ but now it is legal if it does not contain it.
thujone, hallucinations, 1912
earliest evidence of use of medicinal plants is ____ years ago
60,000 (neanderthal buried with plants with medicinal uses)
Egyptian carving: Polio as a kid, survived, has a wife and child, saying thank you to Gods for saving him with herbs
Discorides wrote ____ ____ ___in ____ in 400 BC. Gave recipes for 1,000 drugs. This was the prototype for first ______ (books of drugs and how to use them)
De Materia Medica, Greece, pharmacopoeias
____ ___ in 1450 helped with dissemination of knowledge and produced fewer mistakes of ____ (books listing plants effective for certain illnesses)
printing press, herbals
Paracelsus (1500) believed in the ____ of ____, which stated that....
Doctrine of Signatures, God put plants on Earth for human use, and the use was indicated by signs from the plant. This resulted in a medical stagnation for one hundred years because to contradict Paracelsus was to go against God.
Active ingredients of medicinal plants are _____ _____
secondary products (not things that plants actually use, use probably to ward off attack or function in anti - herbivory, antibacterial, antifungal)
Alkaloids are most common in ___, ___, and ___ families. Contain ___, almost all are ____, taste ___.
bean, tomato, coffee, nitrogen, alkaline, bitter
Three types of glycosides
cyanogenic, cardioactive, saponins
Cyanogenic glycosides release ___ when broken down. Examples are ___ ___.
cyanide, stone fruit (pits)
Cardioactive glycosides act on ___ muscle. Example is ___.
heart, digitalis
Saponins cause ___ irritation and ___. Example is ___.
gastric, anemia, yam
Digitatlis is also called ____. It contains ___ and ____, which both affect the heart. ___ and ___ heartbeat, increases ____ ___ and ____, and can cause _____ (heart to beat erratically).
foxglove, digoxin, digitoxin, slows, strengthens, blood pressure, circulation, arrhythmia
Salix is a ___ and produces ___ __ from bark, used in ____. It is an anti - ____, ____ (reduces fever) and an ____ (painkiller)
willow, salicylic acid, aspirin, inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic
Cinchona is a tree whose bark produces _____ which is the cure for ___.
quinine, malaria
Rauwolfia is also called a ____, produces ____ that is a depressant is effective as a tranquilzer for ____ and is used to treat high ___ ___. Its side effects include ____.
snakeroot, reserpine, schizophrenia, blood pressure, depression
Aloe is a _____ (alkaloid or glycoside) from ____ that's used to treat ______. It speeds healing and may act as a ____ if taken internally.
glycoside, leaves, cuts/burns/rashes, laxative.
Ephedra grows a lot in _____. It contains _____ (Glycoside) that is a ____ but also a ____ (hence Morman tea). It is the main ingredient in Sudafed. People died from Ephedra in ___ ___ supplements, so FDA banned in 1994, but now legal in small doses thanks to suit by _____
China, ephedrine, decongestant, stimulant, weight loss, Neutroceutical
___ is an alkaloid also called Madagascar periwinkle leaves. It contains ___ and ___, which is an effective treatment of ___ and ___ although natives used it to treat diabetes.
cantharanus, vinblastine, vincristine, leukemia, lymphoma
____ is also known as Pacific yew bark produces ____ (glycoside), which is an effective treatment of __ and __ cancers. Synthesized in ____ because of concerns of overharvesting.
Taxus, taxol, ovarian, breast, 1994
___ is also called the Chinese happy tree and produces ____ (glycoside) which had terrible side effects. There are now compounds with fewer side effects and treats advanced ___ cancer and ____ colon and rectal cancers
Camptotheca, camptothecin, ovarian, metastatic
Discorea is ___, produces ____ (glycoside), and is a precursor to ____, which is used in bc pills and fertility drugs. It also produces ___ which reduces swelling and is used to treat allergic reactions, arthritis, etc.
yam, diosgenin, progesterone, cortisone
____ is also called the deadly nightshade. Produces ___ (alkaloid) which is used to dilate ___, prevent ___ sickness, decrease ___ during oral surgery and prevent ____.
Atropa, atropine, pupils, motion, saliva, bed-wetting
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 said...
drugs must be labeled with directions for safe use.
FDA label requirements
must be truthful, non - misleading, and must describe how the supplement alters the structure or function of your body
ecology definition
study of organisms and their environments
Population vs. community vs. ecosystem
members of species living in given area vs. several pop. living in a given area vs. communities and their surroundings
definition of primary producers
autotrophs, produce food. Plants and other photosynthesizers: take light energy and convert it to usable chemical energy
definition of primary consumers
heterotrophs, herbivores, second tier up in ecosystem, 10% energy in primary producers passed
definition of secondary consumers
heterotrophs, carnivores, third tier up in ecosystem, 10% energy from primar consumers passed,
Biomagnification is the ___ and ____ of toxin along the food chain. One example is ____, which is an insecticide that is soluble in ____ that causes shell thinning in birds. From plankton to small ___ to large __ to bird.
transfer, concentration, DDT, lipids, fish, fish
a ___ is a group of similar ecosystems covering a large area and found on more than 1 continent
deserts have less that ___ cm/yr precipitation, soil is ___ poor, and there are ___ plants, adapted to conserve water
25, nutrient, few
We grow ___ in deserts because it is ____ - ____, tolerant of ____ soil and ___ conditions, and an excellent source of ____ ____.
kenaf, fast growing, saline, dry, paper pulp
____ get between 25 - 75 cm/yr precipitation, often found in continental ____ and the dominant vegetation is ___.
grasslands, interiors, grasses
____ is produced through burning, respiration and decomposition. It is taken up by plants through ____ and oceans also store huge quantities of ___.
CO2, photosynthesis, carbon
greenhouse effect
burning of fossil fuels accelerates CO2 release, which is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere and warms up the earth
permafrost and heating up
ground that does not thaw out typically is now melting --- releases CO2 as it melts and also was the foundation for bridges, pipelines, and roads.
species shift
organisms are able to live further and further north because it is getting work, but they outcompete species that would normally live in those areas. Also, events that typically occur in the spring are occurring earlier and earlier, i.e. catepillars coming out 15 d before oak leaves and therefore dying
___ have greater than 75 cm/yr precipitation, a lot of trees, a lot of variation
Deforestation and weather patters
trees evaporate a lot of water to cool plants and to get picked up by clouds and air currents where it is taken to rain in other temperate areas. without trees, water stays in the ground, and affects weather patterns.
All trees in an area are cut down in order to get to the marketable trees, and wasting the nonmarketable trees.
Deforestation and topsoil
lot of nutritious soil is being lost because trees aren't there to hold it in place and it is eroding into the water
carbon footprint
all of the greenhouse gases caused directly or indirectly by an individual, country, etc.